Joint Personal Log - Cmdr Waterhouse, Dani Atarah & Kalina Zett - "Whatever This World Can Give To Me"
Posted on Sat Jan 3rd, 2015 @ 2:41am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Danielle Atarah
Edited on on Sun Jan 4th, 2015 @ 1:34am
2,538 words; about a 13 minute read
Mission: A Spot To Kill
Amelia spied Dani and her rainbow haired companion across the crowded room, and it brought the smirk of satisfaction back to her face. She was glad to have played a part in ensuring that of any number of reasons Dani might have to watch over her shoulder, Starfleet hunting her for going AWOL won't be one of them. She made her way through the crowd, looking to catch up with Dani and finally size up the rainbow haired woman she'd thrown her lot in with. She certainly looked happier, that was for sure.
Dani leaned against the wall near the stairs with Zett, holding a small glass of wine.
"I'll tell you this much," Zett smirked through her own glass, watching the crowd with amusement, "I've never seen so many Starfleet people out of their pajamas. I thought you all were supposed to wear a pimped out versions for your ceremonial occasions."
"Theirs," Dani corrected with a snort, "their ceremonial occasions. I'm out of the fleet, remember? And officially now, too."
"Yes," Zett chuckled, "that must odd for you, being on the legal side of things."
Dani smirked and opened her mouth to answer, when she spotted Amelia. She huffed and raised her wine glass at the woman, making Zett turn to look. "And here comes to one who ruined my criminal cred."
"Ah," Zett smiled and raised her glass as well, her other arm slipping around Dani's waist, "the famous Pond. It's about time we meet." She tilted her glass and her head with a smile.
"Do we have you to thank for convincing Dani to wear a dress?" Amelia returned, smirking at the possessive arm the Trill woman slid around Dani. She held out her hand to shake, waiting for the inevitable shuffling of the wine glass, or sliding the arm from around Dani. She waited to see which it was.
"I can be very convincing," Zett smiled, taking a brief moment to examine Amelia, her gaze shifting to the woman's eyes. Her smile expanded finally, and she shifted, sliding sideways to give Amelia a sideways hug, tilting her glass carefully to make sure it doesn't spill. "It's very good to meet the most famous member of Dani's family."
Dani's eyes shifted between the two with a lopsided smile of her own, but she kept quiet, watching the two with amusement.
"Pfft, most famous? You clearly don't talk to the right people... that honor goes to my mother," Amelia dismissed with a chuckle, returning the hug and mentally giving Zett points for the creative solution. "I could introduce you if you like, she and my father are wandering around here somewhere, and they do think of Dani like a daughter. I'm sure they'd love to meet you."
"Yes," Zett nodded and sipped from her wine, "I heard about your mother too. Still, she wasn't the one who saved Dani's life. I hear you were keeping your eye on her for quite a while," she smirked playfully, and Dani snorted and shook her head, burying herself in her wine glass.
Zett glanced at Dani and shifted her eyes back to Amelia, winking with satisfaction. Embarrassing Dani was the bonus of meeting Dani's clearly very dear and close friend.
"It's hard to keep an eye on this trouble maker," Amelia admitted, watching the interaction between the two. "She has a way of slipping away to get into the most inconvenient trouble, but I did what I could."
"Don't I know it," Zett chuckled. "The way I hear it, you did a lot more than you take credit for. We should compare notes," she gestured her head at Dani, trying to swallow a smile at the smaller woman's discomfort. Dani was blushing profusely.
"We'll be on Earth until after New Years, we should go out for Drinks. I'll buy," Amelia grinned dazzlingly.
"Wonderful," Zett nodded, "I can't wait to uncover the adventures you were involved wi--"
"Okay, right," Dani protested finally, shaking her head at the two of them, "I'm standing right here..."
"Yes," Zett grinned. "Wearing a dress, no less." She winked at Amelia and mock-whispered with satisfaction, "one of my more satisfying accomplishments."
"I'm half tempted to invent a ribbon to award you for it," Amelia mock-whispered back, and directed a Cheshire grin at Dani. "Cheer up Bugs Bunny, we could be taking catty digs at each other instead. Zett's clearly armed well enough to keep up, so I am a little disappointed to miss out on that fun... but I do have to behave kind of XO-ey, since this is an official event."
"Oh," Zett pretended disappointment, "well, if I had known you were ready for it, I'd have opened with guns blazing."
"You two are horrible." Dani muttered, shifting the fabric of her dress downwards uncomfortably. "It's the last time I listen to either of you with what to wear. I wanted to come here with the TMNT shirt, but someone" She looked at Amelia accusingly, "stole it."
"Thankfully," Zett muttered and sipped from her wine glass.
"Stole nothing, I recovered my property," Amelia insisted with a snort, a raised eyebrow directed at Zett for a fleeting moment. "That reminds me though..." Amelia's hand dipped into what looked to be nothing more than a slit of a pocket in the side seam of her dress. Out of it, she gently tugged a small package wrapped in shiny green paper and purple ribbon. "Merry whatever." She held the package out to Dani.
"Hey, I won it fair and square," Dani protested, smiling finally, her attention shifting to the package, reaching to touch the wrapping. "Heh, what's this?" she handed her glass out to Zett, who finally shifted her arm from around her waist to hold it.
"Another award?" Zett smirked.
Dani twisted the little package and revealed a yellow t-shirt with a coveralls print. "Oh! Dude! April's coveralls!" She unfolded the shirt to appreciate the entire print, and a small trinket fell to the floor. She stared a minute in confusion, and then bent down to pick it up, showing it to Zett.
"A charm bracelet," the Trill smiled, "is that a pizza? and... a stick?"
"It's a bo," Dani corrected, her fingers dancing on the delicate leather strap, "it's Donatello's weapon of choice."
Zett chuckled. "I can see what made you two best friends. Is he fighting the pizza?"
Dani gave her an expression that could only be sheer terror. "We should really make sure to introduce you to the Ninja Turtles, Kal."
"Ah," Zett nodded, giving Pond an amused look. "I'm sure you'll try."
Dani nodded and closed the clasp around her right wrist. "We'll convert you yet." She looked up at Amelia and extended her arms for a hug. "That's amazing, Waterbucket. Thank you."
"I'm trusting one of my best friends to the care of another woman, and helped free you from the fleet. I gotta make sure you won't forget me," Amelia explained as she pulled Dani into a tight hug. "Rochelle and Andrea are getting bracelets too, Raphael and Leonardo respectively. I have Michaelangelo tucked away for myself, I'll start wearing it when I give them theirs."
"Oh," Zett smirked, "I'm trusted. What lies have you told this woman, Danielle?"
Dani gave her a sidelong glance and took her glass of wine back. She wasn't really drinking any of it, but holding it made her feel more in place. "Well, we're an official gang now. Who's getting Splinter?"
"I think Rochelle would have liked to get splinter, truth be told... and if my mother was in ear shot, I think she would have tried to claim him for herself, but I don't have anyone in particular that comes to mind." Amelia eyed Zett for a long minute, a delayed reaction to her quip. "Dani hasn't had to tell me any lies, I've seen enough from Intel's profile on you." She winked.
Zett's eyebrows shot up with a small smile. "Oh really? I have a whole profile? Well, I hope I live up to my reputation."
Dani snorted. "It probably needs a couple of updates. Maybe I can talk to my new friends now to upgrade the details."
"Well, I don't know," Zett smirked and wrapped her free arm around Dani again. "I think I heard that you're not truly infamous until you have a comic book after you."
Dani grinned at Pond. "She learns."
"Noah hasn't tried his hand at comics yet, maybe he'll chronicle your adventures if we ask nicely." Though she joked, Amelia wouldn't have been surprised if her little brother would make such a comic, though he'd probably suggest making it about pirates under the guise of protecting Dani and Zett's identities.
Dani laughed, "If he does that, I'm going to be in charge of wardrobe, this time."
Zett snorted, "The day you pick clothes for me, little girl, is the day I know the apocalypse arrived. I have proof of my superior sense of fashion right here," she shifted backwards to gesture at Dani's dress, and looked at Amelia with a devilish smile. "Am I wrong?"
"Just because you don't like wearing the dress, doesn't mean it doesn't look amazing on you. Washing the engine grease off your face helped too." A wide grin was Amelia's shield, knowing that Dani wouldn't be pleased to be ganged up on. That was also why she neglected to mention that Noah would likely take Zett's advice on the matter too.
Zett bowed with a grin. "She does have impeccable taste in friends, though."
Dani huffed and relented, finally, shaking her head. She picked up the edges of her dress and curtsied, smiling. "Fine, fine, I know when I'm outnumbered. The dress is lovely. Soak it in and bathe in the awesomeness because come midnight, this little engine rat is putting the grease back on."
"Does the dress turn back into coveralls at midnight?" Amelia's eyes went wide in mocking amazement, then turned her attention to Zett. "Where's your wand? You're the fairy godmother, getting her into the dress."
Zett shook her head, "It most certainly does not; it took me quite a while to convince her to put it on at all. We almost didn't come here. No, my dear, the only thing this dress is transforming into at the end of the night, is off."
Dani choked on her wine.
"Oh my, you almost got a spit take out of Dani, I am quite impressed." Amelia hid a grin behind her hand, playing at being coy but knowing Dani wouldn't buy the act, and suspecting Zett was quick enough to catch on that it was nothing but an act. She still had to play at it a little, as she was sure that they had to be drawing an audience by now.
Dani swallowed and wiped her mouth with two fingers. "You know, I don't know why I imagined this introduction," she gestured at the two women, "completely differently. I should have known better."
Zett smirked and winked at Amelia. "You completely should have. I am quite pleased to see how many colors your face could change to, it's been a while since I saw that particular shade in public." She smirked at looked at Amelia. "We should totally do those drinks you offered. And soon."
"Absolutely. I have nothing set in stone until New Years Eve, outside of Christmas dinner at my Grandparents tomorrow, so whatever works for you. I know a few places my uncle introduced me to in the city that are good. Sinfully expensive, but they've got imports of a flexible legality and make the wildest cocktails. They also have the Succubus Napalm as a menu item." Amelia grinned.
Zett smirked, "You know, I have recently come to acquire some clubs in the area," she glanced at Dani, who joined the smirking and wiggled her eyebrows at Pond, "so whenever you want to visit, drinks are on the house. And I'm sure that my bartenders would make you whatever you want in the VIP room."
"Oh yeah," Dani nodded, "they even make a mean hot chocolate."
"Yes, I heard about that one," Zett shook her head, "had to convince the guys to make it for you. They're not used to virgin drinks in the middle of a busy club season."
Dani nodded. "I prefer virgins in my drink."
Zett shook her head and gave Amelia a 'see what I have to deal with?' look.
Amelia chuckled. "I'll have to run the list of places Uncle Spiegel recommends against your list of newly acquired properties. I wonder if there's any overlap."
"Eh, don't give her any ideas--" Dani smiled.
"We can always fix it if they don't." Zett nodded.
"Tea fields, now fine drinking establishments... and you can convince Dani to wear a dress. Buy a comic book shop, and I may just move in with the both of you." Amelia grinned wide as she insisted this.
"Ah, you told her about the tea fields," Zett smile remained, but her eyes no longer reflected it as her head tilted slightly to the not-exactly-innocent-question, and she took a careful sip from her cup.
"Yep, the tea fields in India. I got them some loose tea leaves," Dani gave Zett a look, her smile remaining. "Remember? The extra boxes we had shipped..."
"Oh right, the Nilgiri Mountains plantation." Zett nodded and looked at Amelia, "great tea. We'll be getting some more of that soon, if you want to renew your batch." She squeezed Dani's waist, her smile resuming its natural reach into her blue eyes. "Dani can sort out the details. After all, we have your shipping address."
Amelia snorted, shook her head, and grinned. No need to say anything and draw attention to it if anyone nearby was listening in. After all, she didn't care as long as Dani didn't get herself caught. "I'm sure Dani and I will be discussing a subscription plan for the tea. Let my Gran'dad get away with only spoiling me with special stuff, instead of also having to send the standards too."
"I'll set things up to get you into our valued customers list. You might get spam." Dani smirked.
"If it comes in the form of a singing telegram from a certain cross dressing rabbit, or a red-head who is a rabbit in namesake only, I might just have to find a way to get myself double enrolled in your marketing lists," Amelia smirked back, then her head turned and followed a man with a tray full of hors d'oeuvre moving away from them in the crowd. She laid a hand on her stomach. "The last thing I had was pizza for an early lunch, excuse me..."
"You're giving her ideas," Zett laughed, and nodded at Amelia. "It was good meeting you, Commander."
"See you around, Pond," Dani waved and wrapped her free hand around Zett's waist. "I think she likes you."
Zett finished her drink and smiled. "Everyone loves me."
=/\= End Log =/\=
Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E
Kalina Zett
Head of the New Cardello Syndicate
Danielle Atarah
Troublemaker, New Cardello Syndicate