Joint Personal Log - Capt Ivanova, LtCmdr Waterhouse & Cmdr Dahe'el - "Sand Castles In The Sky"
Posted on Sat Sep 6th, 2014 @ 11:41pm by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Commander Amelia Waterhouse
1,239 words; about a 6 minute read
Mission: Are You Touched?
A shimmer of light announced the arrival of the three senior officers from the Vindicator, the Cardassian flanked by two beautiful women drew admiring looks from the staff in the private transporter room of the hotel they had been booked into, Almar was the first to step down and a Ferengi male rushed up to him and thrust a padd into his hand, "Welcome to Qapla', the most desirable resort on all of Qo'noS," he rattled off with gusto as the Cardassian flashed a look at the two women behind him, "You must be from the Vindicator, this program contains a list of all the services we provide and the guaranteed safe areas of the resort."
"Safe areas?" Amelia asked, making a face as she followed the Cardassian Commander off the transporter PADD. "We're on the Klingon homeworld here, why wouldn't it be safe?"
"Because it's the Klingon home world." Rochelle replied with a mutter, carefully stepping off the pad. Flip flops, she was sure, were the devil.
"Right, and I spent much time here growing up because my grandmother and most of Mama's extended family live here. It's perfectly safe," Amelia insisted, shaking her head. "Besides, we're allies with the Klingon empire. Trusted warrior allies."
The Captain's eyebrow arched as Amelia's response and her head shook as she came to rest beside Almar, craning her neck to get a look at the PADD he held. "We'll see." She said, using a single slender finger to push her sunglasses down just far enough that they didn't occlude her view of the screen.
"I wouldn't say perfectly," the Cardassian replied as he strode towards the door, "Unless you have forgotten Commander, the Empire has only recently put down their own rebellion, caused by their allegiance to the Federation, it is entirely likely that there are small pockets of resistance that remain." he stated, turning to look over his shoulder at Amelia, "Part Klingon or not, nowhere in the Empire is truly safe."
"By that logic, no where in any of the space known to the fleet is safe. There is always something waiting to jump out and grab us," Amelia grumbled. "Fed First, Borg, Orions, Tholians... Klingon Rebels, some of the lesser examples of your race... And honestly, my mixed genetics are probably a bigger liability that a help. There are plenty on this planet that aren't a fan of mixed blood."
"There are more who are in support of it than you may think, the Chancellor's son is a half-breed, might not look like it, but he's part Human, served in Starfleet too." Almar replied with a chuckle, "They've made no secret of the fact, its part of the reason why the Empire is so friendly towards us at the moment."
"Times have changed, but like the pockets of resistance that still linger, some of the old guard still oppose those of us with mixed blood. I don't let it stop me, but I still have to keep aware." Amelia shrugged. "My mother was bullied when she was young, to the point she had a pirated fleet regenerator of her own when she was like eleven or twelve, but they left her brothers mostly alone because they have the dark Klingon completion and blended in more."
Rochelle looked between the two, each one standing their ground and each one firmly believing they were right. No matter what came to pass, she knew Amelia would be inclined to defend the Klingon homeworld regardless of how diluted her blood was when push came to shove. Almar would always be the more practical mind, looking to dissect things and situations and piece them back together proper and clean. She couldn't have chosen two more different people to associate with or trust. "Let's just work on keeping ourselves and everyone else in one piece and entertained, shall we?" She offered, nodding to the Ferengi who sensed her impatience and motioned for them to pass deeper into the resort.
"Your rooms are waiting for you. All of them link together and you're all staying in the same block so that you don't have to worry." The shrewd little man said as he tailed along, watching the Captain and her first officer move.
Amelia shot a glance at the Ferengi, but ultimately paid him little mind. If he tried anything, he may find himself without a hand, but it didn't harm anything for him to look. "If everyone follows standard leave protocol, we shouldn't have any problems, but if everyone followed protocol without fail there wouldn't be a need to lay it out in the first," Amelia allowed with a shrug.
"Where are we heading first ladies?" Almar asked as he moved ahead of them and through the resort, "I would quite like somewhere nice and warm."
"I need sand, sun, and surf," Amelia insisted, spotting the sign with seven languages that said Beach. She could read three: Fed standard, Klingon and Vulcan.
"Beach." Echoed Rochelle as she too saw the sign beckoning them towards the warm sun and the white sands the resort information had promised.
"The beach it is then," the Cardassian replied as he turned to follow the sign, a slight smile crossing his face as he caught sight of it ahead of them.
Coming away from the pink stucco arch of the building and into the sunlight, Rochelle was suddenly surrounded by what could easily have become sensory overload. The sun rubbed it's warm fingers over her bare skin, kissing at her freckles and begging for them to come play and darken under it's happy, coaxing rays. The sea roared and bounded along the hot sand, playing coy and calling to her, to them, with every undulating wave. Gulls cried above, laughing as if all too pleased with their appearance. She was at home there, so far from the snow and the sterile environment of the ship, home where the seabreeze caught her hair and sent loosened tendrils of copper reaching for the sky. "And what a beach it is."
It was perfect. The little Captain's step quickened as she untied her sarong and plucked off her hat, laying each on a cabana chair as she passed, pausing only long enough to safely shed her flip flops on her way to answer the ocean's summoning at a jog meant only to impede the sand's burn against the delicate skin of her feet.
"Considering she makes me seem tanned, I half expected her to literally burst into flames like a phoenix," Amelia confided to Almar with a smirk. Amelia left her flip flops on and slowly meandered onto the sand, ignoring the little bits that fell into the soles of the minimal foot covering in exchange for the protection from the warmth the sun had imparted it as a whole. She knew the beach was going to be filled with crew soon, so she took the time to look around while it was just the three of them... the command team of the ship. Out came the holo-cam, and she slowly let it take in the length of the beach.
The Cardassian smirked and rolled his eyes as he headed for the water, appreciative of the warm sand and the sun against his skin.
Captain Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer
Lt Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
Commander Almar Dahe'el
Chief Engineering Officer/Second Officer