JL | Com Ivanova, Lt Shran - CO, CSci | "Strike The Hard Bargain"
Posted on Thu Jul 13th, 2017 @ 8:45pm by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Lieutenant Anaxar Shran
1,348 words; about a 7 minute read
Mission: Resurgere
'USS Vindicator, NX-78213-F, Vindicator Class, Deep Space Explorer'. Anaxar peered at the padd he held in his hand, as he walked through the station. Deciphering texts was still a slow process.
'CO: Commodore Rochelle Ivanova'. A commodore, no less! Not really exceptional for a ship this size. Anaxar smirked when he reached the ship's specifications. No wonder the man had smiled when he'd suggested the Vindicator. Some bases were smaller than this ship.
Ah, well. What were the chances he'd be accepted on a deep space explorer anyway? The best he'd expected was a small transport, or maybe a patrol vessel. Not a spiffy, cutting-edge ship of the line. They could pick anyone they liked for a position such as Chief Science. There was just no way-
He curtly shook his head at his own thoughts, winced at the reminder that making sudden, sharp movements with his head was still not a good idea.
And he was nearly there. The airlock stood open, a few people were walking out, chatting excitedly. Anaxar halted and stuck his hand in his pocket again. Now would be a good time to take a painkiller. The last thing he needed was to suffer an overload and having to switch off the implant when talking to his prospective CO. Or XO, or 2XO, most likely.
A small sting as the needle penetrated the skin of his palm, and the slow, welcome wave of warmth which washed the pain away. He tossed the empty shell in the recycler and entered the ship.
"Helm, I want you to re-run the launch process simulation. I don't want surprises or error. We're not as large as the old Discovery class, but we're still the largest thing here and I don't want them to regret letting us dock." It was business as usual aboard the big, though idle, boat. They were scheduled to disappear back into the black in under twenty-four hours - a fact that left the bustling redhead anxious and itching for time to get on with it and send her far away from the routine of fleet dramatics. They were ravenous, running flag tours of the new, state of the art, vessel that had just completed a pleasure cruise to prove it functioned well enough. Next would be a full shakedown, the training wheels would be off - and she was more than ready. Helm acknowledged with a simple nod, once more running the program designed to help train crew members on the experimental ship's functions. Landon and Leto both had managed to stick their hands heavily into that pot, tooling away and testing the ship's limitations.
The sound of the lift door's hissing open quickly captured her attention, and Rochelle turned to face it. While she'd been half expecting Almar to come sweeping in - he always had impeccable timing when it came to appearing just when she was reaching that stage where she had herself completely wound up - she found the peculiar sight of the Andorian to be intriguing. His was a face she couldn't place, though one she knew would easily have been etched into her memory had she ever seen it before. "Can I help you," her eyes skirted to the twin pips at his throat, "Lieutenant?"
"Commodore." Anaxar straightened, not quite sure if he was supposed to salute or not. The ensign he'd shown his padd had directed him to the bridge, but had neglected to tell him he'd find the ship's CO there. He took two steps in her direction, clutching the padd in his hand. "I've been told your ship has need of a science officer."
As he talked, the visual implant automatically scanned his surroundings, taking in not only the Commodore and other crew, but the various activities going on on the bridge, which systems were activated and which weren't, the size of the room. A steady stream of information, most of which passed directly through to his subconscious. He retained enough to note the size of the bridge – enormous compared to what he was used to. And it was all new, so new.
"You were informed correctly," Rochelle nodded gently as she studied the lanky Andorian. At just over seven feet tall, he towered over her in a way that would have made a lesser being nervous as he approached. Confidence had never been a department in which the little redhead lacked, however, and while the difference in stature was easily noted it wasn't something that would sway her view or feelings concerning him. Nor would the ocular implant, the scars, or the way he seemed almost frail in spite of his height. Instead of pitying him, or inherently fearing him, she found herself holding out her hand for the PADD he held. "Science is one of the bigger pieces of this ship's puzzle. We have an ample number of skilled hands, but they lack guidance." Andrea had been recalled, Logan with her, and the time of the scientist had ebbed and fallen. Even Rozen Coo had been a brief and chance encounter, though the Enterprise was in far greater need of a good Skipper than the Vindicator was in need of a lead scientist, "Do you believe that you can bring that balance?"
You seem to have an aptitude in dealing with people… Anaxar handed her the padd. "I haven't met your people yet, so I cannot say beforehand, but I will certainly try." He shut up before he would drown her in a flood of words and smiled instead, trying to project an aura of confidence. But his heart was racing. Was she seriously considering him?
"They're a good bunch. I doubt they'll give you much in the way of trouble, Lieutenant Shran," The Commodore offered him in response as she began to thumb through the PADD he'd handed over. The air between them was tense with a degree of excitement and apprehension. It oozed from his pores, drowning her with that feeling of hope and wonder that often came from those desperate to taste the freedoms space offered. A quick glance up at him begged the question of what it was that he had to prove, what it was that drove him back into the stars - but she knew she had no place to do so... She'd chosen her own poison in much the same fashion and knew, eventually, it would be her undoing. It had come so close to stealing the breath from her lungs and the beat from her heart over the last several years - all of it at the behest of Romulan hands. Providence refused to extinguish her, however, and that intrinsic knowledge alone left her in need of repaying a debt to others like her... Those addicted to the calling. Her thumb pressed against the screen, granting her biological signature in acceptance of the orders he'd presented. Just like that, it was done. She'd granted him a chance. "I suggest checking in with Lieutenant Ch'Valenvok, make sure he knows your history. Welcome aboard the Vindicator."
Anaxar scanned the padd twice, unable to believe that she'd actually done it. But yes, it was there, she had actually confirmed his application. He smiled, something he hadn't done in a long time. His heart still raced, but now it was from excitement. Once again looked he around, taking in the heart of the ship he'd call home from now on. And now he did salute. "Thank you, Commodore!" He was eager to bounce off, but waited for the formal dismissal. Maybe she wasn't that formal, but he'd better not take the risk.
Blinking in surprise, and half expecting the giddy Andorian to attempt hugging her, Rochelle returned his salute. "You're... Welcome, Lieutenant. You're dismissed to get settled in."
Still grinning widely (something his face was so unaccustomed to that his cheeks began to hurt), Anaxar bounced off. In his excitement he'd completely forgotten the bit about 'checking in with Lieutenant Ch'Valenvok'.
Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer
Lt. Anaxar Shran
CSci, USS Vindicator