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Joint Personal Log - Cmdr Waterhouse & Lt Shea - "Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la"

Posted on Thu Jan 8th, 2015 @ 10:52am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Lieutenant Dustin Shea

930 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Spot To Kill

Amelia was grateful to be inside. Even with the heat lamps surrounding them and all the people condensed together, the wind slid through the bubble of heat during the awards and promotions. The gloves helped, as did the velvet dress and the leather boots, but there was still a frozen bite. She moved through the crowd, murmuring thanks at those who offered her congratulations on her promotion, and searching for one of the servers moving through the crowd with the spiced cider. Just as she collected one of the crystal cups off a tray with a smile and a nod, she spotted a figure in the crowd that she would have assume she'd forgotten for being so long since she saw him last, except he'd managed to make a marked impression on her the few times they'd interacted.

"You'd think that as XO of the ship, you wouldn't be able to hide from me," she quipped as she came up behind him, leaning down to get close to his ear and laying a hand on his shoulder. "And it can't be you were hiding in the Jefferies tubes, I grew up on starships, so I can easily keep up with any engineer in the damn things."

"Well," Dustin started, "I've been keeping myself busy throughout the ship. Never stayed in one place for very long. And, when not working, I've been keeping myself busy in my quarters. I have had a lot going on since I came aboard the ship."

"Busy in your quarters," she repeated, shaking her head as she moved around to stand in front of him, arms crossed. "As I recall, there were threats of moving into my quarters, after you strutted like a peacock across them in nothing more than your birthday suit."

"Threats? I wouldn't say that they were threats, maybe, merely suggestions. Suggestions that I just haven't followed up on."

"Right." She shook her head with a laugh. "Did you realize your competition has left the crew?"

"Honestly, no I haven't."

"Oh, well then," she said with a small laugh. "How are you settling in? I'm guessing a lack of reports across my desk with your name in them is a testament to you not getting into trouble." She grinned as she teased him.

Dustin smirked. "Or... I just haven't decided on the right opportunity to do anything, yet."

"Just do me a favor, and don't get caught if... Well, when, you start misbehaving," she insisted. "It'll be my ass too, after all." She made a face as a thought occurred to her, and she glanced around before stepping closer. "Or at least let me be involved if it's epic enough to be worth getting caught over." She looked around again, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

"Alright," Dustin said with a smile. "That is fair enough." Dustin paused for a moment and then continued on, "Congratulations on the promotion. And you look stunning." A wandering server passed by with spiced cider and Dustin grabbed a glass to quench his thirst.

"Thank you," she said quietly, taking a small sip of her own cider she'd all but ignored since collecting it before approaching Dustin. Her eyes quickly darted over him, and she smiled. "You wear your dress whites well."

"I only wear them when I have to. I'm not much of one to get all fancy. It is just not my style. I rather be in more casual attire. Probably with a stiffer drink in hand with music blaring. That is more my style."

"Oh, you'll get no arguments from me on that," Amelia returned with a laugh. "Doesn't mean I can't comment that you look good in them."

"Touché," Dustin said with a smile, "Touché."

"What do you think of the party?" She couldn't help looking around at everyone as she asked. "I had to figure out how to dance the fine line between keeping Rochelle and respectability happy, which still not making it a yawn fest. You know?"

"It's nice. I don't mind the music, but I'm kind of getting bored with it. With my eclectic taste in music, I can only listen to something for so long before I need to switch it up. Even as eclectic my as my taste in music, Big Band/Swing style just doesn't make it up that high in the list."

"We could have gone full out snore fest with classical," she returned with a shrug. "All the fun classical isn't Christmas friendly. I'd probably cause a scandal if I sang some of my favorite Christmas carols. I suspect a punk Christmas would scandalize the brass, even if it is fun." Amelia smirked, and rolled up onto the balls of her feet for a moment. It was in that moment, she made eye contact with Cecil across the room, and from the look in his face, it was clear he needed something. She sighed softly. "Excuse me."

The yeoman met his executive officer halfway across, and the two of them had a hushed conversation before the young man in the top hat lead the willowy redhead off in search of their commanding officer. No one had seen her for a couple of hours at this point, she'd disappeared not long after the awards and promotions had finished, and on a hunch Cecil had asked after Landon only to find no one had seen him since about the same time.

=/\= End Log =/\=

Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E

Lt Dustin Shea
Asst Chief Engineering Officer
USS Vindicator


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