Joint Personal Log - Lt Ebonheart & PO3 duPont - "Castles Made of Sand"
Posted on Sat Jan 3rd, 2015 @ 2:39am by Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Edited on on Sun Jan 4th, 2015 @ 1:28am
1,417 words; about a 7 minute read
Mission: A Spot To Kill
Cecil hummed along with Duke Ellington's Sugar Rum Fairy, enjoying the twist on the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy the big band leader had done and Waterhouse had pulled a holoprogram of from the infinite expanse of her holodeck collection. As he moved through the crowd he smiled at the fragments of conversation he heard — such as how everyone was enjoying the party, happy to see their family, and how crew was excited to soon get aboard the refit Vindicator for the peacetime missions of exploration. He spotted Chloe across the crowd, and almost turned to disappear into the crowd when he saw the angle of her ears and the twitch of her tail, but he was pretty sure she saw him and retreating after being spotted wouldn't give her time to cool off from whatever he'd done, it would instead add kindling to the fire. So onward into the breech he went, even.
Chloe's parents were actually with her at the moment she saw Cecil, so there was no way she could let vent her anger all together because her mother would frown at her since well obviously Chloe had been raised better than to just yell or growl in public. So she put on a smile and decided to introduce Cecil to her parents. "Cecil, this is my mother Xenora, from Cait and my father Scott Ebonheart. Mom, Dad this is my friend and colleague Cecil." Chloe said making the introductions. Her mother may be full blooded Caitian, but she had a lot of human features. minus fur on most of her body and paws instead of hands. her face had less fur on it than the rest of her body and she had along white hair like Chloe's.
"It's a great pleasure to meet you both," Cecil insisted with a wide grin. "Chloe speaks highly of her family, and I'm glad to see you could make it to the party. Are you enjoying yourselves?"
"Very much so, we're very proud of our daughter." Xenora said her words more heavily touched with that feline purr than Chloe's, which caused said officer to blush. "Momma." Chloe managed to mutter rather than whine reminding her mother that she'd promised to not embarrass her.
"And what is it you do Cecil? other than throw lavish parties such as this." Her father asked he was always curious.
"I'm the Captain's yeoman. The parties are a side affect of the command staff, truth be told," Cecil protested. "Chloe had mentioned you're both archaeologists, that sounds exciting."
"Yes, I've learned more about our people through digging then just watching them. though sometimes I forget to get my head out of the dig site. We've made a remarkable discovery lately a sunken castle in the Remus desert." Scott explained to Cecil with a wide grin his arm was around his wife petting the base of her tail and lower back that was covered in sparkling black dress.
Chloe was just glad her mother had dressed for the occasion. normally you couldn't get her out of her archeology uniform. Her dad had the same problem but he was wearing a pressed tux.
"A whole castle? What's so remarkable about it?" Cecil knew he was very much out of his depth even trying to venture into this topic of conversation, but it seemed polite to ask. Hopefully Chloe's parents could explain it such that he might understand, but if not he could always change the subject.
"As far back as most Caitian history goes there were no kingdoms, no monarchy finding this castle, which has yet to be dated really, Means that there was quite possibly a monarchy at one point in their history and that knowledge has been lost for centuries that we're hopping to learn more about." Scott told the younger man with more energy and excitement in explaining to another person.
"I must confess that I don't know anything about Caitian history, but that sounds like a great find indeed. Was it very well preserved?" Cecil couldn't help grinning, Scott's excitement was certainly infectious.
"Surprisingly so far yes. I mean it's crumbling like all ancient castles and there are some erosion from the sand obviously but the structure as a whole is intact. we've found a stairwell that leads into the castle and we're just digging our way down the stairs to see what we can find. He brought out his holo-camera and started to show Cecil a few images that were still under wraps really. the structure that they've uncovered so far was mostly stone of some kind nothing that Scott Ebonheart or his wife were familiar with really.
"Oh wow," Cecil said, leaning in to look at the offered pictures. In all honesty, it just looked like a vaguely castle shaped pile of stone buried in sand to him, but then his own job can look like a glorified secretary to someone not familiar with it; in the end, Scott was passionate, and gave every appearance of knowing what he was talking about, and he knew what he was looking at. That's what matters.
Chloe felt some of her annoyance with Cecil for not warning her disappear as he humored her father and his antics especially his excitement over dirt. Her mother however smiled at Chloe then moved to save her from any more talk of Excavating by asking her husband to dance with her. Chloe watched her parents wander off to dance. "Thanks for humoring him. he just loves to talk about his dig sites and I don't think anyone gets nearly as excited about it as he does." Chloe smiled at Cecil.
"It's nothing," Cecil insisted with a smile. "Just because I don't understand it, doesn't mean it's not important. Besides, it's nice to see someone so excited about something."
"Yeah, he does get pretty excited. There's only three things he gets excited about still. Mom, me and his dig sites." She smiled. "By the way, I'd like to thank you for warning about how public this showing was going to be." Chloe smirked at Cecil her tone was sarcastic of course since he hadn't warned her.
"Is that why you were giving me that look with the tail twitch?" He chuckled with a head shake. "If I'd known you were camera shy, I would have said something, but we needed the holofeeds because we couldn't fit all the crew on the front steps, and with the sub freezing temperature, we didn't want everyone out there anyways. I didn't know the feed was going out to the public too until after the ceremony when I got a call from my parents congratulating me on my promotion since they couldn't make it."
"Oh, ok then your forgiven." She grinned blushing a little. "I'm just not good with well being the center of attention." The feline officer admitted.
"The only way to get better at it is practice. Or you can always fall back on that silly advice of picturing everyone in the audience in their underwear." He winked when he made the suggestion.
Chloe laughed softly, "Yeah well I don't think that would work for me." She was still giggling.
"That's a giggle of someone who has a mental image. Who are you picturing and what sort do they wear?" he asked with a wink and a laugh.
"I'm not telling." She blushed and turned away to hide it.
"Don't tell me it's someone you have a crush on," he teased.
"Um no." Chloe said which was quite honest her crush had been on PontBrillant and he was no longer part of the crew. "I couldn't help it the second you said that I pictured you in your underwear." She blushed.
"It worked then, it made you laugh," he insisted with a grin.
Chloe grinned at her friend Cecil. "You always manage to do just that." the feline smiled.
"Good, what use am I if I can't make my friend laugh when she needs it?" He gave her a playful nudge with his elbow.
Chloe smirked and nudged him back. "Would you um like to dance?" She asked some what shly having never really danced before.
Cecil chuckled at her nervousness, but held out his hand for hers to indicate his willingness.
Chloe smiled brightly slipping her hand into his so they could dance around the dance floor.
=/\= End Log =/\=
Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Security Officer
USS Vindicator
Petty Officer 3rd Class Cecil duPont
Captain's Yeoman
USS Vindicator