JDL |Marines & Science| Marines and Squints Don't Mix
Posted on Tue Dec 24th, 2013 @ 4:02am by 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza & Captain Elar Keggle & Staff Sergeant Indys sh'Ziri & Lieutenant JG Saia Roswell & Lieutenant JG Lynda Howard
1,514 words; about a 8 minute read
In the Dark
Location: Flight Deck
Saia looked over her team and the crates they would be taking with them. She cast a glance at the Marines and found herself feeling uneasy. She didn't fear them. In fact, them being there made the excursion more calming for her in that sense. But somehow, the prejudice she felt marines had for officers made her a bit nervous. She planned to do exactly what they told her. That thought caused her to wrinkle her nose. Still, she trusted them not to abuse that authority.
"......gunny get the squint squids (scientists) loaded up we're leaving in 20." Ellis called out seeing Black looking over her equipment. She was wearing a different uniform than the rest of them, "lieutenant intriguing inform choice."
Saia looked up as the gunny person walked over and assisted them in loading the crates and kits and making sure her scientists were settled, she settled herself taking a deep breath.
"I'm Marine intelligence which calls for a different uniform than you grunts." Tea said sharply. "Plus I figure this'll make me stand out so you can always find me."
Ellis smirked, "don't need a uniform when I have a subcutaneous tracker on you." He than circled back around, "Keggle Howard get in your birds let's get this going. Gunny a word." Ellis called out.
Lynda grinned making her way towards her bird before climbing in. "Locked and loaded and ready to get moving." Though she'd rather stay in the air rather than baby sit a bunch of squints.
Elar just smirked climbing up the back of the ramp of the first runabout. His runabout would hold Colbert, Black, along with two other Marines and finally the science team while Howard would have the sniper fire team and the second Marine fire team.
Brad turned and walked back over to where Ellis was, "I'll keep an eye on Black. I doubt she can mess anything up on this op."
Ellis looked at Brad shaking his head, "the women infiltrated the ship and was able to hide from us for days. Trust me when I say this she is cunning and to be honest I don't know what side she's playing for. So don't give her any rope to hang herself with." Brad just nodded and jogged over to his runabout.
Lynda kept her opinion to herself for now. After all her opinion were that squints belonged in a lab not putting everyone at risk in the field... She didn't understand why they couldn't just gather the samples or whatever and bring them back to the squints why did they have to babysit them in the field instead?
"Keggle get the lead squint a live feed to the sensors she'll tell you where to set down." Brad said taking the seat at the tac console, "alright let's blow this joint." Elar just smiled and nodded tapping a few buttons and within a couple of seconds the lead squint had the live feed.
Saia looked over the feed and opened her mouth to give a location, but reeled herself in, making sure her rashness wasn't affecting her judgement, so slowed herself down, and a moment later confirmed her first choice, "Relaying the coordinates, now." She was nearly bouncing in her seat at this point. She had picked an open area outside of any inhabited areas. It didn't seem to be farm land. Just a bit of prairie between some foothills and a forest.
"Keggle send those coordinates to Howard and get us planetside." Tapping a few buttons he opened up a com to the CAP, "cover our approach." Was all that was said as Brad strapped himself in.
"Roger." Howard said making adjustments to her runabout towards the approach vector. Biting her lower lip she was unused to making live descents and tried to make it as smooth as possible. the last time she made a planet side landing was in a simulation and she'd almost crashed that one...
"Copy that." Elar said adjusting his runabout for the approach vector. It's been awhile since Elar flew something this big and bulky so the descent was rough and bumpy for everyone.
"Hang on this is going to get a little bumpy." Lynda warned even as she took precautions against the turbulence of the atmosphere that they were entering.
Garza was in the first runabout 3rd platoon was chosen cause of their expertise in recon/infiltration. Between staff sergeant Jien Ives and corporal Soo Young the two best recon/infiltration specialists in the company.
With both runabouts in the ground and the nods from the pilots that the passengers could un-strap. "Alright Soo your up." Jasmine said to one of her more reliable fire team leaders. Un-strapping Soo nodded to the three other NCOs in the fire team all three carrying the OSOG Mk I carbine.
"Perimeter set. Off load is a go." Soo said into her comms. The next to disembark was Jien and than finally Jasmine. Looking around she gave a nod to Jien to start unloading the scientist and for Soo and her team to set-up the sniper perches.
As soon as they were given the go-ahead, Saia got to her feet as quickly as possible and still keeping her excitement under control as to carefully gather equipment, give a pep talk and any other reminders to her people, she let the smile creep into her face as her nostrils widened, ready to take in the first whiff of planetside air.
The smile widened as she took in the smell of the area's natural smells and took in the sound of the air and looked slowly over the landscape, taking it all in for a moment before she began to get her teams ready make sure they had the equipment they needed. She also tested the comlink.
"Keggle we need to find a way to make the runabouts blend into the area. I don't want to spook the locals if any walk by." Jasmine said looking at the Marine captain pilot.
"Aye aye el-tee he said with a smirk, Black and Howard on me." Elar said walking to the edge of the perimeter looking for anything they could use, "ideas we need to cover these beasts up."
"I would say use some branches from the trees, or find away to make it look like an over grown bush." Not much to go with though with the runabouts parked on the plains with the forest a good couple of feet away." Howard suggested...
Saia looked over at them looking for something to cover the runabouts. She looked around to see if she could offer assistance. "There should be shrubbery in the forest."
Lynda looked to Saia, "shouldn't you be working on the squint side? It's why you're here isn't?" Lynda asked it wasn't as if she didn't appreciate the squints help but the faster they finished their job the sooner they could go home right?
Saia blinked, "I was just..." but before she could continue to timidly try to explain...
"Whose in charge of the science expedition." Jasmine called out. Seeing that the command tent was set-up. The command tent housed a large display that could be controlled by PaDDs and tablets while a large table was set-up in the middle and desk at the very back.
Saia's ears then perked and turned toward the voice.
"Lieutenant back down the women was just trying to help!" Elar said even surprising himself, but he figured he should be the one to discipline his men. "My apologies lieutenant and thank you for the suggestion." Elar said looking at Howard. "Garza I could use a couple of Marines to get some shrubbery."
Lynda didn't say anything, she was getting use to Elar yelling at her for saying the same thing one of the others might have said. She bit down on her tongue to keep from mumbling something and her hands fisted. she didn't like Squints and the reason she had been part of the Fighter pilots is so she didn't have to deal with them. And yet here they were why couldn't they stay in the damn lab...
Jasmine just nodded and called a couple of privates, "Howard you take them and get as much plant life as you can. Remember we need to make it almost like it's just a big mound."
"Right, Let's go." She said to the few marines that joined her and went to get some branches or whatever to make the mounds. Anything that would get her away from the squints.
Saia approached the woman who had called for the person in charge of the science team. "Yes, Lieutenant?"
"Follow me." Jasmine said leading the lea squint to her command tent.
Saia nodded, the smile returning as she left the bubble of tension into the tent of science!
Marine Captain Elar "Harpyia" Keggle
251st TAS "Charybdis", Squadron Commander
USS Vindicator
1Lt Lynda "Red Queen" Howard
251st TAS "Charybdis", Squadron XO
USS Vindicator
2Lt Jasmine Garza
51st Detachment Commander
USS Vindicator
Lt (jg) Saia Roswell
Chief Science Officer
USS Vindicator