Better Luck Next Time?
Posted on Sun Sep 14th, 2014 @ 5:55pm by
469 words; about a 2 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: After Dark Lounge
Timeline: Current
With a huge percentage of the crew taking advantage of the shoreleave, things in the After Dark Lounge were very quiet.
This evening for example was a case in point, only a handful of customers and already past eight.
Sally had polished her way to the end of the bar and polished her way back again four times during her current shift and now found that if she held her face about three inches above the surface and squinted a little, she could actually see her reflection fairly well.
She checked on the only customer at the bar who sat alone with a drink in his hand and a paperback book in front of him on which he concentrated to the exclusion of all else.
He was a failure.
Sally frowned at him as he turned a page unaware that he was under scrutiny.
It had begun well enough.
He'd ordered a Scotch and thanked her politely.
She had told him he was welcome to it and then, deciding that he was an approachable sort, plus the fact there was noone else around, had produced with somewhat of a flourish one of the small figurines she was under pressure to sell to 'valued clients'
He had been singularly unimpressed with an Owl whose head wobbled from side to side.
Undeterred and catching sight of the books title, Sally had placed a Klingon warrior in front of him brandishing what, according to her listing, was a Gin'tak spear.
She had suggested that as someone obviously interested in such things seeing as how he was reading ' The Art of War', he might like to adorn his quarters with such a figure as this.
He hadn't wanted to.
By that point, Sally looked on him as something of a challenge so, sticking with the soldier concept, tried her luck with the little red coated black hatted Guardsman which had proved surprisingly popular.
That hadnt been of interest either and he had posed the question to her of why he would want an English soldier when he was a Frenchman.
Good point.
French? He wanted something French? No problem.
Quick as a flash the Guardsman was whisked away and the Eiffel the listing insisted..stood in his place.
No words were exchanged and Sally, under the cold stare of her customer, quietly removed the offending object, sidled away and left him to his book and his drink.
She began to polish the bar, eyeing him from time to time until her attention was captured by a new customer. Flicking her cloth beneath the counter she beamed a smile as the woman drew near.
"Good evening aaaaaannnnddd what may I get for you?" she asked.
***End Log ***
Sally Moffat
After Dark Lounge
(Thankyou PB for permission to use your character :) )