Joint Duty Log - Cmdr Ivanova, 1lt Black & Ltjg Zheer - "I'll be watching you. Every breath you take."
Posted on Fri Aug 1st, 2014 @ 3:10am by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Lieutenant JG Teá Black
776 words; about a 4 minute read
Mission: In the Dark
= V =
Teá was in the barracks reading a book. Things were still quieting down after the rescue and atmospheric flight by the Vindi. The weird thing was Teá wasn't growing antsy, even with the knowledge that most likely her contacts back Starfleet Intelligence were dead or arrested.
"Ma'am, a message just came in a lieutenant Waterhouse. She has requested you at the XO's quarters?" A private said as he walked into the Marines mess.
"Did she say why?" Teá asked, knowing chances were she didn't. Which was okay it was Amelia, most likely she would be getting an assignment. "Never mind private, it doesn't matter why." Teá said standing up, grabbing her uniform tunic, and slipping it on as she headed out of the barracks to made her way to the XO's quarters. After arriving she hit the chime and waited in an at ease stance.
Instead of the tall redhead, another familiar face from days past on Griffin was waiting inside the door of Ivanova's quarters. A blue one in the red of a tactical uniform.
"Pond got called away before you could get here," Thalla Zheer informed Teá with an eye roll and an annoyed twitch of her antennae. "Cocksure son of an Admiral, chief Intel has taken over security, got her running around. She wants you and I to keep an eye on Ivanova until she can verify the loyalty of some security officers for a proper watch."
Teá nodded, but inwardly sighed realizing she was back on babysitting duty. She also knew that this was different seeing as Pond and Ivanova went back. "Are we just worried about un-loyal officers in security?"
"Pond said something about a civil war?" Thalla shrugged, beckoning Teá inside with a look up and down the corridor, her antennae moving with her eyes. "She was talking too fast for me to catch much beyond our orders are not to leave the commander alone with anyone other than herself and Commander Dahe'el... And try to encourage Ivanova to rest."
"Trying to encourage me to rest is going to wind up in you finding yourself resting on a star base somewhere." Rochelle huffed as she left her bedroom, drawing her robe tightly around her tiny frame. Her usual tank top and 'squishy' pants, didn't need to be advertised to the entire security team that had suddenly descended upon her home. "There's work that needs to be done, and whether Pond likes it or not, I'm the acting Captain and the work will be done." She continued, pausing to rest by the replicator, ordering up a coffee for herself.
"I can sympathize, ma'am," Thalla returned, "But you also know how Pond is. She'll find a doctor to relieve you of duty, and order the crew to enforce it, if she thinks she has to." Even as she said this, she gave Teá a look, her antennae askew in question. "However, what Lieutenant Waterhouse does not know... If you focus on things that can be done from your quarters, or with a yeoman running for you... We might not see anything to report to her." Thalla winked at Teá.
Teá looked between the two women, "I know we may not see eye to eye on many things, but we do have one thing in common and that's our friendship with Po-" but Teá stopped mid-word, deciding that using rank and last name would be a better choice. "...our friendship with lieutenant Waterhouse. And I know this may seem over the top for you, but lieutenant Waterhouse is just looking out for you."
Rochelle whirled back at the sound of Tea's voice, swelling to the tallest height her petite frame would allow, "If I wanted your opinion, Black, I'd give it to you." She snapped, locking the cold blue of her eyes on the other woman. "Green?" The Commander didn't wait for an answer as she gathered her mug of coffee and shook her head, crossing the room to pick up a PaDD off the coffee table. "I appreciate your offer, Lieutenant Zheer. I'll conduct my business from my bedroom."
"Perhaps you should keep watch in the corridor, and I'll stay here in case she needs something?" Thalla suggested to Teá.
Teá just nodded as she clenched her fingers behind her back, glad that she did grab her type II phaser. "Call if you need me." Teá added looking at Thalla and giving one last bow to the captain.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Commander Rochelle Ivanova
acting Commanding Officer
Lt JG Thalla Zheer
Tactical Officer
USS Vindicator
1Lt Teá Black (apb Aza)
Marine Intelligence Liaison Officer
USS Vindicator