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Joint Personal Log - Cmdr PontBrillant & LtCmdr Waterhouse - "Hungry Like The Wolf"

Posted on Wed Aug 20th, 2014 @ 6:25am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Vlimar PontBrillant

841 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: In the Dark

Amelia was on her way back onto the ship, returning from dinner with her father to celebrate her appointment to executive officer. She had her nose in the book she'd recieved from her mother, an old earth title by the name of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, as she sashayed down the corridor, the knee length skirt of her navy dress with a delicate green floral design softly swaying with each step. The sweetheart neckline was just low enough to reveal a faded scar across her chest, and her hair was half pulled back, showing off the Platinum and peridot nunchuk earrings she'd recieved as a promotion gift.

Vlimar was walking from the holodeck, back towards his quarters. After spending a few hours organizing his own living space, the man decided to go for a scenic run, in the holodeck. Using the Banff National Park's Sulfur Mountain as a setting, he climbed up and down the mountain, an endeavour that took him the better part of an hour. Following this, he was walking back towards his quarters, wearing his training shirt and shorts, with a towel around his neck. As he turned into the halls, he noticed the familiar face approaching towards him.

As they got within voice range, Vlimar said: "You look astonishing, madame."

Amelia looked up from her book surprised. She'd really been getting too lax since she arrived on Vindicator, things kept taking her by surprise. She hadn't been this sloppy in years. Her eyes focused in on the source of the disturbance, and she smiled as she recognized the gentleman who'd left her in such a state of confusion at the awards and promotion ceremony.

"Thank you," she returned, closing her book around a finger. She wished she'd kept the ribbon that'd been around it when she'd received it, but somehow it was collected with the plates at the diner. "You look like you're coming back from some fun. Gym or holodeck?"

Vlimar smiled. "Both, actually. I like to do my gym in the holodeck... It's less crowded," he revealed. "Besides, it would be horrible to see how much I have lost over the years..." he added, smirking at Amelia, voluntarily opening the door to ridicule. He then looked down at the book. "What are you reading, if I may ask?" he asked.

"I can understand that, I certainly prefer the privacy of the holodeck when I'm playing with my nunchuks, they attract too much attention in the gym..." She smiled, electing to not take the opening he gave her to tease. Their first encounter had been a little intense, and admittedly that was somewhat her fault. She wasn't in a rush to force that again, she wanted to get to know him a little better before she provoked him playing her like a fiddle again. She held up the book. "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, my mother gave it to me, either for my promotion or my new position. She wasn't there to clarify, she'd sent it with my father to dinner."

The Commander smiled at the comment. "Yes. I realize I forgot to congratulate you on your new position... and rank," he stated. "Shall I invite you to dinner for that unfortunate lack of my part?" he asked, calmly.

"My rank isn't new to you, you met me after I was promoted," she insisted with a wink. "And you don't owe me any congratulations, it's no big deal," she tried to insist, but it really was. She didn't want to admit it intimidated her to suddenly be the second most important person on the ship. She smiled brightly. "But if you want to insist on dinner, who am I to turn you down?"

Vlimar smiled. "I did not say that your rank promotion was a surprise, but rather that I did not congratulates you for it...", he replied, gently. "However, not turning down my offer is a very good idea", he added, jokingly. "Tomorrow, Lounge, say 1900 hrs?" he asked, giving himself a good 3 hours to cool down, shower and finish organizing his own quarters.

Amelia chewed her lip, she had half a mind to invite him to her quarters instead and cook a meal. However that posed a two fold problem, she had hardly started to settle into her quarters, and she'd have to find a recipe she felt confidant in preparing by then. Pizza didn't usually impress, and she wasn't sure she could get fresh enough non-replicated ingredients for sushi. So she smiled, "Though I am now curious what you'd dare do to your XO if she turned down your dinner date, 1900 works for me."

"Never underestimate an old wolf, madam. You might get mauled..." he said, smiling widely. On that, he began his walk towards his quarters, awaiting for her comeback.

"Promise?" she called after him with a grin.

Vlimar shook his head. "Goodbye, Amelia, see you tomorrow..." he said, laughing, walking away.

=/\= END LOG =/\=

Lt Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator

Commander Vlimar PontBrillant
Chief of Operations
USS Vindicator


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