PLOT - JDL | Com Ivanova, Capt Dhej, Cmdr Dahe'el, Cmdr Hunter - "Mobius"
Posted on Tue Jun 16th, 2015 @ 7:38am by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Commander Almar Dahe'el & Commander Adrianna Hunter
997 words; about a 5 minute read
Mission: Agua Mala
The observation lounge was empty aside from four fated souls. Two represented the Enterprise, two the Vindicator -- but all four stood for progress and diplomacy as their ships orbited the vibrant turquoise colored N class planet below. The light of which set the massive window-wall aglow with its aurora-like colors, dancing as its atmosphere cycled and undulated in some strange and exotic dance of welcome. Few had ever seen it, even fewer members of Starfleet had ever been given the chance to walk its surface and Rochelle knew that their every move and gesture would need to be critically thought about before being allowed to transpire. One false move... War.
"From what Intel has gathered, the Ascendancy can be quite aggressive and have a penchant for absorbing other races into their proverbial deck of cards." Rochelle said as she gazed out the window, "To say that care needs to be taken not to upset them while we're fresh off our own civil war should go without saying." A grimace seemed to punctuate the sentence perfectly, working to show just how delicate the situation truly was, "Right now they have the Cardassians in their back pocket, which means they have Cardassian technology and everything from both Dominion Wars at their fingertips to engineer in any manner they see fit. Word on the wire is that they have their eyes on the Romulans." She sighed, turning to look at the other three members in her company, "Which means we need to convince them that joining the Federation is the better bet than joining with the Romulan Star Empire. If we don't... We could be looking at another war that we likely won't win."
Karim sighed as he listened to Ivanova and replied "I completely agree Commodore. I think our job will be a bit harder then we think. Commander Hunter and I have had experience dealing with our guest, Princess Xue. To say the least, she is a bit ... volatile. I'm concerned that her people may be the same. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I'm not sure she thinks much of us as an organization."
"If they've had dealings with the Cardassian Union then maybe they'll be a little happier discussing terms with me around?" Almar suggested as he folded his hands before him and looked over the two members of Enterprise's command team, they both looked young to the Cardassian and it had surprised him when they had entered the observation lounge, "While I might not represent the Union, my race is familiar to them, it could help."
The redhead's nose crinkled and wrinkled as she heard what the Enterprise's Captain had to say. "I haven't had the privilege of knowing the Princess, but if she's to be the future Empress of the Ascendancy, it'd be beneficial for us to see to it that we have open lines of communication during her time as a guest of Starfleet." Before she could draw another breath to speak, Almar's voice rung firmly. His words seemed foreign; never in her life did Rochelle think she'd ever hear him be willing to identify with the Cardassians in any way, but it made sense. "It could prove to be beneficial, especially when dealing with the Princess." She nodded. "They've offered our crews their open hospitality. Vindicator's compliment are being sent down with the order to enjoy themselves, but to keep an eye out for anything strange."
Nodding, Karim replied "I believe that will be our plan as well Commodore. If we are going to hopefully welcome the Ascendancy to join the Federation, we need to start at a basis of friendship. I do however share your concerns about keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. They may appear to be friendly and open on the surface, but I want to know if that isn't just a front they are putting on. I'm sorry if I sound jaded, but I've learned not to accept things at face value."
"I'm glad to see that we're on the same page, Captain." Rochelle offered a small smile. It was hardly a matter to find humor in at all, but to see that the man was not only intelligent, but perceptive, put the fiery young Commodore at ease. The mission would be made all the more easy by knowing the command teams could speak and be thinking along the same line concerning matters. Friction was never fun, nor easy. "That being said... I'll see to it that they know we'll be sending our crews down. I recommend that your command team fly down in a shuttle or Captain's yacht just in case a quick get away needs to be made and they jam transporter signals." She couldn't help but wince slightly at just how paranoid sounding that last statement could come off, but looking at Almar, she knew he'd understand.
Smiling, Karim replied "I think that sounds like a great idea Commodore. I'll review the readiness of our support ship, the Aquarius, and have it prepped for launch."
"The Aquarius should be more than suitable for this mission, I've had a chance to review her specs and I've seen worse from some escorts." Almar replied with a quick nod.
"Splendid. Figure a meeting with the Empress at sixteen-hundred? Gives us a few hours to prepare and get down there." The Commodore's smile broadened as she gave the men an appreciative nod. Things were at least attempting to operate smoothly for the time being... Something she hoped they, as a team, could coax into continuation during their time on Apsha.
Smiling, Karim replied "That's sounds good Commodore. I look forward to seeing you and Commander Dahe'el very soon."
=/\=End Log=/\=
Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
Exploration Squadron Commander
Cheydinhall Sector Quad
Commanding Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC 78213-E
Commander Almar Dahe'el
Executive Officer
Captain Karim Dhej
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-F
Commander Adrianna Hunter
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-F