Uss Vindicator

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SD 241302.22 || "Extraction" || JL || CO, XO, MCO, Diplo ||

Posted on Fri Feb 22nd, 2013 @ 6:48am by Captain Robert Lansine & Captain Olan Dar & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza & Lieutenant JG Alexia Ducati

676 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Planet surface and Vindicator

There was little the Captain could do to argue with the Romulan Aerv. He either allowed them to disable the scattering field as they had already planned or get into another firefight.

Not only that but he would be inadvertently picking sides in a local conflict he did not want to be involved with in the first place.

As his team exited the cave they entered a short time before he glanced up at the night sky for a moment looking for the Vindicator.

"Ellis, keep scanning the field and let me know the moment it goes down. If this releases Thaleron radiation we'll need the Vindicator to beam us all up immediately."

Ellis nodded adjusting his combat tricorder for the correct settings. It didn't take long but he also had Sarah do the same figuring that two eyes were better than one.

The next few minutes offered less than reassuring information from Ellis' tricorder readings. Ambient radiation levels were on the rise, but thankfully Thaleron levels were still below dangerous levels. Aerv and his men remained close to the generator, talking quietly amongst themselves as they continued their analysis of the small device and its apparent twin somewhere else within the colony.

The tension between the Starfleet crew and the rebels was almost palpable before Aerv's gleeful expression shown evidence of success. "Mr. Dar, the inhibitor field should no longer be a problem."

Olan simply nodded and tapped his commbadge, "Captain Dar to Vindicator."

"Lansine here, sir," Rob replied quickly. The sound of the Captain's voice was a welcome change from the earlier disrespectful remarks of their Romulan guest and the complaints of Captain Heifner.

"The field is down, begin beaming up the crew. What's the status up there?" Olan said.

"Aye." Rob nodded to the Ops officer on station and watched as the young Bolian punched in the appropriate commands. "Are you alright sir?" With the sudden appearance of their lost Captain Rob couldn't help but think something was going on planetside.

"We're fine, Commander. What is the status of the ship?" Olan asked again.

Rob thought hard how to answer the straight forward answer. Things above the planet were not going smoothly. The Kennedy and the Romulan Warbird had presented two very different problems for Lansine and the crew--he wasn't sure it would be wise to throw all their troubles on the Captain.

"Complicated, sir," was all he could muster.

Dar's response was cut off abruptly as the ship shook violently, the already red-glowing klaxons flashed brightly, followed immediately by the all too familiar automated alarm. Still flanked by Landon and Commander Williams Rob shared a stunned expression with the two other officers before coming to his senses. "REPORT!" He yelled, motioning for Williams to take Tactical.

"The Romulan vessel is firing on the Kennedy and us, sir," Capellupo, already at Ops, beat Williams to the punch. "Shields at 85%!"

"Commander.. get us up there now." Dar said over the comm. What he could hear through it told him enough about what the situation was.

"Aye, sir," Rob replied, now more frantically than before. "Lieutenant, get a lock." He looked to Capellupo.

"I've got them," John said quickly, a large smile now plastered across his face.

Another barrage from the Warbird rocked the bridge. A few of the stations lights flicked slightly as the green disruptor bolts crashed against the Vindicator's shield skin. Unlike smaller Starfleet vessels, the massive Vindicator could hold it's own with the largest of Romulan capital ships. The immense power of the Vindicator's defensive systems could hold off most conventional attacks much longer than its predecessors. Yet, despite these advantages, Rob knew they'd have to return fire soon.

"They're in Transporter Room One..." Capellupo began, but the fact was already obvious as Dar appeared from the conveniently placed rear deck transporter room.

A wave of relief crashed over Rob has Dar entered the bridge. The Captain's dirty uniform and pained expression bore evidence of an interesting story, but it would have to wait.

It was time to act.

=/\= End Log =/\=


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