Uss Vindicator

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Personal Log : Ensigns Robyn Maxwell/Scott Fisher :Apologies

Posted on Mon Sep 22nd, 2014 @ 1:23am by Ensign Robyn Maxwell & Ensign Scott Fisher

1,030 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Are You Touched?
Location: Deck 6 Quarters 39
Timeline: Current

Robyns fingers twisted her hair inside the plain band that would hold it in place for the next few hours.
She observed herself critically in the mirror for a few seconds, turning her head this way and that to gauge the success, or not, of her combing and securing and, satisfied with the result, laid the brush aside.

Padding from the shower room to her bedroom, she soon dressed in her uniform which had been laid out ready on the bed then checked the overall result in the long mirror.
That reflection too was satisfactory so pushing her feet into her shoes, she walked into the living area, glanced around to ensure all was tidy then headed for the door.
Her shift didnt begin for another 20 minutes or so but she hated to be late ever for anything so always allowed plenty of time and this instance was no different.
Outside in the corridor she was waiting a moment for the door to slide shut and lock behind her when someone said her name loud enough to get her attention but without shouting to attract anyone else.

"Scott!" she said, relief flooding over her on seeing him.

He stood mid distance between her quarters and his own some five doors away. At first glance he had an appearance of someone who had perhaps slept on a sofa rather than in a comfortable bed which was indeed the fact.
"I've been looking for you" she said "Are you ok?" she added as she drew near to him, taking in the dark stubble on his face and the general lack of anything resembling his usual self."

He ignored the question, gave her a weak smile and pointing back to his quarters, asked if she could spare a few minutes.
"I know you're due in Sickbay on the hour but I...I wont delay you long" he finished.

She nodded."Ok." she replied.
He turned to lead the way, ushered her in then passed her as his door closed with a faint 'hisssss'

"Sit down?" he suggested and wordlessly she did as he said trying to decide for the hundredth time what she should do.

The room had a very much 'lived in' appearance and she noticed a glass and bottle, both on their sides, half hidden beneath the sofa. She ignored them and sat down at one end, sinking into the soft cushions, watching him as he skirted round and perched on the arm of the chair opposite.

He stared at the carpet then took a deep breath and raised his head to meet her gaze.

"I need to say something but just hear me out ok?" he asked lifting a hand in a gesture that indicated silence.

"Ok." she replied again realizing that whatever he was going to say was costing him alot of effort. She knew he had no idea that she had guessed what had caused the end to their time at the beach and his subsequent absence.

"I apologise for upsetting you." he said quietly. " It wasnt intentional and I... "
He expelled his breath, gave a short shake to his head as though he himself couldnt believe just how difficult this was and got to his feet.
"I was wrong to get angry with you and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings" he said.

Robyn, looking up at him from her low seat on the sofa, began to form words but stopped herself, mindful of his request that he be allowed to speak without interruption.

" I had planned to tell you that I wanted our friendship to take a step up...but now I know you don't look at it that way offence meant and none taken?"

He had spoken quite quickly almost as though he had to get the words out before they dried up. His tone implied a state of simply glossing over a misunderstanding but his eyes couldnt hide the pleading that he had carefully conditioned himself to avoid in his speech.

"Scott?" She bit her lip in a moment of indecision then she too got to her feet.

"I'm sorry that I dont feel the way that you want me to." she said measuring her words in this minefield of misunderstanding.
" I don't want to make you unhappy and I don't know the way to make it so that you're not without ruining a friendship which is very dear to me....'you' are dear to me....and I dont want to lose..." she shrugged a little having run out words to explain herself.

"Then it's as it was." he said bending the corners of his mouth into a half way acceptable reassuring smile.

Robyn didnt respond immediately as thoughts passed through her mind of the wisdom or not of saying anything else.

"Yes.....yes it is." she answered and returned the smile in a slightly better manner than he had done. " need get going...." she said giving the door a hurried glance.

"Sure" he said, glad that this was over.
She didnt wait but walked to the door, he following a few steps behind. It slid open and she went out turning back to him from the safety of the corridor.
"See you soon Sickbay...."

He nodded and agreed, stepped back and the door slid between them.

Inside the room, Scott walked back to the sofa, bent to pick up the bottle and seeing it was empty, dropped it onto the cushions feeling humiliated, embarrassed and with a huge dent in his pride.

Outside, Robyn leaned back against the wall, tipping back her head eyes closed feeling so relieved it was done and never wishing to repeat the situation ever again.
It wasnt as Scott had said 'as it was' and she wondered how long, if ever, it would take to get back to the easy flowing friendship that now lay battered and bruised.

She pushed herself away from the wall and set off at a fast pace towards the turbolift glad to have a shift to go to.

***End Log ***

Ensign Robyn Maxwell
Medical Officer
USS Vindicator.
Ensign Scott Fisher
Medical Officer
USS Vindicator.


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