PLOT - JDL | Adm Red & Empress Psy'Daio - "Agua Mala"
Posted on Thu Apr 16th, 2015 @ 5:51am by Fleet Admiral Blyx Red
Edited on on Sun Apr 19th, 2015 @ 4:52am
1,967 words; about a 10 minute read
Mission: Agua Mala
Tucked away in her state room aboard the Illustrious, Blyx was back to business once again. The horrors of Atlantis Prime wouldn’t soon be forgotten, but the need to focus and dredge onward in a pursuit of wrangling the rest of rogue space was pressing, urgent, and immediately thrown to the forefront of her new career goals. Where once the aging Admiral had sought to simply survive this ‘term’ of service beneath Hark, she’d found renewed vigor to make a difference and pave the way for her successors. Why the Atlanteans had been tabled as a non-entity and a non-threat beyond Sean Archer’s recommendation that they be watched with a wary and vigilant eye, was completely and utterly beyond her scope of comprehension. That fell in Malone’s lap, and it would be part of the report the crow haired woman had sleeplessly begun to compile from the time they’d arrived on the planet. Her voice rang freely into the small room as she paced back and forth over the cushy carpeted deck, one arm wrapped around her ribcage, the other holding up the PADD she’d been carefully tabulating notes in as she dictated to the computer what needed to be said;
“It’s my firm belief that Admiral Malone was more than aware of the threat the Atlanteans could pose to the Federation by way of Admiral Archer’s reports from eleven years ago, but chose to ignore the warning signs and ultimately, through lack of care and attention, dictated that we inevitably view them as benign. That mistake has now resulted in the near loss of Commodore Ivanova’s and Commander Dahe’el’s lives and threatened execution of the entire crew compliment of both the USS Vindicator and USS Illustrious, including Admiral Hark and myself. Through increased surveillance of this obviously aggressive and technologically advanced race, we would have known what to expect on the planet by way of the torn factions surrounding the Commodore’s claim to the throne and we would have been better prepared to deal with the Commodore’s coronation. The Federation would have sent diplomatic reinforcements to help alleviate the stress as well as allowed us to have teams in place to better protect her, and all crew members, against would be assassins and political zealots such as Ambassador Kyym. I take full responsibility for my part in sending the Commodore to what would have been a needless death, but acknowledge that it was made given the information left to the current leadership by Admiral Malone and encourage Starfleet to deeply look into Admiral Malone’s lackadaisical approach when it comes to situations such as the Atlante—“
The computer beeped, announcing an incoming subspace message and Blyx sighed heavily, ready to throw the PADD in her hand across the room. “Computer pause log.” She called, and it chirped in compliance. She’d have to get back to it later, she conceded the point as she accepted the incoming call and took a seat. “Admiral Red here.” She said as the screen came to life and brought the face of her caller into focus.
“Admiral,” Empress Psy’Daio smiled, not at all surprised to see the woman appear so disheveled and bland given what her intelligence operatives had uncovered of the mission. It paid to be up to date and of note of what one’s potential enemies, or allies, were doing. To say that Psy’Daio had been curious at the news of the Admiral meeting, and departing, with Starfleet’s Commander in Chief ever so suddenly, would have been the understatement of the century. It was a tidbit too good to miss. The Atlanteans were an issue, and one the Empress would deal with later and on her own accord. Much later. “It’s been a fair bit since we last spoke, and I have heard only bits and pieces about the Enterprise. Some of which has been troubling.” She almost pouted as she spoke.
“Troubling?” The Admiral asked, surprised to see the blue coiffed visage of the Stenellis woman staring back at her at such a time. It made her instantly regret giving the leader of the Ascendancy her direct line, but instantly reminded herself of just how critically necessary it was. This was a race they knew ever so little about, and the little they had ascertained had led to concern and worry throughout the Federation. News of their bondage to the Cardassian Union had risen more than a few eyebrows if reports were to be believed. “I assure you that the Enterprise is more than safe and should be docking at Cold Station Theta within the next couple days.” She replied with a smile, “The skirmish they had was just that and nothing more. A ship of that size and fire power is more than capable of dealing with a couple overzealous zealots.” Blyx chuckled lightly in her attempt to alleviate the woman’s concerns.
Psy’Daio, however, wasn’t convinced. A single brow rose, as did her chin as she studied the Admiral for all she was worth. Her lack of concern was both reassuring and disturbing, but it meant that no one suspected Xue or her mission… At least not yet. “I suppose you’re correct. History has shown that your starships have encountered much worse and come out on top. You know how mothers worry.” She smiled, appealing to the Admiral’s maternal side as she poured herself a cup of tea, demurely peering at the other woman through a thick veil of lashes, “If anything ever happened to Xue’Daio…” Her voice trailed off dramatically as she paused in bringing her cup to her lips, “I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Rest assured, Your Majesty, she’s more than safe aboard the Enterprise. I’d send my own daughter there in a heartbeat if our roles were reversed.” Blyx nodded and brought up the ship’s information on a PADD. The last report had shown no injuries to those on board, though several to those who had been on the planet’s surface. It meant that the Princess was more than safe, and that was critical in the success of this union between the Federation and the Ascendancy. Anything less and there ran risk of war and war was something the Federation simply wasn’t yet ready for so close to the coat tails of what they’d recently been spun through.
The Empress nodded, more than pleased with the way the little Admiral seemed to scramble. Making Starfleet dance like puppets and yoyos was a past time that wouldn’t soon get old. “I’m pleased to hear that.” She smiled, finally taking that long awaited sip of tea. She knew the action would promote relaxation of the high strung Admiral, especially when the Empress allowed herself to sink into the plush confines of her seat in her own apparent release of stress. “Speaking of children, Admiral, the Princess turned nineteen on the twelfth of the month you call March. If the Enterprise is so close at hand, I’m inclined to invite them, and you, to visit Apsha. Call it the beginning of negotiations for a union between our cultures.” Psy’Daio smiled brilliantly, gesturing through the air with her free hand in a most elegant fashion. “What say you, Admiral?”
The invitation was what the Federation had been waiting for, a chance to see what hadn’t yet been seen. Blyx considered it for a moment, weighing her options. “Unfortunately I wouldn’t be to attend. I’ve been away from the station for far too long and my presence in the sector is needed.” But then a proverbial light flicked on somewhere within the Admiral’s mind. “However, I can offer you the next best thing. Commodore Rochelle Ivanova is our exploration squadron commander and her ship, the USS Vindicator, is on its way back to the station from a rather trying mission. I’m sure they could put your hospitality to use and set the Federation’s best foot forward at the same time.” It was her turn to smile, and it was a genuine one wrought of the pleasure it would bring her to send the weary Vindicator and her crew to Apsha complete with the Enterprise as back up. The presence of two powerful vessels, especially the imposing Vindicator, would lead anyone to think twice before playing with fire. With suspicion running hot between the Federation and the Ascendancy, the announcement of two ships heading in that direction was certain to loft eyebrows and leave both parties on their best behavior; a win if there ever was one.
“Consider your offer accepted, Admiral. Please send the particulars over concerning their crew compliments and I’ll have my aides prepare lodging for them.” Psy’Daio clapped her hands together, charmed by the idea of having not one but two Federation ships to eyeball while playing the song and dance game that came with political talks. Looking, but never touching… Not now… Not yet. It could and would be done, all under the guise of open arms welcoming them to the enjoyment of the planet’s multitude of beaches.
Blyx nodded, “I’ll send that over at once, Your Grace. I look forward to hearing how these initial talks go and will be sure to pencil in time for you to visit the station whenever is convenient.” She graciously admonished, pulling the information up on her PADD and beginning to prepare it herself. Both ships would be given little chance to rest, but it would make the Stenellian hospitality all the more acceptable; a strategic decision at best.
“Marvelous. Have them prepared to celebrate the Princess’s birthday. It’ll be a grand soiree.” The Empress laughed lightly, playing every bit the role of the doting mother and excited hostess all in one fell swoop.
“I’ll be sure to include that.” Blyx nodded, looking up from her PADD once again, “I hate to cut this short, Your Grace, but I have a few matters to deal with while we’re on our return trip. Expect the Enterprise and Vindicator to arrive within the next week and, should you have any concerns, I’m always available.”
“Completely understood, Admiral.” Psy’Daio replied picking up her cup again, “I’ll leave you to it. Thank you for dissipating my concerns surrounding the safety of my daughter.”
“My pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Red out.” And with that, the Admiral cut the comlink and sighed, closing her eyes. There was something off about the blue haired woman, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on but knew that between Ivanova and Dhej the secret would likely be revealed. Their trip would be the cincher on the building opinion the now exceedingly cautious Federation was culturing about the civilization on Apsha. Reopening her eyes, Blyx was met by the imprudent beep of the computer announcing that her log was still paused and desperately in wait of her finishing the dissertation of a report she’d begun. “Damn it all.” She muttered under her breath and finished sending information over to the Empress’s aid as requested and once again fought the urge to throw the hateful piece of technology she worked with. “Resume program.” Beep. Clearing her throat she found her feet once more and once again began to wear a track in the state room’s carpeting as she spoke and ranted for to the computer’s recording delight.
Admiral Blyx Red
Commanding Officer / Quadrant Commander
Cold Station Theta
Cheydinhall Sector
Psy'Daio Nox
Empress of the Stenellian Ascendancy
Queen Dowager of Aleine
Queen of Apsha