Uss Vindicator

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Conflicting Thoughts

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2013 @ 10:26pm by Lieutenant JG Lynda Howard

504 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Flight Deck - Wing Repair

Lynda went to check on her bird after Drinks with Captain Keggle. It was odd actually he had never been that nice to her. she was a woman as far as he was concerned she didn't belong behind the controls of a bird. and normally he would have yelled at her for crashing hers or even scratching it. This time he'd offered her drinks and though she was feeling the effects of that drink more so now then when she had actually had the drinks and fought to stay focused. It made her wonder if this was one of those oddities that Captain Neyes was talking about.

Was it odd enough to report? or not odd enough? Should she report it? He had actually told her, that she was one of the pilots. Lynda had been striving to be accepted by her captain and the rest of the pilots, but while was accepted by the rest of her team Captain Keggle had continued to well make her feel as if she were an outsider intruding on the family. She fought side by side with the team, watched their backs, risking her life and no matter how well she did Keggle had found fault one way or another with her.

This time he had not. He had congratulated her, instead of yelled at her for crashing her bird yet again after coming in too hot. Lynda had barely made it back really she had laid down cover fire while the rest of her team had returned to base before her and on her own return flight her tail was shot throwing off her trajectory she'd almost flown right into the side of the Vindicator rather than on to the flight deck which was how she had gotten the bump on her head and crashed her bird to begin with.

Frowning as she watched the Dock team work to save her baby she thought about Captain Neyes and his questions. He had asked if Captain King had ever asked her to do anything questionable. In all honesty never. And yet the one that was acting odd at the moment and out of character towards her was Captain Keggle. The question now that she wasn't sure of is should she talk to Captain Neyes about it.

"Don't worry about it, pilot. Just let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary as far as your Captains are concerned."

Those were Captain Neyes' words to her before he started to leave. Her frown deepened slightly considering something out of the ordinary happened just after he left. Could he have guest that Captain Keggle would talk to her after Neyes had left? or was it simple coincidence? Turning to walk away her fingers pressing against her chin in thought she started to leave the flight deck the walk would do her good really. maybe help her come to a decision...

~*~ End Log ~*~

1st Lieutenant Lynda Howard
251st Tactical Assault Squadron
Blue Flight Leader
USS Vindicator-E


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