Uss Vindicator


Girl's Night In

Posted on Tue Oct 30th, 2012 @ 4:28am by Lieutenant JG Emilia Webb & Lieutenant JG Alexia Ducati

1,027 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ship Change Over
Location: USS Vindicator
Tags: sprite,wispy,alexia,emilia

// Personal Quarters, USS Vindicator E \\

Alexia changed out of her uniform and slipped into black yoga pants and white tank top. And picked out 5 B-holomovies and a couple of them would be special and fun and very corny which was the whole point of the B-holomovies to begin with. With everything she needed she left her quarters and quickly walked to Emilia's looking forwarded to reliving the nights they shared together in the academy. Hitting the chime Alexia waited and started looking over the backs of the movies.

Emilia rushed out of her bedroom to answer the door. She beamed at Alexia and stepped back to let her in without so much as a pause. By some strange coincidence she was wearing a pair of yoga pants and a tank top as well, except hers were white and pink, respectively.

"Ok, so what did you bring us?" she asked, going to fall down onto the couch.

"Some just fantastic cinema!" Alexia said with a giggle dropping the five movies onto the couch and finally settling herself. "A couple of them have a some special extra extra." She added with a smirk.

Emilia narrowed her eyes at Alexia all fake suspicious like, "What kind of special extra extra?"

"Read the back of them and you'll find out!" Alexia said almost bouncing up and down with giddiness.

She starts to read a few. Her eyes roll almost immediately but on the third one she jumps, "OH! Zombies.. this one first!" she runs off to set it up.

"And wheres the wine and ice cream?" Alexia said looking around seeing that was the part that excited her besides spending the evening with Em.

Emilia puts on the holomovie and then runs to a container on the floor next to the couch. She pulls out four medium size containers of ice cream (each different), a bottle of white wine and two wine glasses, "Better?"

"Much......reminds me of our nights back in the academy but just with much cheaper booze." Alexia said laughing.

"Oh.. lord that stuff you could get at that place just off campus? Wow... " Emilia shakes her head, "So.. which ice cream should we start with?" she asks as she pours out the wine.

"Coffee." She said smiling as she leaned forwarded and brushed a strand of hair out of Emilia's face. "There we go." She said with a small smile, "do you wish things were different while you were at the academy?" Alexia said thinking about some of the nights they had which weren't all fun.

Emilia blinked, turning to look at Alexia, "No." she said wit certainty, "Why would you ask me that?"

Alexia shrugged, "you've had to put up with a lot of my I mean baggage......and I was just wondering if you had the chance would've done any of that differently?"

Emilia thinks about that for a moment, "The first year, right before Halloween when you were convinced the jack-o-lanterns were out to get you.. I could totally have capitalized on that to get all the candy. I missed an opportunity there."

Alexia smiled a little at remembering that night, "but there's been something I never told you about that night." She said quietly.

Emilia wanted to make another joke about the candy but the tone Alexia used made her stop, "What?"

"You.....know......" She said starting very slowly, "you know about the voices or supposed voices or whatever. That night I was convinced that those jack-o-lanterns were communicating with me. Tell me to do things......." She said trailing off.

"Yeah... what kind of things?"

"At first it was just a lot of whispering I could tell it was several different voices but couldn't tell what they were saying. Than it started to come clear.......they were arguing on when to tell me something.....but than when you grabbed me on the shoulder it all stopped."

Emilia had assumed that keeping Alexia focused on something else or distracted helped but... "It wasn't the candy I wafted under your nose?"

"I wish it was......" Alexia said taking a deep breath realizing that she kind've created a major downer, "sorry didn't mean to get all serious and sad especially on our first girls night in on a ship and new assignment."

"That's ok.. it just means you now have to supply even better treats next time." she joked and leaned over to hug Alexia.

Resting her head onto Em's shoulder she held tight, "sounds fair."

Emilia held Alexia for a little while, occasionally rubbing her back in a soothing manner. When she felt that the downer moment was long gone she separated and reached up to adjust some of Alexia's hair, "Feel better?"

"Yeah I do......what would I do without you?" She said laughing slightly.

"I shudder to think!" Em smiled. She reached over to pick up the first ice cream and two spoons, "I think it is definitely time to indulge. Don't you?"

"Yes please!" Alexia said taking a spoon and scooping some out and slowly putting it in her mouth savoring it all, "what is it that makes wine and ice cream go so well together?"

Emilia considered her answer carefully, "I think..." she paused to stick some ice cream in her own mouth, "it has something to do with quantum physics.. but that's way over my head."

Alexia just laughed and almost squirted wine out of her mouth, "hmmm.......that means it's way over my head as well." She said trying to keep a serious face but having a hell of a time doing it.

Em started to giggle, not so much at her poor joke but at Alexia's attempt to keep a straight face.

"I wonder how well we'll be able to survive a Zombie apocalypse now compared to say the 21st century." Alexia asked looking at the movie.

"Well we can disintegrate them en mass now. And beam away." Emilia nodded to herself, "Force fields.. space travel. If a planet goes all zombie we can quarantine it."

Alexia just smiled and continued to eat and drink wine. Truly happy for the first time in a long time.



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