SD 241303.08 DL | "Spotless" | CONN | LtCmdr Landon Neyes
Posted on Fri Mar 8th, 2013 @ 9:57am by Captain Landon Neyes
663 words; about a 3 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Neyes' Quarters
Timeline: Immediately following the appearance of the 2nd Romulan Ship.
=/\= Deck Two, Senior Officer's Wing =/\=
The doors to Neyes' quarters slid open and he chased in right behind them. Landon quickly discarded his tunic and kicked off his boots. There was all of 20 minutes to shower and freshen up for his next shift, which was coming on the tails of the last 20 hours he'd spent on the bridge or in the conference room. Between the Romulan ship and the Captain finally getting off the surface, he was pressed to keep on top of the mission.
"Computer, access the Federation database and display known references to the Tal'Shiar in the local space. List any notable interactions between Empire and Tal-shiar activities in the last 6 months. Display on holo-screen." A moving image of the data and graphics began to scroll down in front of him as he moved through his quarters. At this point he was removing his shirt and slipping off his trousers. His muscles were painfully tense, and he groaned a little at the motions of getting ready for a shower.
"Collecting data." The computer responded dryly.
Sans clothes, Landon hurriedly stepped into his sonic-shower and freely leaned against the wall. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. After a few seconds of thrumming pulses, the shining beads of moisture and the days' filth began to lift off his skin.
The sensation of becoming clean had never been as interesting as when Neyes finally encountered the sonic shower technology. It was fast efficient, and definitely useful as a speedy clean-up between double shifts. Remarkably, it was rarely used outside the space-faring community. Most colonies and worlds still used a form of liquid washing to bathe, one of the many perks of not living on a spacecraft.
Tearing himself from wanting to fall asleep on the spot, Landon widened his gaze and drew his attention to the floating holo-screen that had followed him into the shower.
The data was somewhat dry. There were no clear records of Romulan activities anywhere outside of hard-clearance databases with top level access classification, and the information in front on him reflected that. There were spotty reports of cargo ships moving through the area and random sightings of Romulan ships dipping in and out of cloak. Nothing direct. If the Romulans were operating in the area, they were certainly doing their best to keep in under wraps. Aside from the massive floating wreckage a little ways off from the colony, there was little to show the Empire existed out this far at all.
"Damnit". Landon moved his hand across the screen to scroll through more of the data. "I thought you'd be at least a little worse at keeping secrets than this." But then again, that's what Romulans marketed in. Secrets.
There was nothing here.
Neyes wanted more. He was used to being able to look into people. He was used to having the resources to find things out. The political clout obscuring the tenuous relationship between the Federation and the Romulan Empire was infuriatingly potent. It skewed every report, every view. Having looked over the lack of data before him, Landon only found himself more frustrated. Aside from flying the ship and putting out staffing fires with the crew, Landon didn't have an edge on how to help out.
Something was weighing on Rob as well. Landon could see it every day. Now Heifner wanted a piece of his friend, and he wanted to know why.
The headache pounded in his temples again, making him cringe in pain, clutching at his hair. "Nghaaagh!" Naked and angry, Landon slammed his fist into the shower controls. The sonic pulses sputtered to a stop, and the doors inside the alcove automatically opened for him. He quickly wrapped his bloodied fist in a cloth, and moved to his room to put on a fresh uniform.
If this didn't end soon he was afraid he might lose his grip on himself.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Lt Commander Landon Neyes
Helmsman / 2XO