SD 241301.05 JL Keal, Roswell, Sov'aal & Lovok
Posted on Sat Jan 5th, 2013 @ 10:16pm by Lieutenant JG Saia Roswell
925 words; about a 5 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Starfleet Field Medical Station
Doctor Lovok was of little assistance to the Starfleet medical team providing them aide. He was certainly willing but the illness affecting the colonists had taken hold of him as well. While the work done already by Keal had kept him and the rest from degrading at any significant rate, it still left him very tired.
"I fear the solution may elude us for some time, Doctor. Even with the modern equipment you have brought, finding a source is clearly difficult. Your teams have been searching the area for days already." Lovok said, not in an attempt to be negative, but merely voicing his observations.
Keál looked at Doctor Lovok with some exhaustion of his own showing at the edges of his eyes. "I fear you may be right, Doctor.
At this point, I feel we should talk about a complete quarantine of your people. Until we can determine the source of this illness to continue with your lives uninterrupted is to forfeit them."
Keál reached up and tapped the communications badge on his chest. "Lieutenant Keál to Lieutenant Roswell. Do we have any updates on the soil samples or the contamination in the mines?"
Saia tapped her commbadge and tried to keep her voice from trembling, "I just got back from a close investigation. The chemical they're using to mine is causing some minerals to be dissolved which is releasing a salty acid compound into the water. I am heading back in there now to have a discussion with the doctors to talk about my theory." Saia packed up and she and Saunders headed back in. Saia's front and hair still rather wet.
"And there is one more item on the agenda Sir..." Before the young man could say another thing, Sov'aal waived the man off. He nodded to the doctor and the Starfleet personnel. "Do you have anything new to report doctor? I am afraid that young mister Aerk would have me believe the colonists are ready to revolt." he shot a stern look at the aid.
"Governor." Lovok nodded in greeting, "We are out of immediate danger with the help of Doctor Keal. However, this is only a temporary solution. If I heard correctly, their science teams found something that is getting into the water we drink from the mine. I hope this will lead to a cure soon."
"From the mine?" Sov'aal questioned. "Does that mean the men in the mines are in danger now? or is this something that is tainting the water table?"
Saia stepped into the room hearing the question. "The mining seems to be contained, so the miners aren't in contact with the minerals. Though, that's a guess. Do the miners ever have to do maintenance that would bring them to contact with the rocks they're mining?"
"Our mining efforts are still largely manual in nature. The refining process does require some physical interaction." The Governor replied.
Doctor Lovok nodded slightly, "Some of those who spend time in the mines have been affected but not to any greater degree than the rest of us. It is possible the substance requires ingestion to be harmful rather than skin contact."
"Then it's likely coming from the water. The deposits caused by the mining solution is seeping into the water. We need to do more tests to confirm this, but I suggest that we cut off any water supply, tell people not the drink it until we get the water cleaned up." Saia handed the PADD over. "These are our findings so far. I'd like to take a look at your patients, please."
Lovok nodded and glanced at the padd then handed it off to Doctor Keal, "You may look at anyone you like. I'm sure the good Doctor can direct you to those you need. I would but I'm afraid I have become one of those patients." he gave the Trill a tired smile.
Saia nodded, "Then I'd like to start with you. How much water do you drink daily? May I see your chart?"
The Romulan Doctor motioned to a data pad sitting near him, "Approximately.. four or five.." he paused and picked up a decent sized cup, "of these. Sometimes more depending on activity."
Saia nodded and looked over him, "And what do you think of the theory that the salts released through the mining process, consumed through the water could somehow cause a decrease in nutrients to your bloodstream?"
"I am no geologist but salt alone should not do this." Lovok answered, "It must be something within the salts or a chemical reaction with another substance."
Saia nodded, "The salts released along with the residue from the chemical used in the mining. Together, they could be doing something to cause this sickness. Along with being mixed with the natural minerals in the water."
Sov'aal was a little lost when it came to the science talk. He did however understand the hope that a cure would be close. He allowed himself a glimmer of hope, if he did not however show it outwardly. "How would we administer such a cure if one is able to be found in order to get ahead of the infection rate?" he asked.
One of the Romulan security officers entered the tent at the moment and approached the Governor, "Sir, the Starfleet Captain has arrived and wishes to speak with you."
Sov'aal raised a surprised brow but nodded to the officer and glanced at the array of science and medical personnel, "Please, do your best and keep me informed."