Uss Vindicator

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Replicator Malfunction

Posted on Sun Jan 20th, 2013 @ 3:29am by Lieutenant Jennifer Waters

214 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Mess hall

~*~ Start Log ~*~

"Well if it's not one thing it's another, but thankfully these malfunctions are few and far between and easily fixable." Jenny muttered to herself. the little engineer officer could be found kneeling before the replicator working on it with a hyper spanner and some new iso chips to replace the one's that were malfunctioning. it wasn't a big job or an exceptionally important one, and yet without this replicator well people would get hungry and cranky without the extra food source.

"Ok that should do it, let's see." The pregnant officer said pulling back before starting to close up the panel and powering up the replicator, "Sweet tea and salad with Italian dressing on the side." she said to test the replicator and when her food was replicated as she request it to be she got up and smiled. "Perfect, well I guess lunch time." She smiled collecting her food and her tool box.

Finding an empty seat she started going over the list of things she had to do that day, crossing off what she's already worked on and what she hasn't yet done while she ate her salad and sipped her tea while she went over the rest of her work...

~*~ End Log ~*~

Lieutenant Jennifer Waters
Assistant Engineer
USS Vindicator


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