JPL | LtJg Black & Ens Barnes | "We're Starfleet"
Posted on Tue Feb 17th, 2015 @ 9:08am by Lieutenant JG Teá Black & Ensign
1,505 words; about a 8 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Gym
= V =
Teá walked into the gym wearing yoga pants and a white tank-top she didn't really know what workout she wanted to do she just knew she needed to be somewhere that wasn't her quarters, the lounge or the basement which she called the intel center. Setting her bag down she started to wrap her hands deciding that she needed to punch out her frustrations. Just as she was about to start in on the punching bag she heard the doors to the gym swish open.
With the plan in mind that she would get in some exercise, Rocky headed to the gym that a pair of black bike shorts on, a tank top that said "I'm NOT with him" on it, and a pair of black shoes. Entering the gym, she reached behind her to tie her hair into a ponytail when she saw the woman standing by the punching bag. Oh great. It's her. she mentally muttered as she wandered over to some free weights, hoping the Jay Gee wouldn't spot her.
Teá decided to leave the ensign alone as she worked the punching bag connecting punches and kicks finding the mixed martial arts more demanding than just a single focus. After a few minutes she had worked up a good sweat and realized that she should've bandage her hands better as her knuckles started to get bloody.
Rocky had picked up some dumbells and was working out her arms, but she was more interested in watching the Jay Gee beat herself blood against the punching bag. Finally, she set the weights down and stood up, debating with herself or not. Deciding, she headed over to where the woman stood. "You might want to use the medkit, Lieutenant," she suggested neutrally.
Slowly opening and closing her hand into a fist she winced as the skin pulled, "maybe you're right." Teá said walking over to the wall where several med kits sat and slowly open one pulling out the dermal regenerator. Slowly un-wrapping her wraps she looked over at the ensign feeling like she should apologize to her for how they met and everything since than. But remembering the teachings from her mentor apologies wasn't something that a intel officer should do.
Waiting a minute, Rocky simply nodded, turned her back and headed over to wrap her hands and get a pair of red boxing gloves from the equipment locker. Putting them on, she went to a speed bag and began to box it like it owed her gold-pressed latinum.
Watching her work the speed bag Teá once again found the ensign intriguing, "very impressive ensign." Teá said as she ran the dermal regenerator over her knuckles feeling the tissue slowly regenerating.
"Thanks," Rocky said as she alternated between her left hand and her right on the bag, keeping her rhythm without missing a punch. "Four years of boxing at the Academy."
Teá nodded putting the med kit back together as she recycled her wrap, "record?"
"Two hundred and forty-one KO's, thirty-seven TKO's, one hundred and seventeen draws, and fourteen KO's," Rocky said without missing a beat.
Smirking and nodding, "can I ask why did you not follow the field route I mean they have to solve puzzles as well."
Rocky turned from the bag and looked at the Jay Gee, noticing the smirk on her face. "Who's to say that I won't get sent on away missions, Lieutenant? I'm versatile enough in my skills."
"Never said you wouldn't, but there is a reason why we've these titles. Your training is very very different than mine and that's why your clearance is different than mine as well." Teá said looking at the ensign and shrugging her shoulders, "and this isn't mean claiming that I'm better we're equals just with very different skill sets and also how we go about things."
"We're Starfleet," Rocky said simply as she took her gloves off and laid them on a bench. Next, she unwrapped her wrists and looked over at Teá "So what's going to happen between you and me, Lieutenant Black?"
"Truthfully I don't know. But there isn't gonna be any middle ground either we'll be able to work together or we won't." Teá said clenching and unclenching her fists noticing that her knuckles were gonna be bruised as well.
"Then I suggest we discuss matters that are currently coming to a head," Rocky said. "Or we beat each other senseless right here and right now and put it behind us. We get called to the red carpet, we back each other. One falls, the other falls."
"I don't want to fight you and I am sorry for getting you involved in the mess that is me." Teá said looking exhausted, "and yes I am in agreement with one falls, the other falls."
"Sorry isn't going to cut it when we get called on the carpet for explanations and you know that it's only a matter of time before that happens," Rocky said. "Do you have one ready?"
"I have a partial plan." Teá said, "the things I've done and the things that I have to get out from under requires precise moves and if I make the wrong move everything is gonna come crashing down. And that's not gonna be good for anyone."
"I assume that you're letting me know what said plan is so I know to go along with it when the time comes," she said, watching the Lieutenant improvise.
"Not yet I need to make sure everything is in place. You do realize we need to take down a commodore, correct?" Teá asked.
Rocky's face paled. "The Commodore that you had me do the favor for, or the one on this ship?"
"The one that I needed the favor for. She's a mid-level paper pusher but she's got her hands in the cookie jar as well." Teá said, "and that's how we'll bring her down. My network of contacts are continually feeding me intel the more I get the more protected we're when we bring this to the JAG corps."
"Whoah...first, does this have to do with saving our own asses, or taking someone down who did something to piss you off before?" Rocky asked her.
"Both." Teá said leaving out that this was one of her missions to bring her to justice.
"I think you better fill me in," Rocky said.
"No less you know the more you can deny knowing. Trust me I'll fill you in as much as I can but right now I need you to do just your normal routine do not bring attention to yourself." Teá said looking at the ensign, "and I promise you if this goes south I'll do everything in my power to protect you."
"That isn't standing back to back, Black and you know that as well as I do," Rocky said. "If you think you're going to pull the wool over my eyes and leave me staggering around blind while you tell me nothing, you're wrong."
"If I fill you in and you get caught with me you'll be tried for treason. This is what I am protecting you from. Do you understand this ensign?" Teá asked looking at Catalina pleading with her eyes.
"I can get tried for what you had me do earlier, too. I understand that well enough," Rocky said.
"You need to trust me that I won't betray, stab you or abandoned you." Teá said, "I get intel is always a game of cat and mouse button this this time around I need to trust you like you need to trust me."
"I would at least like to feel more than a cat than the mouse you've been treating me." Rocky retorted. "Of course, if you don't need my help..."
"And you will help but like I said I need to get everything set-up. In the mean time I need you to lay low and just do your normal routine." Teá said looking at Catalina again pleading in her eyes.
Rocky turned her back on the Jay Gee, picked her gloves up and headed back towards the counter. "It would have been simpler if I had just beat her ass."
"Trust me it wouldn't have 'cause if it was I would've done it." Teá said grabbing her stuff. "Trust me ensign when I need your help I'll ask."
Rocky looked over her shoulder. "Maybe when you start trusting me you'll get the same. In the meantime, make it an order if you want me to do something, Lieutenant Black."
"Will do ensign." Teá added before leaving the gym.
Snarling, Rocky decided that Black was the last person she wanted to work with on the ship. As she turned her gloves in, she debated tracking the woman down and beating her like a speed bag, but decided to go find some chocolate instead.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator
Ensign Catalina "Rocky" Black
Encryption Specialist
USS Vindicator