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JDL |SCO & SXO| |MCapt Keggle & 1Lt Howard| Kicking the Hatchling Out of the Nest

Posted on Tue Sep 24th, 2013 @ 10:48pm by Captain Elar Keggle & Lieutenant JG Lynda Howard

935 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Memorias Rotundum
Location: SCOs Office

=*= Squadron Commanders Office, USS Vindicator =*=

The catapult was finally operational again the flight deck was looking like a flight deck again. And majority of the birds were flyable again. Clicking on a couple of things Elar pulled up Red Queen's jacket. Rubbing his chin he smiled and hit his badge, "Howard my office."

Lynda was checking over her bird when she was summoned. "I'm on my way." came Lynda's response. Making sure her bird was closed up before she made her way over to Captain Keggle's office she had to wonder what this was about.

"Take a seat lieutenant." Elar said looking at the young lieutenant, "to start off I would like to commend you for putting up with......." Elar wasn't sure how to phrase it, "let's call it hazing from myself and the other male pilots."

Lynda arched one elegantly shaped brow at Captain Keggle. Wondering still where this was going she decided to stay silent and not make any smart ass remarks that might get her into trouble rather than where this is going to be honest.

"With that said I need a squadron XO mainly to deal with issues from the pilots and ground crew and paper work. Or to lead the squadron if I'm needed on the bridge during a hop. Do you think you can handle this?" Elar said looking at the female pilot still iffy on this decision but he did needs squadron XO.

Lynda was completely unprepared for this, though tried to hide it despite the surprise that filted acrossed her face for the briefest of seconds. "Are you serious?" She all but blurted out her thoughts. It sounds like a lot of work really and she wasn't a huge fan of paperwork really. "I guess I could... I mean I've never lead..." She cut herself off before she said something she'd regret...

"Lieutenant this isn't a postition you can just BS your way through either you can or you can't. And if you can't I'll find someone else who can and I'll find a for suitable deployment for you." Elar said looking at her with cold almost dead eyes as he said this.

"What exactly is suitable deployment suppose to mean?" She asked her eyes going just as cold she was so getting sick and tired of this BS they were playing either they were constantly on her case no matter what the hell she did or said or they were sucking up to her because the captain was nosing around and asking questions. She stood put her hands on his desk. "If you don't think I'm right for the job then find someone else but stop jerking me around as if I'm not doing my job right because I am I'm doing just as good as any man or woman in the pilots and I'm getting sick and tired of being treated as if I'm not welcomed here." She growled coldly at the captain.

Elar just looked at the lieutenant, "you better take a seat and watch your tone. I would love to have you be my squadron XO need to grow a pair and stick by your orders if you don't you look weak and the Marines and the enemy will use that against you."

Lynda glared at him but moved to take her seat again. Yes she was nervous about the XO position and it would probably show but she needed the support of her CO's and the Squad and well it didn't look like that would happen. with that being the case she was hesitant to except but she was also considering to do so just out of defiance of the CO's. "I have not exactly trained for the XO position." Lynda admitted.

"Lieutenant you can't train everything. And a XO position is exactly that position you can't train until you get put in it. So I'll ask you again. Do you have what it takes to be a XO for this squadron, if not like I said I'll find someone else and get you a more safer assignment something that you'll be more accustomed for." Elar said looking at her.

Safer. its almost as if the way he said it he was taunting her. "I have what it takes to be XO of the squad." She said firmly hoping she didn't regret this but refused to let Captain Keggle see her nervousness...

"There you go....that's what I want to see all the time. Alright here's the simulator training schedule......I'll get you the live scenarios once I can figure out if we've time to do them or not. But let the men know they're coming." Elar said handing her a PaDD. "I want all the pilots marks to be up by the end of the week."

"Yes sir.." She said taking the padd and felt her throat go dry again and yet she couldn't show this to the Captain she could do this, Lynda just wasn't use to doing it...

"Good also go and meet and get to know Marine Captain Tripae Lione otherwise known as Overwatch she is your best friend when you're out don't piss her off or it effects all of us." Elar said looking at the lieutenant.

"Aye Sir." Lynda responded moving to stand so she could leave and go talk to Marine Captain Tripae Lione.

"Dismissed." Elar said watching his new XO walk out of his office.

Marine Captain Elar "Harpyia" Keggle
251st TAS "Charybdis" Squadron CO
USS Vindicator-E


1st Lieutenant Lynda Howards
251st TAS "Charybdis" Squadron XO
USS Vindicator-E


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