JL | Cmdr Logan Grant, Norbert Bernard III - "Sing Us A Song Mister Piano Man."
Posted on Tue Oct 14th, 2014 @ 7:51am by Commander Logan Grant, PhD.
1,945 words; about a 10 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: The After Dark Lounge
Nighttime was quiet time devoid of disturbance or unwanted interaction... Usually. The lounge was no exception to that rule when Logan entered and found the piano in the corner, tucked away and isolated. The touch of his finger against one of the keys told him that it was in tune and that's when it had had started begging for his attention and he, being the sucker, gave into temptation. He'd set is cane down against the bench and took up residence beside it before allowing his fingers to fan out over the polished ivory and onyx keys. Each note rang free and true into the stillness of the night and promised to set spirits alight as they hung for only a short time in the air, cascading like snowfall across the empty stillness.
His green eyes closed, his body swayed ever so slightly with the power of the music he created, his head nodded with the occasional flutter or flick of his deep chocolate colored hair in protest against his actions. Every motion spoke of a man who had found a spot in heaven, however temporary. Chopin's spirited Scherzos had always been some of his favorites and the complexity and beauty of his Scherzo no. 2 had most definitely not been lost on the Kiwi as he allowed his hands to take on a life of their own and caress the keys as if they were his wife's resplendent curves. It was about care and precision... About love and ability. That was what made music such a universal language and one he was truly passionate about.
"Don't be a stranger." He called out over the piano's serenade, the eyes on his back could have bored holes through stone. Though he wanted and prized his solitude, he knew that he was a fresh face and any hostility would only have made Rochelle's life that much more difficult as she'd have to handle it. People were all too easily offended and hurt.
The eyes belonged to Norbert Bernard III, Lounge Manager, and they weren't just born of hostility, but of dollar signs also. He looked around and watched as several of his customers smiled and nodded along with the crescendo of the music being played.
Norbert clapped as the song came to an end and grinned as he neared the stranger on the piano. "Well done", he smiled sincerely for once. "I haven't heard Chopin played like that since the Salle Pleyel in Paris years ago".
The counselor nodded in kind, taking a small pseudo-bow as Norbert admonished his efforts. He hadn't expected much of an audience, let alone one educated in old Terran classical music and composers. "Thank you," Logan responded, looking up at the wiry fellow with earnest interest. "It's refreshing to find someone who not only can identify pieces, but relishes them the same way I do." He grinned, finding his feet and offering the man his hand for a shake. "Logan Grant, a recent ship acquisition." he chuckled lightly.
"Norbert Bernard The Third, Manager of this", he looked around, "Establishment". he took the offered hand and after a tight shake released. He then got right down to business. "Please let me buy you a drink and we can discuss your future performances here", he signaled for Sally to clear a nearby table for the pair to sit at.
A surprised and flattered little laugh was punctuated by the shake of Logan's head and his eyebrows lifted and fell to accentuate the response, "Mr. Bernard, I'm hardly qualified to play for your patrons." The big Kiwi got to his feet and fished for his cane. From his full height, his perspective on Norbert was unique and it was that shift in height and view that quickly reminded the tired counselor that spending some of his off duty time in the lounge would lend to softening the blow between a counselor and ship's crew. They'd see him as a person more so than a simple 'shrink' and that could prove to be quite beneficial. "Though," he began as he head towards the table the barmaid quickly cleaned off, "I'm sure we could come to some sort of an agreement."
"Wonderful", Norbert said taking his seat opposite Logan. "The classical music should bring in a", he paused and thought for a second, "A better paying type of crowd". He looked up at Sally as she neared the table. "What can we get for you Mr. Grant?", he asked.
"I'm sure it would." Logan mused, considering his own self-serving options. Norbert saw dollar signs, Logan saw a way of offering comfort outside of the stuffy, though comfortable, confines of the counseling offices. Social experiments had always been a fondness when it came to psychology. "I'll have a B-52, thank you."
Norbert was impressed with the man's choice of drink, "Make it two", he said and watched as Sally quickly went back towards the bar to fetch the drinks. "So tell me, what brings you to the USS Vindicator?".
"It's a long story." The Kiwi's eyebrows raised and his weight shifted in his seat, it wasn't often that he was the one doing the answering. Bar folk were like counselors in their own right, always listening and finding ways to form unbiased opinions. He studied the dark haired man with a small degree of scrutiny before deciding to tell the reader's digest version of the tale. "Was sent to Starbase seventy-four to give a lecture and shake down their new counseling team when the war broke out." he began as Sally came toddling back over with their drink order, the green of his eyes quickly finding themselves admiring the smooth, perfectly even layers of alcohol in his glass. "caught a ride with the group that crash landed on the planet below and wouldn't you believe my luck when it turns out it's Captain Ivanova's ship that finds us. So..." Logan nodded his thanks to the waitress and once more turned the better part of his attention to Norbert, "now I'm one of the Vindicator's counselors and your prospective piano talent."
"A Counselor", Norbert said surprisingly, "That is interesting", he added and took a sip of his drink. "It must be", he paused as he looked for the right word, "fun having people tell you their secrets and fears", he said looking for some sort of reaction from the Commander. "The immense power that comes with that sort of responsibility, knowing things about people that nobody else would know", he smiled at Logan. "I bet you are full of all sorts of secrets".
"Fun isn't quite the word I'd use." His voice was ever so slightly strained by the burn of the liquor as he set his glass down. Logan studied Norbert the same way the man obviously studied him, intrigued and trying to figure out the correct angle in which to proceed. "As far as secrets, I know more than most." He agreed with a slight nod, hooking his arm over the back of his chair while leaning back and adopting a more relaxed posture.
"Most of them would make you wake up crying in a little ball. A lot of them deal with things like death and rape. We don't sit and talk about the size of the new girl's ass or how someone's hair cut doesn't go along with the angle of their face." Logan grinned, his head shaking, "Though I think I'd find that more harrowing than the truth behind what goes into being a counselor. I think you know how it works. A lot of the same goes down right here in front of your nose because of this stuff." The Commander lifted his glass, tipping it towards Norbert before taking another drink.
The lounge manager tipped his head slightly as the Counselor raised his drink. "Fair enough", he said, "I suppose I hear my fair share of gossip and hearts being spilled at the bar", he glanced over at the Piano, deciding to change the topic, "So I am constantly being reminded that the crew on this ship will not accept any gifts from me, something about conflict of interest and Starfleet regulations", he paused and turned his attention back to Logan, "So instead of me offering you something, perhaps you could tell me what you want in return for playing a few songs every now and then", he grinned and took another sip of his drink.
"Ah see... Gifts..." Logan chuckled lightly. "A drink being given on the house isn't really a gift as much as it is a compliment and show of appreciation. Just don't go showering the Captain with vintage Cartier and I think life will be ok." The Kiwi grinned widely, pleased for the change of subject back to something lighter and more charismatic. His eyes following the lounge manager's back to the piano. "All I ask in return is that you politely guide the lost and broken back to the counseling offices rather than let your bar tenders try to aid in self medication. We can be good for one another, you and I."
Norbert smiled. The Counselor seemed different. Not like the normal Starfleet Riff-Raff. Certainly not like the Captain or most of her other officers. This man actually seemed sincere. He let his guard down and nodded. "That sounds like a suitable arrangement", he took a breath, "And your drinks will always be complimentary here", he added, "Of course with you being an Officer I understand your time is limited, so you let me know when you are available to perform, I think maybe once or twice a month would be fair".
"Provided we're not dealing with swarms of refugees, I can likely play for you once a week in the evening." Logan knew the ambiance such a thing would afford to the lounge's dinner crowd, perhaps evening drawing the Captain herself down to relax and simply listen to the notes as they'd come to create a melody. If anyone on the ship needed a chance to sit and day dream, it was her.
The pain from losing Landon Neyes was wildly evident in the savage little woman's eyes. Family or not, seeing her hurting in silence, forced to play the role of the stalwart champion, broke his heart. His head shook slightly. "I really appreciate the offer, Mr Bernard. You've given me a little slice of heaven and that's more than I can ever ask for." He said, taking another sip of the rich desert liquors, savoring the individual taste of each as they combined on his tongue. It wasn't often he drank, but tonight it simply felt right and the company wasn't shabby.
Subtlety was not Norberts strong suit. Not because he didn't care, he just didn't care much for anyone but himself. He sensed a quiet tiredness in the Counselors voice and immediately ignored it.
"Perfect, we have a deal then", the Lanky Lounge Manager nodded, glancing towards the bar, watching as the patrons were lining up waiting to be served, "Please hang around a while and enjoy yourself", he stood up, buttoning his coat as he did so. "Unfortunately I have to get back to work, we are quite understaffed at the moment and that Klingon by the bar doesn't look very happy to be kept waiting" he looked back at Logan, "I've lost two bartenders in the last week, it seems some people don't like me", he scoffed, "Imagine that". he combed his fingers through his jet black hair and began making his way back towards the bar.
Norbert Bernard III
Lounge Manager
After Dark
Commander Logan Grant
USS Vindicator