Uss Vindicator

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in a caitians mind

Posted on Thu Sep 18th, 2014 @ 12:48am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil

622 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Are You Touched?
Location: USS-Vindicator-Crew Quarters
Timeline: SD:241409.17

Te'shara had just gotten off her shift,and walked to her quarters, she was quite tired, and all she wanted was to collaps in bed..
She went to the replicator, to get a warm glass of milk,something to help her sleep, so after she did that there was a message for her,
She went over by the ships computer, in her quarters,where a flashing light was blinking lite was on so she went by the computer, to see
whats blinking. She turned to press the bu8tton to see whats up, it was a letter from her homeworld of Cait, Te'shara read the message,
it was her family, and the fact they miss Te'shara, and was wondering when she can get some time off, to come home. Te'shara also
Read , that Mer'lar was on Cait, her sister, and Teshara wondered why Mer'lar was home, she was on the SS-Kaittan, with her other
pirate friends.She also read that, Mer'lar was taking time off, from the SS Kaittan, to spend time with the family...

Te'shara kept reading the letter, from home, with a smile on her Caitian face, She enjoyed letters from home, it made her feel good. Te'shara
misses being on Cait,and her pirate friends on the SS-Kaittan. Te'shara hoped she'd hear from her caittan pirate friends, its been a long
while since she heard from them. She continued reading the long letter from the Caitian home world,she grabbed her warm milk ,and drank some
while reading the letter...She told the computer to raise the lights some, and she programmed the computer with some caitian music,so
she played the music, from the Caitian home world, while finishing the letter..

So she finally, finished the letter, and put it down. She then started her letter to the Caittian Homeworld to her Family..

Dear Caitian Family,
Its me Te'shara, how are you doing, I miss seeing everyone on the Caitian home world, its been busy,
on the USS-Vindicator, with security, theres been alot security detail, we visited this one dark,and cold planet, and
Security helped there, and now we are docked, near the Klingon home world. did'nt you tell me that klingons,
Hate Caitians? I'm trying to remember the fact about it. Everything has been hectic here on the Vindi,between
doing my job, on rounds, and checking the weapons,making sure they work. One time, I broke up a big fight,
in the lounge,two starfleet officers, had a brawl going on,me and a couple other security officers, broke up the
fight,and sent them off in seprate ways, and hoping they wont come back, and Brawl again...
Security,one time helped out the Doctor, and his assistants, cause a wounded man, did not want to stay on
the bio bed there, while being examed..The person did not like it one bit, and wanted to escape, Sickbay,
so me and a few security officers grabbed the person,and one of the assistants turned on the force shield,
on the patient, around him, so he would not escape.while the asistants were checking on the person, and finished
the exam..
All and all ,its been a blast to be Security, on the Vindi. We've had our days not going well, to being slow in Security.
And we have had days, security was really busy,were never not busy on the Vindi, were always on duty.
Well im gonna end this letter, I need to get to bed, and get up early for Security patrol.
yours truely
Te'shara R'heil ,Lieutant, USS-Vindicator
So after Te'shara sent her letter off, through the ships computer, she finished her warm milk, and headed to bed.

Lt Te'shara R'heil


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