Backlog: Entry
Posted on Mon Feb 16th, 2015 @ 4:31am by
215 words; about a 1 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Utopia Planitia Shipyards
Timeline: 241501.03
Puvec stared at a PADD containing a report on the latest vulnerability discovered in the Federation's communication network. He had a direct feed for such information, and studied it daily. The Federation reported thousands of vulnerabilities and security incidences in every report and a considerable amount of his time was spent on keeping himself on the forefront.
He had spent the past few years moving from ship to ship, never really settling in as his various assignments had required only a short term stay. Utopia Planitia had been his home for a few months, and Star Fleet had taken advantage of this by having him work on the team upgrading the Federation's security procedures regarding top secret construction projects. Now Starfleet Intelligence had given him a new assignment.
Long term projects aboard the USS Archer. They told him there would be plenty of chances to study foreign technology, and the Archer would often be sent into areas of space which would allow him to continue his infiltration efforts against the Romulans.
His communicator chirped for a moment and the computer's familiar voice spoke, "USS Vindicator is in dock."
He raised an eyebrow and locked and closed his PADD. After stowing it in a pocket, he picked up his duffel and proceeded towards his new ship.