JL | LtJg Black & MCPO Caine | "Here ya go, One John Daniels"
Posted on Mon Jan 26th, 2015 @ 5:01am by Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine & Lieutenant JG Teá Black
1,400 words; about a 7 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Chief of the Boat's Office
= V =
"Master chief petty officer Rik Caine," Teá read silently to herself, "chief of the boat along with a security investigations officer." She added as she read from the PaDD standing in front of the master chief petty officer's office. Chief of the boat was also another good source of intel but this one was gonna be trickier to get intel from seeing as his training was a SI security officer officer. God she hated SI officers hitting the chime she waited to be invited in.
Rik Caine was lying on his couch half-reading a PADD and mostly daydreaming of the redheaded dame he longed to see again all the while listening to a smooth number by the Chairman of the Board himself his shift having ended some hour prior. It was a beat up, brown leather couch that had been pushed into the corner of the room. It was as soft like fresh snow although it looked as if all the filling had melted away. It wasn’t pretty to look at, but it was his. He stirred as he pulled himself up, duty jacket open, sleeves rolled up and undershirt collar part-way undone.
"Enter" he called out.
Teá had her duty jacket sitting on top of her bag as she just wore her black intel tank hair done up. "Master Chief I'm lieutenant junior grade Teá Black intelligence officer. I just wanted to introduce myself to some of the key personnel on the ship."
Rik heaved himself off the couch and nodded slowly "Pleasure to meet ya, I'm no key member though; just a gum-shoe here to do a job" he commented preferring to remain understated. "Care to tip the bill?" he asked before pausing realising the chances of that making any sense were remote. "Would you like a drink?" he asked taking a seat behind his desk and offering a hand to indicate an empty chair for her.
"Please," Teá said taking a seat, "and let's be honest chief of the boat is a vital role on a ship especially a ship of this size."
He nodded slowly as if his head were being controlled by some kind of puppet master tugging at his strings. "I fear you may be right" he added thoughtfully "what's your poison?" he asked getting up and making for the replicator.
"Jack." Teá said with a smile sitting back and relaxing, "someone's gotta do it." She added with a smirk.
Nodding he ordered two measures of Jack Daniels on the rocks. "Here ya go, one John Daniels," he paused taking his seat and sipping the liquid in the tumbler feeling a burn as the amber nectar went down. He clocked the look of confusion and chuckled, "when you've known him as long as I have... It's a joke... It's funny," he said somewhat defensively.
"Only thing I drink." She said taking a slow and somewhat sultry sip of her drink. "Truth is it's what I grew up on. Oh I know funny and I've heard a ton of drink jokes that one is new to me."
Rik smiled and took a swig "only thing you drink eh? You must have amber blood by now... Sure you've earned the right to call him John too". He paused setting down the glass. "So a spook... How's that working for ya?" He asked.
"We'll see.....my first go around didn't go so well so now I'm repenting for my past sins and proving that I can be a good little officer." Teá said with a bit of a cough at the end.
Rik couldn't help but laugh "well rules are fine and dandy but sometimes get in the way of what's just and means a good job" he added. "As for repenting - we could all do with a little of that medicine now and then. Lord knows I can". He paused taking another swig from the glass. "Workin out better this time?" He asked as the music changed to a more upbeat number from Ol' Blue Eyes.
"So far it is. Let's see how long that lasts." Teá said with a smirk as she finished her Jack, "so what's your story?"
"Where to begin?" he mused as he took another swig "had a youth as a hell raiser until I got set on the path I'm walking now... signed up, refused an officer billet and worked predominately in Special Investigations for the Marine Corps, Special Forces and Starfleet Security. Not a whole lot to tell; I keep my head down, elbow as many hoods as come my way and try and avoid encounters with the Syndicate" he explained with simplicity, instinctively rubbing his knee at the mention of the Syndicate like a hypnotised stooge.
Noticing the rubbing the knee when he mentioned the Syndicate, "SI. No offense not a big fan of your line of work." She said giving him a wink.
Rik chuckled a little at the comment "Well, no one does it quite like me" he quipped. "I guess you blur the lines in Intelligence to get what you need... I can relate. I spent three years undercover busting open a racket that would turn even the strongest of stomachs" he added.
Teá smirked, "I've seen and done things that would turn most people's stomaches."
"Haven't we all?" Rik asked chuckling. "Another?" he asked pointing to the glass and getting up to refresh his own with more amber nectar from the replicator. Not quite the real thing, but it would do. "As we're here; may as well share... what have you done that would turn the stomachs of most?" he asked intrigued.
Teá laughed, "Please. And wish I could between shit being classified and that I need to work through it myself. But when I can I'll be sure to swap some war stories with you."
Rik laughed and got two fresh measures of hooch from the replicator before returning to his desk, placing the glasses down and falling into his chair. "Can't talk shop, fair enough... I guess the world of the spook means you'd bump me off if ya told me anything" he said. "So, can't talk shop... maybe you can tell me something about this place the tub is heading to?" he asked his mind trailing; worrying about Amelia and what she'd told him over dinner.
"To be honest not a whole lot. And I've been told to not look into it." Teá said shrugging as she took her fresh drink, "or I'm only one they don't want looking into them."
Rik frowned slightly "unusual, not letting the spook poke her nose into the business?" he queried. "Was jus' trying get a handle on the path we've been set down. Not a fan of going in blind to anything" he explained with an air of concern in his voice.
Teá smirked sipping on her second drink she also shrugged, "not that unusual we aren't the most liked people always able to claim the it's classified line while at the same demanding any and all intel from everyone else."
Rik chuckled and nursed the drink in his hands, the amber liquid welcome after another long day on duty "funny thing that - so what Intel are you hoping to get from me then?" he asked jokingly.
"Your a good friend to have on a ship and with my history the more friends I can have the better." Teá said with a smirk finishing her second drink.
Rik chuckled at the spook that was sitting across the table from him. "Friends do help - but sounds like if you're collecting an investigator you're expecting to get in some kind of dutch?" He asked wondering if she'd done or was about to do something wrong.
Standing up Teá just smiled, "like I said it can't hurt to have a friend like you on this ship." Turning she headed for the door but stopped just shy of it and spun back around, "thanks for the drinks." And with that she disappeared.
Rik raised his glass in a mock salute as the curious intelligence officer left him to finish his drink and resume listening to the music playing in the background.
=/\= End Log =/\=
Lieutenant Junior Grade Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E
Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine
Security Investigator/Chief of the Boat
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E