Uss Vindicator

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Joint Personal Log | Lt. Ebonheart & Mikkal of Atlantis Prime | "Out of the Frying pan and into the Fire"

Posted on Fri Sep 26th, 2014 @ 8:36am by Mikkal & Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart

1,027 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Are You Touched?
Location: Mikkal's Quarters

~*~ Start Joint Log ~*~

Chloe looked around the quarters she had just entered, and bit her lower lip her tail wrapping around her waist ears stood up tall refusing to let them fall flat against her head to show her nervousness. She knew nothing about this man other than what she was told and what she observed and what she felt and she knew he was a danger to her senses. only one other person affected her this way and well he was her boss. Not that her boss even knew or tried to fan those feelings as Mikkal did.

Mikkal smiled widely as the woman entered his quarters. He slowly watched as the door shut, waving at the couch. "Do you want to take a seat?", he asked, almost politely, a drastic change from his previous behavior.

Her eyes widened slightly at his polite behavior. She moved to have a seat. "Thank you." She said softly looking around still before her eyes came to rest on him. have expecting him to ditch her again locking her in the quarters.

Mikkal observed as Chloe moved towards the couch. He smiled kindly and sat at her side, looking at her. "Please, tell me you are following me personally because you like me...", he stated, pleading.

"Yes and no. I was ordered to follow you and I'm going against orders by coming clean to you. But I am curious about you." Chloe admitted looking Mikkal in the eyes.

Mikkal nodded. He wanted to know who made the order, but to each information its time. "Well, there not much to say. I am from Atlantis Prime and you probably never heard of us as we have no interest into the Federation... and your little civil war.", he stated, smiling.

"Trust me if I had a choice I'd have no interest in our little civil war. It's stupid I really don't understand how it even started to be honest I was on the USS Atlantia what war had started I cannot recall it reaching my ship." She sighed. "I think I'm the one that should be asking the questions since I'm the security officer assigned to you." She said softly trying to keep him from going on the defensive side.

"Ask away then...", stated Mikkal, smiling, enjoying himself.

"What do you want with the Captain that would have me being your own personal security guard?" She asked softly.

Mikkal shrugged. It was the second time she asked him this directly. "Well, I am not sure really. Her coronation have been quite... aggressive. And I believe she is unhappy of my actions leading to her coronation.", he stated, coldly. He offered a weak smile to the caitian. "Did she tell you why you had to guard me?", he asked, suddenly thinking he could extract the information from the woman.

"I didn't ask questions, I just do as I'm told." Chloe said with a shrug to mimic his shrug. The feline wasn't lying persay she did ask questions, they lead no where really. She was given an order and as a Security officer she followed it. "So if your thinking of using me to gain information your wasting your time."

Chloe smiled and shook her head. "This is why you've been trying to distract me with kisses and trying to make give me mixed signals isn't it?" Chloe demanded an emotionless mask coming to the surface hiding anything else she might feel.

"Gaining information?!", he asked, surprised. "Where on hell did you get that idea?", he continued, almost angered.

"Your questions." She said simply refusing to give into his anger. She was trying to keep herself from getting hurt here and yet she knew she already was hurt.

"My questions? If you were followed by, granted a beautiful, woman for reasons you ignore, wouldn't you be asking questions?", he asked, drastically more quietly.

Chloe blushed unsure if it was because he was right, or because he called her beautiful. "Ok your right I would be asking question." Chloe said with a sigh. "I'm following orders that's all I can say." She told him honestly.

Mikkal nodded. "Who gave you those orders? The Captain?", he asked, sliding closer to Chloe.

"No." She said honestly, "My boss did."

Mikkal nodded slowly. Her boss, the old guy. The one that grabbed him in the elevator. Ever better. "Oh. Your boss. Well, maybe we should go meet him together, so you can attest to my... niceness?", he stated, slowly standing his tall bronze body.

"Your niceness? I barely know you the only thing you've done is kiss me and disappear not once but twice, the first time was more of a threat implied the second time I don't understand. Either way your being evasive." Chloe stated standing as well crossing her arms biting her lower lip to keep from letting her eyes travel over that tall bronze figure.

Mikkal extend his hand to Chloe. "Let go see him, shall we?", he asked, perhaps even ordered.

She arched one brow at him, "Mind if I ask what you plan to accomplish?" She asked even as she slid her hand into his so he could help her to her feet.

Mikkal smiled as he helped her out. "Now, where would be the mighty boss of yours?", he asked, smiling, leading her towards the door of his quarters.

"Again your not answering my questions. So I think we're done here." She pulled her hand away from his, activated her padd which she'd programmed for a site to site transport should she need to get away from Mikkal in a hurry. She sighed a she appeared several decks away and started back towards security. The feline's ears were flat against her head she really knew how to pick losers...

Mikkal remained on site, stunned. He did not expect that reaction so... sudden. He looked around, then began to laugh loudly, shaking his head, walking back to his couch, retrieving his personal padd from a hidden compartment along his coffee table, and resumed his research.

-=- END LOG -=-

Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Security Officer
USS Vindicator


Mikkal of Atlantis Prime


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