Personal Log - LtJG Zheer - "His Ghost May Be Heard As You Pass By That Billabong "
Posted on Mon Oct 13th, 2014 @ 12:07am by
277 words; about a 1 minute read
Mission: Are You Touched?
Oh two-hundred was always peaceful in the Arboretum, so Thalla often found her way there in the middle of the night. The lights low, to stimulate the nighttime conditions of the native plants in each section, and most of her crew mates either asleep, on duty, or at least in their quartets for one reason or another. So it was a good place to think, reflect, and relax after the short allotment of sleep she needed.
Tonight she found her way to the earth section. She tried to cycle through the various sections for variety, but she found the earth section drew her attention nearly as much as the section dedicated to her own home. She suspected a bias in the part of the gardeners, as she always felt the earth section was best maintained, but when she'd shared these thoughts she was told it was all in her head.
She stopped in front of one called Acacia cambagei, informally known as a gidgee, stinking wattle or stinking gidgee, and considered the spread of the limbs and the pointy leaves. She'd stood in front of this tree on multiple occasions since arrival on the Vindicator, and it didn't change much, but today there was something new — a little plush toy bear with orange fur and sharp teeth. In its paws was a sign that said 'Beware the Drop Bears'.
"Drop bears?" Her antennae twitched in confusion as bent over to pick the toy up. Her hand passed right through it, and it giggled at her. "What is a drop bear?" She shook her head and walked away.
=/\= End Log =/\=
Lieutenant JG Thalla Zheer
Tactical Officer
USS Vindicator