SD 241301.2 JL Capt Dar, Capt King & LtJG Ducati "Hunting"
Posted on Sun Jan 27th, 2013 @ 6:05am by Captain Olan Dar & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza & Lieutenant JG Alexia Ducati
1,148 words; about a 6 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Colony Surface
Dar's team had found a quiet spot to hold up until the sun started to set on the colony. From prior reports they knew the colonists did not have much in the way of technology aside from the very bare minimum so they'd have to look for the Starfleet officers the old fashioned way.
"So they need to power the field generators. If we can locate the power source we can take it out." Dar said, mostly voicing the obvious aloud just to keep everyone focused.
"Does anyone recall from earlier scans where the most likely positions for power generation would be?"
Ellis turned to the other Marine guard and took the tablet from him, "here." Ellis said pointing to a small hilly area, "if I remember correctly there's a small series of tunnels that leads to a small chamber."
"Good place to conceal a generator, especially with the sensor scattering properties of this surface rock. They probably have it buried a little further in if we didn't detect it." Olan looked to King and nodded, "Lead on."
"You two......" He said pointing to the captain and lieutenant, "you do not go in front of me or leave the formation is that understood?" He asked looking at both of them feeling this was like one of those times that the CMO can dismiss the Captain for medical reasons but this was for more safety reasons.
Olan quirked a brow at King but made no comment about the way the marine addressed that particular topic. There would be no point anyway and it was better that King established the tactical command on the ground.
"Sarah take that back......and you two the sides keep the diamond formation it's gonna be the easiest one for us to hold and also to move in." Ellis said looking at the PaDD again and his surroundings trying to figure out the best way of heading out.
Dar checked the pad with the topology of the area and the layout of the colony, "Quickest way is probably the worst... we should probably swing around this building." he pointed it out, "It is storage and not heavily trafficked. We'll be a few minutes longer but probably safer."
Sarah and Lexi just nodded. Lexi wasn't about to step out or do anything heroic. She just wanted to get out of this alive.
Using his TED (tactical eye display) which allowed him to zoom in and take a look around. "Agreed. I need you two to keep an eye on any alley ways we pass along with keeping an eye on the roof tops my Marines well be doing the same but there's lot of other things we'll looking out for. At this point shoot first ask questions later."
"Maximum stun setting however." Olan glanced around to ensure everyone heard and set their weapons accordingly, "Right then. Let's get this done."
The six member grouped stood up and quickly started moving forward as stealthily as six people could move. Ellis hated moving in a diamond formation but he had a captain to protect and a lieutenant who probably hadn't seen any form of combat.
It didn't take long from their starting position to reach the edge of the colony proper. Olan found it somewhat strange that they hadn't seen many Romulans.
During a pause he voiced his observation quietly to King, "It is strange. I expected more resistance." he had another quick glance around. Night had come fully by now and even though the colony somehow had enough power to run a sizable scattering field they apparently hadn't bothered on a lot of external lighting.
Ellis adjusted his TED so it would be night vision, "well if we stick with the theory that this is just a colony and that the Warbird in space is in fact Tal'Shiar I doubt the whole colony is supporting the Tal'Shiar and my guess is only the top people in the colony government have made that decision."
Olan nodded, "Might make sense if it is true they left Romulan space due to the civil unrest. For now we have to assume anyone is hostile though." he glanced back, "How far to the tunnel access?"
"Well according to the records on the derelict this colony was founded weeks before the civil unrest which means.....they had heads up from someone within the Empire." Ellis said.
Dar shook his head, "Civil unrest doesn't come out of no where. There is every reason to believe these people had plenty of cause to leave on their own before we knew of anything." he sat back on his heels, "Doesn't mean they aren't being used or aren't cooperating with bad elements."
He nodded to King and the group moved out into the dark surrounding the colony toward the nearest access to the underground tunnels.
Luckily the last few yards were quick and easy, "alright....from here on out it'll be side by side. Captain and lieutenant your still in the middle. Sarah in the back and I'll take the lead." Ellis said.
Everyone nodded and followed on behind King.
The tunnels were darker than the outside world because they blocked out what star light there was. This planet didn't have a natural satellite so there was nothing for the sun to bounce off of anyway.
Things slowed way down seeing as they just had the lights that were attached to the rifles and phase pistols to go by. Taking the PaDD and passed it back the captain, "My TED is transmitting video right to the PaDD keep an eye on it it'll help seeing further into the dark."
Olan nodded and kept the padd close. It was pretty dark in there even with the lights.
It wasn't long before they rounded the first corner and their first obstacle. "Shit.......we've got a fork."
Dar crouched and watched King's view of the fork through the padd, "Fifty fifty shot unless we find something that shows us the way. Any readings? Signs of frequent traffic?"
Adjusting his TED to pick up heat and almost do like a X-Ray vision. "On the PaDD are you picking up or seeing footprints?"
"Barely anything that could be called footprints but the ground to the right is more disturbed. Probably just means no one had taken this path in a while." Olan said as he examined the display.
"Alright......." Ellis said trying to think like a Romulan. "We'll go with the more used one." He said starting to lead them down the right fork. "Captain let me know if the footprints start getting more clearer or at least looking newer."
Olan simply nodded and the group continued forward.
Before long Olan tapped King on the shoulder to halt the group and he held out the padd to show the faint colouring of a heat source further ahead, "I think we found it"