Joint Duty Log | Capt Ivanova, LtCmdr Waterhouse, LtCmdr Neyes, Cmdr Parsons - "A Proper Summons - Part I"
Posted on Tue Sep 23rd, 2014 @ 1:28am by Commander Gabriel Parsons & Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Commander Tristan Neyes PhD.
1,801 words; about a 9 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: USS Vindicator
= / \ = USS Vindicator - Transporter Room 3 = / \ =
The glimmer of the transporter beam flashed brightly across the dimly lit room. On the pad stood a relatively tall human male, dark hair, solid posture, and a gaze that seemed to stare into the soul of the young Petty Officer behind the console on the far wall.
"Welcome Commander," the enlisted man officer offered his greetings to the stranger. "I hope your transfer is going well."
Gabriel Parsons, once Operational Coordinator of Starfleet Security and third in command of safeguarding the Federation, now was about to embark on the next leg of his long and winding career. Unfortunately for the enlisted man in front of him, things weren't going well thus far.
"Things are fine, Petty Officer," Gabriel replied quickly. He looked around the room quickly; it didn't take long for the cold and sterile design of Starfleet ship design to further dampen his mood. At least the accommodations on the planet had a sense of flair and emotion. He'd grown to hate the emptiness of Federation vessel aesthetics during his short mandatory naval assignment on the USS Tempest earlier in his career.
Things apparently hadn't changed much since he was a lowly lieutenant.
"You'll be happy to know your bags-," the Petty Officer began, but couldn't finish before Gabriel's gestured for him to remain silent.
"Are already in my quarters, yes, I am aware," Parsons finished the man's thought. "Thank you."
Just as he was about to make his way through the doors and onto the first of his long list of duties as the ship's new Judge Advocate General the doors whisked open revealing a man clad in science blues. He looked strangely familiar, but Gabriel lacked the time or desire to determine otherwise.
The boyish and warm expression of Tristan Neyes faced the worn expression of the JAG Commander as the man stepped back and Neyes stepped in. Tristan had admittedly not had much experience with the judicial branches of the Starfleet hierarchy. He was, more often than not, simply trying to navigate Starfleet operations as a whole anyway. Adding an entire separate entity than Vindicator seemed like an exercise in futility. His current objective was simply to see the new Commander on board and get him settled, which didn't seem overly taxing.
"Commander Parsons, welcome on board." Neyes said, stepping aside and nodding politely to the transporter operator.
Gabriel looked past the other man and into the corridor, expecting to see a junior officer in tow. Seeing none, he sighed and extended his hand. "Commander Garbiel Parsons, Starfleet Judge Advocate. I wasn't expecting a greeting party."
Tristan's brow raised a little as he looked down at the man's extended hand. A sudden shooting puzzlement got the better of him as Neyes looked down, and back up, before really realizing what he had intended. "Oh, a shake. Of course." Neyes took the man's hand and shook. It wasn't a common action among many of the people he'd encountered so far. "I feel like most officers are afraid to shake my hand. Being a Counselor, it puts people off a little sometimes. How was your trip to the Vindicator? I trust the Klingons didn't give you any trouble?"
Parsons closed his eyes for a moment, sighing once more, "Surely no worse than this bout with the village people will be, Commander," his eyes opened, revealing a harboring look of resentment. A moment passed as the two men stood in front of each other, one surely unknowing the long list of reasons the other was there. Gabriel's appointment to the Vindicator was nothing short of a demotion, one he had seen coming--one everyone had seen coming. After resigning command of Starfleet Security Operations nearly a year ago, he had decided to jump back into the legal world. Private practice had been an option, but considering how his expertise had developed since joining Starfleet it hadn't made much sense to return to private litigation. Litigation that surely would have bored him to death.
Yet, opting for the JAG corps hadn't proved much better, or at least at this point. Six months in and he'd already bounced between two ships, each one with a laundry list of legal problems that had plagued their crews and command staffs. The JAG office had him on rotation between the worst ships in the fleet, each one with more nuanced and unbelievable issues than the last. The Vindicator might have been the largest of all of his assignments, but from what he'd read about his new hosts, their problems seemed relatively similar to the rest of Starfleet: sex, trust, and pettiness.
The cruxes of Starfleet; the burden of the Federation.
"Do you need me for something?" Gabriel returned his attention to the counselor. "Surely you have better things to do than greet strangers in the Transporter Room."
"No." Neyes said plainly. "I'd have some witty retort to your disregard, though I'm fresh out I'm afraid. Come with me, Commander."
"For?" Gabriel's gaze turned quizzitive.
A wry smile formed at the tip of Neyes' mouth as he stopped in the corridor. He quickly resisted the urge to barrage the new law officer with questions about why he was feeling defensive and posturing. Surely it wasn't for Tristan's benefit, since he had been on board the Vindicator for less than five minutes. No, this was entirely something else, and Neyes was going to leave it up to Rochelle to suss it out.
"Captain Ivanova wants to talk to you. I can tell her you'd rather not if you don't feel up to it." Neyes offered.
The JAG officer's expression flattened at the mention of the CO. "No, that's fine. I can speak with the Captain now."
He had wanted to get the conversation out of the way quickly. There was much to do and he couldn't start much of his work without her approval anyways.
Tea was ever soothing, ever wonderful, ever needed. Rochelle sat behind the big cherry wood desk going over the information the Klingons had transferred into her hands concerning the planet and the distress call. A star chart played in holographic details from a PADD to her left, the planet glowing brightly in focus as she studied back and forth between it and the distress beacon. Civilian. Terran. Federation. The sooner they could re-call everyone to the ship and leave, the better.
"Once we're underway, how long to our mark?" She asked, her eyes flicking up to where she knew Amelia would be working close by.
"Not even six hours," she returned, skimming her copy of the information on the PADD in her hand. The name of the ship sounded familiar, The Pelican, but she just couldn't place it. "Do you want me to plan the away team?"
"Please." The young Captain nodded, "the sooner we can get down there, the better." Now it was just a matter of ticking down the minutes until the boarding deadline, and Gods help anyone who failed to make it.
The dual-toned chime of the door sounded to finish off her thought, letting her know someone was outside, and the young Trill counselor's voice came over the comm, "Captain, you have a visitor."
Rochelle sighed. It was a moment she'd known was coming since she'd taken up the reins of the Vindicator. J.A.G had their place now, an in given to them by the death of a Captain and the strange occurrences surrounding their ultimate rescue. Notura itself had been reason enough, but the icing was there none-the-less. She drew breath, wanting to send them off saying she was busy preparing for the upcoming rescue mission, but knew better, "Delightful!" She managed to release in a chipper tone, "Bring them in."
Parsons didn't wait for the counselor to lead the way, opting to step in front of the Trill and present himself to the Captain. She was a naval officer with a fine list of accomplishments, all of which he had made a point to read up on prior to his posting aboard her ship. Crews' personalities had a tendency to follow that of their commanding officer, and from what he had read about Ivanova the Vindicator seemed to follow the trend.
Parsons stepped forward and snapped to attention, "Captain, Commander Gabriel Parsons, reporting for duty pursuant to order 47.117 of the Judge Advocate General."
Ivanova blinked, watching the new face step into her readyroom. Getting to her feet, her eyes immediately sought Tristan, finding him following the sharply polished J.A.G officer.
"At ease, Commander. Have a seat." She said as she stepped out from behind her desk, casting a glance between the counselor and her first officer as she made her way to the replicator, ordering up a piping hot mug of raktajino for herself.
"I know who you are and why you're here," The blistering little redhead almost smirked at the thought, but quickly settled herself as she turned to face the man with a polite smile. J.A.G officers carried with them a reputation similar to counselors and intelligence officers; everyone scattered and clammed up the moment their presence was known. "and I'd like to make this transition as painless as possible for everyone involved. Starting with asking you if you'd like something to drink. Tea? Raktajino? Water?"
Tristan walked slowly behind Parsons toward Amelia, giving Rochelle a look of, 'Not sure about this one.', before taking a seat.
Amelia eyed the man who arrived with the counselor, glancing at the familiar Trill to see if she could read his impression on his face. She personally hadn't had much dealings with JAG, as her time with Intel had just her a little isolated from the other workings of the fleet. He looked normal enough, if more serious than she might like, but there was a hint of hesitation in Tristan's eyes as he looked to Rochelle.
"No, I'm fine," Gabriel replied, taking a seat in front of the Captain's desk. Without adjusting his gaze he noted the counselor's pained expression, undoubtedly in response to his presence. The reaction was to be expected, and something he had continually encountered since turning in his gold collar for JAG red. While Operations Chief at Starfleet Security he and his staff showed the same pack mentality whenever JAG or any other outside entity began prying into their affairs. The reaction the Vindicator's officers was no different; he understood that much.
But he'd be damned if he showed any outward sign of empathy.
= / \ = End Part I = / \ =
Lieutenant Commander Tristan Neyes, Ph.D.
Chief Counselor
USS Vindicator
Commander Gabriel Parsons
Judge Advocate General in Charge
USS Vindicator
Captain Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator