Joint Personal Log| Lt. Ebonheart and Crewman duPont: Checking on a Friend
Posted on Sat Oct 11th, 2014 @ 9:10am by Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
1,495 words; about a 7 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: Deck 5
~*~ Start Joint Log ~*~
Chloe knew that she would find Cecil DuPont heading back to his quarters after his shift, Having heard he was sick and the fact that he was probably her only friend on this ship she had been worried about him. So she was coming to check on him and her mother, had use to make Chicken Soup for her whenever she was sick so she had made some of her mother's Chicken soup and brought it with her to visit with DuPont.
Briefings, baby-sitting the Klingon ambassador, and paperwork. Those three things were the bane of Cecil's existence right now. Particularly the Klingon ambassador. Waterhouse was enough of a challenge for him to understand, and she was only a quarter; now he was faced with a full blooded Klingon he had to make happy while everything seemed to be going any way but the warrior's way. Just thinking about it was giving his headache a headache.
As he approached his shared quarters, he spotted a familiar figure in the corridor carrying something. His eyes followed the slight movements of her tail, then drifted to whatever she was holding. A covered dish, and it smelled delicious.
"Miss Ebonheart," he greeted her as she came to the door of his quarters. He approached from behind.
"Chloe please." She smiled softly at him. "I heard you were sick I was worried so I made you some of my mom's famous Chicken soup, always seemed to do wonders for when my brothers and I were sick." Chloe said that natural purr rolling her words as she smiled at him softly. She hadn't realized how much she missed Cecil since the last time they saw each other. she felt like a horrible friend since it's been a while since they danced together at that award ceremony.
"That is so sweet of you," Cecil insisted with a smile. He moved towards the door, and input his access code. "I was only in sickbay for a sprained ankle though; they fixed me right up, good as new in no time." The doors slid open, and Cecil glanced inside. Jenks had left his clothes all over his bunk and on the chair of their shared desk again, but there was no sign of the crawling chaos of a man. "If you can forgive my roommate's mess, you're welcome to come in. Nowhere near as nice as your quarters though."
"I don't mind a little mess, you should have met my roommate at the Academy. if you want to talk mess I think her room must have looked as if it had been hit by a tornado most of her life because she couldn't seem to keep her mess just to her side of the quarters I could have sworn she had mold growing under both our beds." Chloe giggled, as she accepted his invite. "I'm glad it wasn't more serious." She said softly looking into his eyes.
"Mold? Wow. How'd your quarters pass inspection?" Cecil shook his head, collecting the clothes on the chair to toss onto Jenks's bunk. "She wasn't on the science track, was she?" He motioned to the now cleared chair, and settled on his bunk, the lower one.
"She was, the mold she would end up taking with her to science, not that I understand why mold is still important even in this scientifically advanced time but before inspection she'd take the mold and I'd clean the quarters they were always spotless when I finished with them." She grinned as she took a seat folding her long legs under her to sit cross-legged in the chair. "So I understand having a messy roommate." the Feline officer grinned
"How did she convince you to do all the cleaning?" He shook his head in marvel. "I just toss Jenks stuff onto his bunk. Then he complains when I have a pile or PADDs on our desk. Doesn't care that it's usually paperwork for the Captain. He doesn't spend much time in our quarters though, I think he's found an ensign who'll have him and he seems to spend half him time in her quarters." Cecil shrugged.
"I did the cleaning because I wanted to pass inspection. and I knew after I was out of the academy I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore." Chloe smirked with a shrug. "Well at least you don't have to deal with him as often." Chloe smiled softly.
"Small miracles," he returned with a laugh. "How have things been since the awards ceremony? Your new boss treating you okay?" Cecil had been hearing a lot about Commander PontBrillant, especially from the women in the ship. He seemed professional enough, but he certainly had his influences on both Ivanova and Waterhouse both. His judgment of the man was still in deliberation.
"I don't know my boss that well, Commander PontBrillant, He sent me on a mission to follow Mikkal around and I barely get to talk to my boss. I've heard the rumors too, I mean he's constantly flirting with the women, he hasn't turned it on me yet though at least I don't think so." She smirked smiling at Cecil.
"He's French, you'd know if he was flirting with you," he returned with a wink. "Mikkal? Do you mean that Atlantean envoy? He's kinda slimy, I feel filthy whenever I just see him around. Thankfully haven't had to deal with him, he hasn't been bothering me or the Captain."
"Your lucky, Unfortunately he's decided to toy with me. Recently he's been locked out of everything that is vital to the ship." She sighed, "PontBrillant isn't interested in someone like me when he can have the captain or first officer." She shrugged smiling at Cecil.
"Toy with you? What'd he do?" Cecil leaned forward with curiosity, his eyes wide.
Chloe tried to laugh about it. "Can you believe it he actually kissed me, thought he could toy with my emotions." She smirked as if it didn't bother her.
"I heard about an incident in the lounge involving him kissing someone, that was you?" Cecil gasped, sitting up straight again. "From the way the nurses went on, you'd think he'd seduced you, and swept you off to his quarters!"
"No he didn't seduce me and sweep me off to his quarters." Chloe shook her head. "There was a kiss in the Lounge, but it was an aggressive one. he all but threatened me with it." She explained.
"How does someone threaten you with a kiss?" Cecil made a face as he pondered the question. "I'll have to remember the nurses can't be taken at face value as an information source."
Chloe laughed, "A kiss can be forced on someone, and she wasn't completely wrong I did end up going to his quarters, but I only went to get information he didn't seduce me. Though I did learn that he was trying to manipulate me. now he's locked out of all the key systems on the ship." She sighed.
"Forced, sure... but threatened?" He shrugged. "Shouldn't he have already been prevented from access of key systems since he's not a member of Starfleet?"
"He couldn't get to anything the civilians could get to but he hadn't been completely locked out. Now he is. I have expect him to hunt me down to demand why he cant get passed deck 7 he's been locked out of any deck 6 and above as well as every system on the ship." Chloe explained to Cecil.
"He'll be disappointed when he can't visit the lounge anymore," Cecil mused with a half laugh, then cleared his throat. "I don't think Ivanova trusts him, and Waterhouse... well, I'm surprised there hasn't been an incident between him and Waterhouse, honestly."
"I think that's because Waterhouse has a cool head on her shoulders." Chloe said with respect. "I mean I know I would love to sucker punch him and toss him in the brig, but I can't." She sighed with regret.
Cecil laughed, a loud and obnoxious noise, his body shaking from it. When he realized that Chloe wasn't joking about Waterhouse, he swallowed and took a breath. "Sorry, I thought you were joking about Waterhouse."
"I may not know her as well as you do." She smirked reaching out and pushed his shoulder without thinking. "But from what I've met of her she's fair and cool." Chloe smiled at Cecil.
"Fair, I'll give you... as long as you don't cross someone she's protective of," Cecil admitted with a shrug, and a yawn slipped. "I'm sorry. I've had a long day. Can we maybe continue this over lunch another day?"
"Sure, send me a time your free." Chloe said and stood smiling at Cecil before turning to leave. "I'll see you later Cecil. Be safe." She told him.
"Thank you, you too," he returned, standing to see her out.
~*~ End Log ~*~
Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
USS Vindicator
Crewman Cecil duPont
Captain's Yeoman
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213