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SD 241307.06| Joint Log: Just a friendly chat.

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2013 @ 3:27am by Lieutenant JG Lynda Howard

1,237 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Corridor

~*~ Start Log ~*~

Lynda was wandering around trying to find something to do. Her bird was in peek condition, and well after her boss had reamed her for the screw up she wasn't interested in hanging around the flight deck at the moment. She didn't feel like going to the holodeck again. so she was just wandering the corridors at night with no one around.

Cody yawned and stood, finally able to leave his office after updating what seemed like a moutain of paperwork. As far as he could tell, there hadn't been a formal counselor on the ship for some time, and many evaluations had been left uncompleted. Before grabbing a bite to eat and some rest, Cody decided to take a walk around the ship to get better aquainted with it. Walking down a random hallway, he ended up getting lost. Seeing someone he didn't recognize, but whom seemed familar with the ship, he said "Excuse me, I seem to be lost. I'm new on the ship, and I'm exactly sure where I am."

"The better question is where your trying to get to? This is deck 10 I think yeah deck 10 I'm just walking around." She smiled at the very good looking man that drew her attention for help. "I doubt I'd forget someone as handsome as you on-board this ship." She smiled again flirting with him now.

Picking up on the not so subtle flirting with his Betazoid senses, but deciding not to address it head on at the moment, he smiled and replied "I'm just taking a walk around before I grab some food and head to bed. Got a bit turned around." Extending a hand, he said "Lieutenant Cody Larel, Chief Counselor."

"Lynda Howard, Fighter pilot." She smiled and continued to walk figuring if he was out on a walk before bed he could walk with her unless of course he thought she had cooties then she'd have to wonder if he batted for the other team.

Falling into step with her, Cody smiled slightly and said "Nice to meet you Lynda. Would you like to grab a bite to eat? It would be a lot nicer then dining alone. Especially since I don't really know many people aboard yet."

"I'd love to." She said in a flirty tone and smiled at him cutely as she started towards the Lift. "there's the Crew mess or the Officers Lounge and Mess on Deck 6 which would you prefer to dine at?" She asked as she stepped into the lift and leaned against the back of it.

Sensing her flirting was increasing in intensity, Cody smiled and said "Whatever you like Lynda. You know more about the ship then I do. By the way, do you know where people hang out socially on board? It would be nice to get to know some of the security officers I've seen around. They seem like great guys" He stressed the word guys very slightly, hoping she would pick up on his subtle tone. He didn't want to offend her, and ruin any chance at having a new friend.

She smiled and gave a nod. "Yeah the guys in security are great, though nothing like the guys in the fighter pilots." She said yeah she got the hint didn't mean she couldn't still be friends and flirt a little just to make him blush which he did oh so cutely. "Crew mess would be the place to go to meet more of the crew and I know a few I could introduce you to." She offered.

Approaching the doors to the mess, or what he assumed was the mess by the noise and smell of food, he said "That would be great. I appreciate it. Also, I'd like to get to know you, you seem like a great person. Would be nice to have someone to hang out with off duty from time to time."

"Sure sugar, though I warn you I tend to flirt a lot. so if I get to over board with it just let me know I cant help it when I'm around handsome men. but I know we'll just be friends." She said softly as she walked into the officer's mess and took in a breath of the food around them. "God I didn't realize I was starving til now." She smirked.

"That sounds great Lynda. And yes, I'm starving too. Haven't had a chance to eat since I came aboard." Finding an empty table, he sat and waited for her to join him. After she did so, he caught the eye of a server and said "What would you like to eat Lynda?"

"Hmmm I think I'll have a grilled chicken on Italian bread, with lettuce, banana peppers, and black olives with a blueberry, mango and strawberry fruit salad on the side and a chocolate milk shake." Lynda said winking at the Waiter and licked her full lower lip flirting with him, cute as he was. Why were all the men on this ship hot.

Cody caught Lynda flirting with the server, and was tempted to do so himself, but just smiled widely, and said "For me, I'll take a spinach salad, some strawberry yogurt on the side, and a tall glass of iced Betazoid Lemon tea please."

She waved the waiter off before leaning back in her chair. "Mmm sounds like we're both having diet-like meals." She giggled.

Smiling, he said "Not so much diet, more that I'm mostly vegitarian. Always have been. I mean sometimes I can eat poultry or fish, but very rarely." Pausing, he added with a smirk "So tell me about you? Are you always a strong flirt whenever you meet a cute guy?"

"Ever since high school, but then I was popular even though I told the popular crowd to screw themselves. I find that if you start flirting from the start it strips away all those nervous first time jitters people get when they meet someone new." She said honestly.

Appreciating her honesty, Cody smiled, and then their food arrived. After taking a bite of his salad, he said "I appreciate your bluntness. I hope I didn't disappoint you too much revealing that we play for the same team."

"Not at all. means I can be myself around you, not just flirty." She smiled excitedly not flirty her eyes twinkling mischievously. Taking a bite of her sandwich when it came.

Eating another bite of his salad and a drink of his tea, Cody replied "Well that is a good thing. Friends need to be able to relax together. And I hope we can work towards being friends. Who knows, maybe we can help each other find a guy to date?"

"Maybe, I can see it now going on blind double dates together on dates we've chosen for the other." Lynda giggled as she pulled the straw from her milkshake and licked the chocolate off of it.

Finishing his salad, Cody moved onto his yogurt. Smiling after taking a spoonful, he said "That sounds great." Raising his glass of tea, he said "To the beginning of a beautiful friendship!"

"As do I." She grinned spearing a mango cube with her fork and into her mouth it went as she grinned at Cody around her fork.

=/\=End Log=/\=

Lieutenant Cody Larel
Chief Counselor
USS Vindicator


1st Lieutenant Lynda Howard
251st Tactical Assault Squadron
Blue Flight Leader
USS Vindicator-E


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