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Joint Personal Log - Cn duPont & Mr Bernard III - BACKLOG "Fancy Gloves, Though Wears Old MacHeath"

Posted on Sat Sep 6th, 2014 @ 7:38pm by

1,317 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Are You Touched?
Timeline: Before arrival at Qo'noS

-=/\=- After Dark Lounge -=/\=-
Cecil was practically walking on clouds as he entered the lounge. He was on his lunch break after a particularly productive morning with the Captain. The more he worked with her, the more impressed he was. She just had this way with people, she had connections, and she was just the focus of so much attention. He whistled to himself as he strolled up to the bar to order his lunch.

Mr. Bernard was on the far side of the lounge adjusting the new display full of jewelery and trinkets when he noticed a familiar face enter the room. It took a few seconds but he realized him as the Captains yeoman. A split second later he typed a few keys into his PADD and pulled up the mans name and information. "Excellent", he mumbled to himself and quickly stepped to the bar just as David the lounges aloof bartender appeared.

"Hey man", David said with a grin, his eyes were red, "What can I get for you brother".

Cecil considered the man and his red eyes a moment, trying to hide behind considering what to order. "Can I get a pastrami on dark rye, and a mineral water with a slice of lime?" He smiled politely, wishing that Sally had been here. He liked her.

"Awww, you got it brother, that sounds really good", David said, inputting the food order to the chef and then popping open a bottle of mineral water and pouring it on ice in a tumbler.

Norbert observed Cecil from the opposite end of the bar for a brief moment before introducing himself. Someone as close to the captain as this man would surely be a very good ally.

"Excuse me", Norbert said stepping closer putting on the fake charm, "But that is the most amazing watch, I have seen in quite some time, its absolutely amazing, where in this universe did you find something like that?".

Cecil looked at the watch on his wrist, nudging the cuff of his uniform back to allow the man a better look at it. "My father gave it to me, 18th birthday. It winds itself with kinetics." The face of the watch was mostly cut open to expose the platinum clockwork inside. The maker's mark was Swiss, and the only numeral on the face was a XII at the top. "He probably bought it from the same jeweler in Paris all of his gifts to mother came from."

"Simply amazing, your father has impeccable taste. I'm Norbert by the way, it is very nice to meet you", he smiled and sat down in the seat next to him.

David placed the Spring Water with Lime in front of Cecil and smiled at Norbert.

"Oddly enough, mother didn't think so," Cecil said with a frown. "She always left her jewelry in the boxes on her dresser." He sipped at his drink. "I'm Cecil. You're the lounge manager, aren't you? Mr. Bernard... the third, isn't it? I've been hearing so much about you."

Norbert paused and tweaked his head to the side, "Oh what sort of things?", he said, glancing towards David who was now doing the chicken dance at the far end of the bar to an invisible audience.

Cecil followed Norbert's gaze down the bar, and raised an eyebrow. "Is he... okay?"

Norbert looked back at Cecil and smiled. "Ohh he's fine", he looked back at Cecil, "Just practicing for a uhh...talent show", he turned his attention back towards the Crewman. "So what is it you do on this ship?"

David still dancing began to make clucking sounds, rhythmically matching his folded arms as they winged back and forth against his sides.

"Bock, bock, BOCK BOCK".

"Right," Cecil said, as if doing so would change the fact that a grown man was acting like a chicken in the lounge. He wondered where Sally was, he liked her. "I'm the Captain's yeoman," Cecil finally answered the question, sitting up straighter and puffing out his chest with pride.

Norbert ignored the bartender for the time being, "No way", he said with amazement, "That is a very high position, very respectable, from now on, anything you want here is on the house, drinks, food you name it, I can't be having someone such as yourself paying for service here". He was interrupted by David who had stopped dancing like a bird.

"Here's your sandwich sir", he said placing the Pastrami on Rye in front of Cecil. "And you have a happy Cinco De Mayo", he added before doing an about face and walking straight to the back office.

"Right back at you," Cecil said to David's retreating form with an amazed head shake. "I appreciate the offer, Mr Bernard, but regulations state I can not accept gifts or gratuities." Cecil picked up the sandwich, and took a bite.

"Of course", Norbert said slightly disappointed, "Wouldn't want to violate regulations", he watched as Cecil chewed, "However we don't have to consider it a git at all, perhaps a trade then?"

One dark eyebrow rose as Cecil finished chewing and swallowed. He took his time, as it allowed him to consider what this suggestion meant. Also, it gave him a chance to savor the delicious sandwich and the taste that lingered on his tongue from the first bite. Some of what had filtered out of the Lounge about its new manager made Cecil pause at the idea of trading something with him.

"What did you have in mind?" He took another bite, trying to hide that he was skeptical.

Norbert shrugged. "I can't think of anything I'd want from you besides your friendship", he paused, "And friends help each other when they can don't they?".

"That's not a trade, that's a gift," Cecil insisted. "And the Captain would be very disappointed in me if I broke regs. She depends upon me, and I can't let her down." Cecil looked around and leaned close to Norbert. "Besides, she could absolutely destroy my career. She's got friend in high places. Did you know she knows Admiral Malone personally? Fleet Admiral Malone." He sat up straight and raised his sandwich to take another bite, pausing only long enough to add. "This sandwich is delicious."

"Spared no expense", Norbert said watching as the man whoofed down his lunch. "That is quite interesting", he laughed, "Speaking of the Captain, I've heard quite the juicy rumors regarding her and the Operations Officer", he looked away, "Oh whats his name....", he looked back at Cecil for help.

"PontBrillant, Commander Vlimar PontBrillant. He seems to vex her, every time I've observed them together," Cecil dismissed.

"Right!", Norbert said slapping his hand onto the bar. "Vilmar", he said, his voice trailing off as he was becoming annoyed with the conversation. "Tell me about the Captain then, you must know an awful lot since you work directly with her", he laughed, "All the juicy gossip", he nudged Cecil with his elbow rather awkwardly.

"I don't engage in gossip," Cecil stated simply, setting his sandwich down.

Norbert nodded. "Of course", he sighed, the game was over for now, "Well I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time as it is, so please do enjoy your meal, and if you ever need anything, you know where to find me, I can be a very good friend to have", he smiled, adjusted his suit and stepped away, leaving Cecil to finish his meal.

Cecil watching Norbert walk away with a confused look on his face. That was a sudden retreat, and Cecil couldn't help wondering if something had spooked the man. For now, he had to finish lunch and get back to the Captain. There were reports to file after all.

-=/\=- END LOG -=/\=-
Crewman Cecil duPont
Captain's Yeoman
USS Vindicator

Norbert Bernard III
Lounge Manager
USS Vindicator


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