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JDL |DCO & CSci| |2Lt Garza & LtJg Roswell| ????

Posted on Mon Dec 30th, 2013 @ 3:52am by Lieutenant JG Saia Roswell & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza

404 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: In the Dark
Location: Command Tent


Jasmine looked overt the tactical maps, "so from my understanding the captain wants to you to located whatever this mineral is and figure out what it is and what we can use it for." A private walked over and let her know the sniper nests were set-up. "Alright SOP (standard operating procedure) no more than 4 scientist's can venture outside of the camp and a fire team (4 Marines) well always escort them. Any questions?"

Saia paid close attention and nodded, "Aye. I... I mean no questions. I understand the conditions. I'll make sure my people will do anything your people say because, well, your people are there to protect them, so it could mean life or death." Saia looked over the maps again and then at the PADD in her hand, deciding where to send who in what team.

Nods, "good if you guys come in hot the fire team will lead past the kill box here." Jasmine said drawing a box between the two snipers nests. "Now what I need from you is time frames and where your going to start."

Saia nodded and looked over her list, checking it over. "In... fifteen minutes, the teams will start in these places." She marked places on the map before them, then traced routes along the landscape.

"We can only go a team at a time I don't have enough Marines to cover all teams." Jasmine said looking at the map, "and everyone's and all equipment has to be back to base camp before dark."

Saia nodded and looked over her data again. "We'll start here then." Saia pointed to the map, "Team Alpha. Team Beta on deck."

Nodding Jasmine put a marker of where the alpha team was heading. "Alright gunny Ives will be escorting you than corporal Dean and his fire team will be the one bringing you back."

"Sounds good." Saia nodded and smiled as she faced the other woman, "Thank you so much!" She then went to gather her first team and give the others the schedule and tasks to do while still in the tent.

"Ives command tent and bring Black with you." Jasmine said watching the squint walk out hoping she would follow her rules.

"On my way." Jien said looking around for Black knowing she was working with Keggle.


2Lt Jasmine Garza
51st Detachment Commander
USS Vindicator

Lieutenant Saia Roswell
Chief Science Officer
USS Vindicator


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