SD 241410.26| Lt Ebonheart's Personal Log: interrupted Call Home
Posted on Mon Oct 27th, 2014 @ 5:28am by Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Edited on on Mon Oct 27th, 2014 @ 5:52am
311 words; about a 2 minute read
All Hallows’
Location: Quarters
~*~ Start Personal Log ~*~
Chloe smiled listening to her parents talk over each other. Her father had stored up quite a story load to tell her after such a long absents from his daughter.
"There I am hanging off the side of the dig the beast looming over me ready to sink his claws into me and your mother comes running with a branch swinging it as if she didn't have a phaser attached to her hip just in for this situation." Her dad continued as if it were the greatest story in history. To Chloe it was because she hadn't seen her parents in forever.
"What we hadn't faced something like that in years and I had a momentary laps in memory that I forgot we even had phasers with us." Chloe's mother purred the two of them laughing over the memory.
Chloe was laughing as well, the feline officer couldn't believe all that she had missed with this war, but it was almost over and she looked forward to seeing her parents. "Hopefully I'll be home soon for a visit once this war is completely over I can..." Chloe was cut off by the ship rocking violently barely giving her time to hang on to the desk that held her computer.
"I..." There was another violent shake to the ship causing close to lose her seat in the chair.
"Chloe! Chloe what's going on!" She could hear her parents even as her screen had lines crossing over it with static. Before she could respond a beam fell from the ceiling landing on her desk and killing the channel. "What the hell." She growled grabbing her phaser and scrambling from the floor towards the door to exit her quarters and get to security to find out what the hell was going on.
~*~ End Log ~*~
Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Security Officer
USS Vindicator.