Uss Vindicator

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Nimble Fingers

Posted on Thu Feb 14th, 2013 @ 3:42pm by

902 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Colony Medical Centre

Swiping one of the Starfleet officer's communicators was easier said than done.

After leaving the Governor with their plan in place the Doctor had headed right back to the medical facilities. He found it very empty except for his own volunteer medics and patients.

The work already performed by the Starfleet medical teams had ensured that no one else would die in the short term but Lovok was concerned if this detainment continued then that would change.

"Where did the Starfleet medical personnel get taken?" he asked one of his fellow Romulans.

"I believe the larger of the storage buildings with the rest. Why?" the man answered.

Lhaerrh let out a frustrated sigh, "We still have work to do. We have their equipment but none of you have the medical knowledge to assist me."

Those present were not offended by the statement. It was just the truth. They were no more than your common Romulan civilian skilled in labour, not science. Lhaerrh had conscripted them when things had gotten bad and did what he could to train them as assistants.

A quick look around showed no stray Starfleet badges just laying around for him which meant he would have to go in among the guards and hope that none of them were suspicious of him or worse.. knowingly allied to the Tal'Shiar.

If he was discovered attempting to covertly contact the Vindicator he would be shot on sight he had no doubt.

His mind set to his task he picked up a data pad and made sure it had information on it he could convince one of the guards he needed one of the Starfleet medical personnel for and headed out.

It was not far and he came up against two guards at the entry way who each gave him a respectful nod.

"I need to speak with one of the Starfleet medics. We are still attempting to fix the illness we have contracted and they can still be of use to us."

The guards exchanged a look and then allowed the doctor to enter.

That was the easy part. The hard part presented itself next.

Upon entering he found all the Starfleet personnel bunched together in the middle of the room, hands bound in front of them and guarded on all sides. Oddly they all still appeared to have their badges which Lovok knew from many years of life should be the first thing taken from them.

However, all the guards being used here were no more than their local civilian militia. Not a one of them military trained. In truth there were only a small handful of the militia who were former military.

It was also possible that they believed the scattering field would prevent any use of the communicators so they never bothered to remove them. They of course removed the few weapons that might have been present and everything else on their person.

One of those guards approached him, "Can we help you Doctor?"

"Yes, I need to speak with one of the medical personnel. As I mentioned to the men outside we are still attempting to resolve the illness we have become afflicted with. They may be under guard but they can still be useful to me." he explained with as much calm authority as he could muster. He was afflicted as well and the stimulants and other drugs he'd been using to keep himself going were slowly fading and he was becoming more fatigued as time passed.

After a moment of thought and a quick look at the medical information on the data pad the guard also relented and allowed him to move into the crowd of Starfleet officers.

Lovok picked one of the nurses he had worked with, mostly because she was the closest. He did not want to spent too much time here.

"My dear, I need your assistance." he spoke softly as he quickly made a note on the pad to explain himself as quickly as possible.

I need your badge to contact your ship

To her credit the young woman did no more than raise a brow and give him a much deserved scowl, no doubt feeling a sense of resentment for being herded like cattle when they were only here to assist.

Even so, she appeared to accept the chance at help. She feigned the process of reviewing the information as she turned so the view of her badge was obscured. Lovok did not miss his opportunity and plucked it from her uniform, immediately hiding it within his own clothes.

Then she provided him a nonsense answer that sounded good enough to fool a lay person and handed back the data pad to him. He nodded to her and gave a slight smile, "Thank you."

She nodded back and slipped in among her colleagues as the Romulan doctor made his way out of the group. He could hear some whispers behind him and assumed she explained what happened but he did not look back for fear one of the guards would pay too close of attention to her and notice something missing.

Once Lovok was outside and several paces from the door guards he let out a sigh and felt the small object in his pocket. Now he would need to use it to warn the Vindicator and would have to do it alone if the Governor was unsuccessful.


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