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JDL |""| CSci & DSgt | LtJg Roswell & SSgt sh'Ziri

Posted on Wed May 7th, 2014 @ 6:17pm by Lieutenant JG Saia Roswell & Staff Sergeant Indys sh'Ziri

269 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: In the Dark


After setting up the teams Indys, corporal D'Saish, private Richards and finally PFC Jax headed out in search for the missing science officer. "Stay close, remember tricorders are having trouble or straight up don't work." Indys shouted over the storm, "we have 45 minuets to find this women." With that the team headed out in the direction she was last seen going.

Saia was digging through the snow with Sina and Qip in search for Locke and Caldwell, or her tricorder that could help her find them. Some latent post traumatic syndrome caused by an incident in her childhood helped her adrenaline rush, but she was unaware of how cold she was getting.

Even with the help of Indys antenna the team was essentially blind. Even calling out was useless seeing how loud the wind was. "Anything on tricorders?" Indys shouted into the internal comms.

"Nadda." PFC Jax shouted back closing his back up, "time?" He asked.

"35 remaining." Private Richards shouted. But he stopped in his tracks, "hey I've got tracks here. Barely but they're tracks." Indys walked over carefully and looked at them, "they look like standard Starfleet issue cold wear boots."

Indys continued to look around, "this way." She calmly as she led them north.

Saia paused a moment and took off her gloves so she could actually feel something when she touched it... be it a person or her tricorder. However, she did realize it would only be moments before her hands were numb from the cold, but at the moment, it seemed worth it. She would put the gloves back on when that happened.


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