Duty Log - Lt Zola - "Think Smart, Play It Fast, Technologies Don't Last"
Posted on Wed Sep 17th, 2014 @ 7:29am by
432 words; about a 2 minute read
Mission: Are You Touched?
When the news of leave on Qo'noS came out, Zola started to ponder volunteering for extra shifts on the ship. Partially because she didn't even know what she'd do on the Klingon home world, and partially because it'd always been more relaxing to her to sit with tech manuals than it'd been to actually go anywhere. Going somewhere required all sorts of prep. When she found out that it was a Ferengi run resort on Qo'noS that had been selected as the place to stay for those who were leaving the ship for extended periods, Zola had marched right into Commander Dahe'el's office and offered to work doubles the whole time so that someone else could get more leave. He'd refused the doubles, but eventually compromised with time and a half because she'd been persistent.
At first, she breezed through any outstanding maintenance requests. Things such as the stuff the crew had submitted repair requests on that weren't critical, or modifications that were authorized but they hadn't had man power to do. Then she started running system diagnostics on every system she had authority to do so with, even the ones that'd just had the diagnostic run. Mostly just to watch them run and become more familiar with the systems. Two and a half decades had been a lot of catch up to do, and while the fleet believed Zola was up to the task, she kept finding little things that irritated her she didn't know about. So she did the little tasks that her crew mates didn't want to, because these were the things that gave her more hands on time.
Then it happened, something exciting. One of the cores in the quad core warp system -- the Quantite Fusion Reactor, she reminded herself it was called -- one of the cores went out of alignment. Which meant there were things to do, exciting things to do. She was practically skipping as she went from panel to panel, shutting the fluctuating core down, re-balancing the load to the other three, and then bringing the troublesome core back on-line to start the realignment process.
She was so involved in it, she didn't notice she'd acquired an audience as she worked. Humming to herself, dancing and singing; she was quite a sight to watch. When they applauded her as she finished realigning the core and brought it back online, she started and looked around wide eyed. Then she skittered off to work on something in a jefferies tube, wondering why everyone was back from leave.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Lieutenant Zola
Engineering Officer
USS Vindicator