Uss Vindicator

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SD 241408.09| Duty Log| Guarding Security

Posted on Sun Aug 10th, 2014 @ 4:02am by Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart

267 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: In the Dark
Location: Main Security

~*~ Start Log ~*~

Chloe wandered around security getting a feel for it since she as guarding it. She didn't expect anything to really happen other than those who belonged in security to come and go doing their job. There was the armory, the firing range, the offices of Caldwell and the other security officers. Other than the Cecil and Lt Waterhouse Chloe hadn't really met anyone from the ship other than in passing.

Though, for an adrenaline junky like Chloe staying in one place where there was no risk to herself was frustrating. her tail flicked in annoyance her cat ears stood on end listening to the mundane sounds of the work going on around her. The simple fact was that Chloe was bored she wasn't use to being bored. she's been stabbed, beaten, burned, nearly drowned on her holodeck programs and just thinking of them sent a rush through her. However it wasn't enough. She needed more than that but she was trapped on a duty shift.

She already had plans after her shift to head back onto the holodeck and get into a drunken Klingon brawl. She grinned at the thought of being the one to start it instead of the holodeck program randomly selecting the cause of the fight. Chloe frowned well more like pouted cutely her ears going flat against her head her tail curling against her back thinking that her shift had only just started and she had a long wait before she got to the holodecks.

Unless she snuck away would anyone notice?

~*~ End Log ~*~

Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Security Officer
USS Vindicator


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