Uss Vindicator

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Two Face Mail

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2013 @ 10:32pm by

468 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide

Lorina sighed and looked at her bags and then went back to the notes on paper. She was glad she got it into Saul's mind to use paper and couriers for communication. The notes were sealed and the couriers were not allowed to read the notes. There was no data to trace. Paper burned. It was archaic, yes, but safest.

This particular note had some extra information the digital message did not. The digital message read:

"My dear Lorina, I cannot be without you. Even though you betrayed me, I can forgive. The child is an innocent victim in this and deserves to be cared for. Please come to me and marry me so we can be a family. Our love will heal any rifts created by this mistake.

I have officially set up the paperwork for the marriage and talked to the quartermaster for family sized quarters. I am also arranging for proper furniture and other necessities. I was not prepared for this, but I will be ready upon your arrival. I am rather good at gathering information."

The paper note read:

"Duffy, my young friend seems to have lost ability to deal with her terrible trauma by herself. Some duty-related trauma has now added to it and I fear that she will no longer be able to pretend to be functional. She needs help to deal with this and put it behind her. She needs to heal. Please come quickly. By the time you got the message she will have to be at work in less than a day and by the time you get this note, I do hope that she has still been able to fool her superiors. If not, she has dealt with something that can last as a cover until your arrival."

She closed her eyes to try to remember the conversations where he told her what happened to this Trill girl. It was a little more serious than a simple one time rape trauma, but also no worse than a POW prisoner. She could easily handle it. The little web of lies to get there, however, well that amused and annoyed her all at once.

Then there was the matter of this Naranda. Saul warned her that Naranda was a bit... fiery was the word he used. He deeply cared for her. He was obviously smitten by how he smiled talking about even her flaws. However, he did have the warning that she might not handle the marriage well. He promised to talk to her about it, but made no promises that there would be no death stares or snappy remarks. Lorina could deal with it.

((OOC: Forgot how to add an NPC, but Lorina is connected to Saul (NPC) so will use his character to write these logs for now.))


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