Uss Vindicator

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Surprising News

Posted on Mon Aug 18th, 2014 @ 3:58pm by Ensign Robyn Maxwell

1,099 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: In the Dark
Location: Robyns Quarters
Timeline: Current

"And now, the rest of the news."

There was a significant pause which told the viewers that the serious news about interminable elections,political scandals,skirmishes and dire threats was now at an end and to follow would be 'lighter' subjects, perhaps even something amusing, that would allow the viewer to go to bed with a smile on his/her face knowing that all was well despite everything else.

The female face smiled down at Robyn from the screen on the wall but she had been listening with only half an ear as she made herself a snack and drink after a couple of hours spent transforming her quarters into her home.

Her clothes now hung in the wardrobe, mostly casual garments, uniforms and one exception of a beautiful dress on which Robyn had spent rather more than was sensible with the idea of wearing it to a special occasion.
The 'special occasion' had been unspecified, neither had it arrived yet,so the dress hung unworn next to jeans and casual trousers, a couple of skirts and jackets where it looked as out of place as a Swan in a gaggle of Geese.
Various 'tops' and sweaters filled the drawers and shoes were lined neatly in their own place.

A small box had been placed to one side on the top of the cabinet holding Robyns collection of jewellry. The items were few but of good quality and most held sentimental value too.

A crate, sent ahead of time, had been opened to reveal larger items and now emptied, stood near to the entrance.

Holographs of Robyns family had been placed around the main room...a family group, her sister Lynda and herself, Lynda on her own, one of Robyn and her parents on Robyns graduation day all pride and beaming smiles.

Along with these family momentos was another.
Head and shoulders only, large liquid brown eyes, a hairy face and a mouth pulled back in a wide grin which exposed jagged white teeth and a lolling tongue. This was Scruff, the family dog although most attached to Robyns mother because she was usually the one who fed him he would play 'fetch' and perform his few tricks with anyone willing to spend the time.
He was now quite old and on setting the frame in place, Robyn had touched her finger to the ever happy face and smiled to herself.

A large painting, some fantasy landscape of stars, silhouetted trees and silver Unicorns was propped against a wall awaiting the time when Robyn could get someone from maintainance to come and hang it. Three or four ornaments had their places whilst rugs and some scatter cushions added the final personal touch.

Robyn sat down on the remarkably comfortable sofa taking care to not spill her coffee and bit into a sandwich from a plate balanced on her knees considering as she did so whether or not an alabaster figurine was in the correct place after all.
It was only when her subconcious recognised the word 'Vindicator' that she paid any attention to the newsreader.

"...will be the first 'Starship' to undergo the transformation with others expected to follow soon." the newsreader said looking very satisfied that this would be so.
{What transformation} Robyn asked herself chewing on her sandwich.

"Earlier today a spokesperson for Norbert Bernard Enterprises told us that...they are looking forward to bringing much needed comfort and ambiance to the crews of Starfleets finest ships."

Again came the satisfied smile which also implied that if the viewer was not already a member of Starfleet , they would be wise to enlist soon so as to enjoy this formerly lacking attraction.

The face faded out and was replaced by a holograph of a Starfleet representitive shaking hands with a balding overweight man as the newsreader explained that a three year contract had been signed handing the running of all Starship and Starbase 'Relaxation Lounges' into the caring hands of Mr Bernard the Second.
There followed a series of holographs showing people having the time of their lives in various locations, eating gourmet food and apparantly falling in love over a glass of Champagne.
Then came mention of the rest of the Bernard 'empire' originally founded by Bernard the First, again with illustrations of Energy, Multi Media and Transportation in various forms all of which it handled to outstanding success.

{Ohhhh} Robyn thought as she recognised the intertwined N and B lettering with a ship at warp.

She had ofcourse heard of Bernard Enterprises, for the company had a finger in many pies and was rarely out of the news.
Most recently had been a dispute over something Robyn could not exactly recall involving lawyers, court cases, appeals and eventual victory for Norbert Bernard the Second.

The female face,framed in long brunette curls, re-appeared.
"This new venture aboard the Vindicator.." she said with a hint of divulging a secret. "...will be run by Mr Bernards son Norbert Bernard the Third."
A new holograph appeared.

Robyns jaw dropped but she quickly closed her mouth to prevent sandwich falling out.
Her eyes had widened in surprise for there in front of her, his face filling the screen, was the passenger who had made her life such a misery on the journey, the man who had almost been thrown into a Klingon jail and whom she, in a moment of what she now considered ill placed compassion, had rescued.
{Yes! It's definately him! ohhhhh glorianna!}

The holograph was perhaps not the best but to Robyn it summed up every aspect of the rude and arrogant fellow passenger she had had the misfortune to travel with and to discover that he was actually on board the very ship in which her career was to begin was so unbelivable that she could almost hear the Gods of Fortune laughing aloud.

"Mr Bernard said today that he sees no reason why his son should not follow on the brilliant successes of the hospitality business that Norbert Bernard Enterprises have established....and we wish him the very best." the newsreader concluded with a happy smile as though she and the viewer were part of one big happy family and Norbert their baby brother.

"And that ends the news for this evening. If you stay tuned we are going over to the semi-final of the Red......"

"Computer...end broadcast" Robyn said and the screen turned black.

{Why did I 'ever' tell him to see a 'doctor'?!} she asked herself and closed her eyes against the thought.

*** End Log ***

Ensign Robyn Maxwell
Medical Officer
USS Vindicator


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