Uss Vindicator

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JDL |CCO & SCO & CCIO| |MCapt's King, Keggle and Lione| The Meeting of the Captain's

Posted on Sun Aug 18th, 2013 @ 10:38pm by 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza & Captain Elar Keggle & Lieutenant JG TeĆ” Black

606 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Various Locations

=*= SCOs Office, USS Vindicator =*=

Ellis took a seat and watched as the young lieutenant walked out of the office and closed the door behind her. Smirking he looked at Keggle, "fire whiskey with the opposite sex how progressive of you."

"Shut it......if you saw her land her bird the way she did and with what he had to deal with you would've shared your own bloody fire whiskey with her." Elar said shaking his head.

"So how does the squadron look?" Ellis asked turning and sounding more serious.

"Not great......lost two pilots and birds and I don't even want to know how long it's gonna take to repair the flight deck along with the catapult." Elar said sighing.

Ellis nodded, "alright follow me......the captain's need a meeting." Ellis said as he referred to himself, Elar and Tripae seeing as they were the three Marine Captains on the Vindicator. And with that Elar put the bottle and the two glasses back in the bottom drawer and followed Ellis out and to the private section of the Marine lounge. Which was reserved for only company, squadron and in Tripae's position a sub-department head.

=*= Marine Lounge, USS Vindicator =*=

"Evening boys." Tripae said giving them a smile even though things looked bleak they all could agree that all the Marines had the rush of their life time this was what they were trained for and waited for.

Ellis and Elar both a took a seat as a young private brought them a bottle of fire whiskey and three glasses. " what's going on?" Ellis asked picking up the bottle and pouring some of the fire whiskey into the glasses.

"The captain appears to be doing some poking around. Not sure about what but apparently after we got all the pilots back and we entered the conduit he spoke with one of my pilots and it was more than are you alright?" Elar said downing his in one shot.

Tripae shot Elar a look, "women amazingly enough I don't think it's about me I think it's about our dear old Captain King here and about that mysterious female Marine he found."

Ellis looked at Elar wondering how a flight jockey found out about that. Tripae looked completely confused she had been busy dealing with the fighters and everything that was going on out in space. "This new captain of ours is gonna try everything to get us booted off the Vindicator but everything we've done has been in reasonable range of actions."

Tripae shook her head slightly ever since she moved from being a ground pounder to a sit behind a desk Marine her outtake on how the Marines acted had changed slightly. "It probably haven't helped with your two attitudes to the squids either."

Both Elar and Ellis just shook their heads, "maybe you've been spending a little too much time with them." Elar said referring to the squids, "either way I think you're the person to get some information from our dear captain."

Tripae sighed but knew that this was important so King knew how to deal and handle this situation. The captain may be right and that having a company of Marines on a exploration ship might not be a good idea but they have helped save the ship and crew several times over. "Fine." And with that the meeting of the three captains were over.

MCaptain Ellis King
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion,
Alpha Company Commander
USS Vindicator


MCaptain Elar "Black Mamba" Keggle
251st "Charybdis" TAS, Squadron Commander,
Harpyia (1) Flight Leader
USS Vindicator


MCaptain Tripae Lione
Chief Combat Information Officer
USS Vindicator


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