Uss Vindicator

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Te'shara on the prowl in security

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2013 @ 2:08am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: USS- Vindicator
Timeline: SD:241308.27

=/\= on security rounds=/\=

The day went slow for a while with not much to do, but for Te'shara it was business as usual in Security. Not much was going on, she wondered
where john was on security, she hadnt seen him in a long while, she gave him as much space as needed. Te`shara kept walking around the ship on
Security rounds, a Passenger on the ship waved Te'shara down, as she wondered why, Te'shara went up to the lady, and asked, her what was
wrong. She asked for Te'sharas help for her son Ryan was missing and sjhe cant find him, and asked Te'shara to keep an eye out for him.
The Lady showed the female Caitian the picture of her son, and Te'shara asked if she can keep the picture so she can find the young lad.

The Boys mother said yes, and told Te'shara her son is only, 6 years old, Te'shara grinned,"one son named Ryan coming up i'll have my other
security look for him as well."she purred, as the mother hugged Te'shara frantically, and hope Security will find her 6 year old son Ryan.

Te'shara, grabbed the ladys arms, and told her , "were here to serve." she said as she walked away to find the mother son. Te'shara alerted other
security officers, when she tapped her comm badge and to let them know theres a 6 year old missing son named Ryan, as she gave the boys info
to the other security officers, Te'shara headed for the turbo lift to find the missing boy, and also would check the turbo shaft for this missing boy.
She also wanted to check the tunnels of the ship to see if he could be there too as well.

The mother was so franticed about her lost 6 year old boy, and where can he be, she broke down crying, and went back in her quarters to lie down.
Te`shara looked all over the ship for the boy, she even checked the vindi shuttles case he hid in there as well, one security officer looked down one
of the turbo shafts for the young boy.
It was hell finding the boy, another security officer checked, engineering for the young boy, he looked very hard for him, and heard some
crying, ands walked up the ladder, and saw, a young boy and his teddy bear, and tapped his comm badge to Te'shara to let her know he found the boy, sitting on the top with his teddy bear crying, and looked at the young boy. "are you Ryan."he asked the young boy. and the boy responded,
"Yes i am." THe Security officer, said,"come with me ,your mother is worried about you.

So the security officer and the young boy climbed down the ladder of engineering, and tapped his comm badge to Te'shara"I found young Ryan,"
he told Te'shara. The Caitain security officer, was relived,so Te'shara went and headed over to the other security officer, and meet him by engineering , Te'shara ran to the nearest turbo lift and called for Engineering.
As soon as she got there , she grabbed the young boy from the other security officer to go give him to his mother.
So Te'shara got back to the turbo lift and rode it up to deck 6, where the mother lived. Te'shara took the boy to the mothers quarters and rang the chimes, and as the mother said come in, Te'shara came in with the little 6 year old boy, and gave him to his mother, and she was so relived, that she thanked Te'shara, and Te'shara, left the family alone and went on her duties.

Lt Te'shara R'heil
Security officer
USS- Vindicator.


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