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JDL | LtJg Black & Ens Barnes | "It's Ma'am Seeing as I don't Have a Penis"

Posted on Fri Jan 23rd, 2015 @ 6:19am by Lieutenant JG Teá Black & Ensign

943 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Spot To Kill
Location: Intelligence

= V =

After her little conversation with the security lieutenant Ebonheart Teá thought it would finally be a good idea to head to intelligence question was was her security codes and clearance still good. What the hell. Teá thought as she walked down the corridor after figuring out where intel was even located on the ship. It wasn't exactly written where it was which made sense seeing as intel never enjoyed people accidentally walking into the area. " posted security," Teá said stopping right at the junction knowing that there was security just not the visible type.

Smirking she pulled out a PaDD and pointing it where she would have a monitoring device. "Input my codes and clearance and you'll see that I'm one of you and member of the crew. Just re-assigned here a few days ago."

In the Intel office, Catalina had just reported in and been assigned her duty shift schedule and given a basis of what would be expected of her and a set of algorithms which were current for the Vindicator. She sat at a terminal reviewing everything when she heard the door swish open; turning, she saw a short woman with unusual eyes who was wearing black leather pants, a white "T" with a deep "V" neckline and her black biker boots. Getting up, she smiled at her and offered a hand. "Allow me to introduce myself," she said. "Ensign Catalina Barnes, the new Encryption Specialist."

"Lieutenant junior grade Teá Black intelligence officer." Teá not taking her hand instead walking past her, "I hope you ran my codes and security clearance before just letting me in here." Teá said looking around the darkened room with monitors covering the whole facility, a pool table in the middle and a small office in the back most likely for the chief intel officer.

Catalina lowered her hand as the woman just walked past her without taking it. "No, Lieutenant. The computer authenticated your access. I'm new here and still going over the algorithms, Sir."

"It's ma'am seeing as I don't have a penis and ensign what do you remember from your training with intel. If I remember correctly they drill this into your brain pretty early on. Computers lie, people lie you should do your own checking."

"That's incorrect, lieutenant, and sexist on top of it," Catalina said. "Sir is a term of respect regardless of gender for a higher ranking officer. Being new here, as I said, I have not had the opportunity to go over all the formal protocols for the ship and the department. However, I could easily do such now. Computer, verify Lieutenant Junior Grade Teá Black's access and clearance for Intelligence."

We have a feisty one. Teá thought giving the ensign a smirk, "which is why you shouldn't have opened that door. Do your checks and verify first then invite in. It'll keep you alive and it'll also keep you from trying to explain to someone higher than me why a unauthorized person was allowed in."

"I seriously doubt you would have found the Intel office as hard as it isn't even on the deck listings," Catalina responded, looking down at the smaller woman. "Giving that you're here and the computer hasn't beamed you to the brig, it would seem that you are authorized to be here, Lieutenant Black."

"Fair enough," Teá said running her fingers along the edge of the pool table, "so do we have an assignment or arrow just mining for intel?"

"I'm uncertain given the fact that Commander Archer isn't available to ask, Sir," Catalina said. "However, I am fairly certain that your...uniform...isn't standard for duty. Unless, of course, you're here on an undercover assignment. Sir."

"Ensign, I damn well know this isn't my uni. I don't actually have a shift till tomorrow figured I should get caught up on what the Vindi has been doing since the end of the Civil war and downtime in Klingon space." Teá wondering if they would get along seeing as the ensign is a perfectionist and by the book officer while Teá was a damn cowboy.

"If your shift isn't until tomorrow, Lieutenant, should you be here?" Yes, Catalina knew she was giving the Jay Gee a hard time, but the woman grated on her nerves. "Very few people come into the department unless they've been ordered or have duty that day. I'm here to get acquainted with the protocols and regulations aboard the Vindicator."

"Honey did you even read the verification that the computer spit back at you. I'm a intelligence officer." Teá said looking at the younger own hair women.

"I did, and my name isn't Honey," Catalina said, her eyes narrowing at the Jay Gee's attitude, but swallowed a harsher retort. Instead, she turned back to her terminal and what she had been studying. "Sir."

Smirking once more glad to see the young officer that had some fight and spunk. "I think we'll get along just fine ensign. I'll see myself out." With that Teá walked out smiling glad to be apart of a crew again it was gonna take some getting used to seeing as she's been working alone for such a long time.

After the Jay Gee walked out, Catalina had the computer seal the door and send her any alerts of other personnel about to enter the department. This is going to be a fun ship she thought before dismissing the woman from her mind and turned back to her studies.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator

Ensign Catalina "Rocky" Barnes
Encryption Specialist
USS Vindicator


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