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SD 241301.04 JL | Protection Duty

Posted on Sat Jan 5th, 2013 @ 1:18am by Captain Landon Neyes & Captain Elar Keggle
Edited on on Sat Jan 5th, 2013 @ 8:08pm

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: After Derelict Debrief

Elar walked into the shuttle bay looking for a lieutenant commander Neyes he needed to speak with him prior to heading out.

"Commander........" Elar said finally finding him inspecting one of the shuttles.

Neyes had his arm elbow-deep in the thrust manifold of the class-14 shuttle he'd assigned to take him down to run the scans of the colony. For some reason which he'd yet to discern, the intake systems were lagging. It wasn't hardly enough to show up on diagnostics in the pre-flight check, but enough to bring him down to the access hatch under the secondary bulkhead to inspect it.

Landon perked up at the mention of what he could only assume was him, since there was no one in flight ops who outranked him.
"That's me. What can I do for you," he paused, looking up at the man he'd only seen a couple times before, his tone disenthused once he saw the uniform, "... marine captain."

"I'm here to inform you that I'll be along with another Marine pilot well be acting as your overwatch in a sense." Elar said.

The Trill's brow shot upwards at the words "inform you", and "overwatch" increasing as the incompetence became more and more unbelievable. His ears involuntarily pulled back and reddened as his jaw tightened. Neyes clapped his hands together after pulling them out from the insides of the shuttle. He simply shook his head and rolled his eyes, disbelief overtaking him. "There's no escaping you marines, is there... you're on every mission, every support craft... And no."

"Sir......I go where I am told and I've been told to protect whoever's flying the recon mission over the colony." Elar said remaining professional.

Landon could feel the thrush of rage at having another pilot brought along. A Marine pilot, if such a creature could exist without being a contradiction, was just the icing on the irritating cake. It was bad enough someone had decided to post Marines in a closed flying box, it was quite another to post a pilot along with the Chief Flight Control Officer on a mission to scan nothing larger than a village.

"I don't need protecting from the people who left me and a science team to fend for themselves in a nebula." Landon slammed the lid of the access panel shut and pointed his hyper spanner at Elar, steadying his voice. "You can sit your green ass down on this flight deck and watch over me from a terminal. Watch over me all you want from Flight Ops." Landon continued to prep the shuttle, dismissing the man's presence.

"Can't do that sir.......I have my orders and if you want to fight them be my guest......but I can save you the trouble and tell you how that conversation is gonna go based off of what happened in that nebula. Captain Dar isn't gonna risk that again which means a pair of Phantoms well be joining you whether you like it or not. And yes you were left to fend for yourselves but if we had the slightest inclination of trouble out there trust me you wouldn't have been alone." Elar said with a sneer wanting to knock this man out.

"That inclination being when you and your squad turned tail and bolted for the safety of the hanger deck?" Neyes said, a little smirk showing through.

"My squadron never and I sent a shuttle back that was helping provide extra sensor sweeps and I felt that they were a risk to the mission and sent them back and that's when we came tried performing a rescue in the sensor soup that it was out there. It was you and those scientist that went out of the protection zone." Elar said falling for the trap and getting worked up about it. "But that doesn't matter here I'm following you'll be having an escort whether you want it or not."

Landon had given up on being upset with the situation. Until this man walked up just now, Neyes had seen this away mission as rare chance to pop out for a little alone time. Just him and a shuttle, it was how he preferred to run. The possibility of slipping out quickly on the mission had made it seem like a reality until now. With the Marines in tow, Landon would have a whole little posse of whiny combat pilots toting along with him on a dull mission to scan what could be categorized as a small village and the dirt around it.

Being a man of limited patience, Landon understood the naivete of expecting people to realize his true motive for volunteering to take out a shuttle for a scan, and wasn't about to waste his ancient breath throwing it over the head of some marine.

"Don't touch anything, no doubt you'd break it." Landon paused, "You have order, so do I. Don't get in my way, Marine."

"Suit up," Landon said, "we launch in 10."

Elar just shook his head, "we'll be out in 5 waiting for you."

=/\= END LOG =/\=

Lt. Commander Landon Neyes

Marine Captain Elar "Black Mamba" Keggle
Squadron Commander
USS Vindicator E


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