Joint Duty Log - Capt Neyes & Noah Waterhouse - "Awaking The Dragon"
Posted on Thu Nov 20th, 2014 @ 2:01am by Captain Landon Neyes
1,275 words; about a 6 minute read
Mission: All Hallows’
He knew that Landon was legit. The commodore had done her tests, and there was the PADD with details of how the Romulans cloned him. Now what — if anything — Tristan or anyone else was going to tell the symbiosis commission, was still up in the air. Landon Neyes was the man he claimed. The man who'd died on Notura when the Captain had pulled her phoenix revival, had been a clone. A cloned slug resided in the belly of Landon's brother, and who knew what the symbiosis commission would do if they found out... but all of that was background noise to Noah. On his mind was the important thing: an epic romance had just been given a second chance.
Noah had continued to help out in protecting the secret of Landon from Rochelle Ivanova, so getting in to see Landon wasn't a problem. He'd even managed to time it to when everyone else who knew about him should be on duty. This masque was the perfect chance, and the ideal reveal. Noah rang the chime and waited in the corridor for Landon to let him in.
"Enter" Landon called out, having an odd flashback to any given day in the ready room. Deck one was a crossroads for all places on board Vindicator to meet, and he had been the conductor. Now Rochelle was the Captain, and although he was happy she was alive, safe, and in charge... he was finding it difficult to adjust to being a secret tucked away under the floorboards of the ship. For days he'd been holed up in quarters located deep in civilian decks. His days were consisting of reading logs, reports and treating his injuries.
"Commander I want to go over-..." he turned to see it was actually Noah darkening his door. "Oh. Hello Mr. Waterhouse."
"How're you feeling?" Noah returned, his eyes quickly looking over the ship's most precious secret. The one person that could put the wind back under the wing's of Vindicator's phoenix. He came to a stop just far enough into the main room that the doors slid shut behind him.
Neyes flicked his PADD at the couch against the wall, partly because he no longer needed it, and partly because Noah was not who he was hoping to speak with. It bounced off a pillow, and Landon shrugged. "Like a present hidden in the closet, if I'm honest. And this, this..." he gently gave the replicator a kick, "piece of garbage, will not make spaghetti. Can you believe that? Something about security."
"The patterns for Spaghetti the fleet has its rubbish anyways, I'll bring you some of the gods stuff later, if you like." Noah grinned.
"What can I do for you, Noah?" Landon said, taking a seat on the couch.
"It's what I can do for you that I'm here about," Noah explained, his fingers dancing on the leather wrist band on his arm. The holographic lenses shimmered into view at the ends of his bridge piercing. "I can get you a little freedom tomorrow night, if you're interested. There's gonna be this masque, yeah?"
Indeed Neyes noticed something come over the ship-wide ticker about some kind of gala, with masks for effect. He had simply glossed over it, though, assuming it was some kind of lesser affair. If it was more of a crew activity, he would be surprised Rochelle would support the idea. "Is this you asking me to go to the masque with you, Mr. Waterhouse? Because I don't think I would get away with that." He joked. "Of course I would be into attending this get together, if you have some idea?"
Noah grinned at the joke. "Since it is a costume affair, if you're sufficiently covered, you can blend into the crowd with no one the wiser. See all the crew," Noah insisted, knowing the one that really mattered to Landon was the fiery Captain who was to be dressed as a fire bird. "Leather armor, a dragon mask, perhaps a voice changer to protect your identity..." Noah gestured midair, and his goggles flashed before projecting the three dimensional sketch he'd done of the costume concept to complement Ivanova's.
Landon smiled, "You seem to be a man with a lot of hidden talents. Where'd you learn to design such things?"
"Art just comes to me," Noah returned with a shrug. "I polished it some, spending time at the Art Academy on Andor. It's as much hard work as it is inspiration; the former anyone can develop, the latter you have to be lucky enough to be gifted with." Noah could have gone on about his parents, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or any number of other things that could be responsible for that gift... But he knew most people weren't that interested. "If you like it, I'll just need to take some measurements so I can size it as I finish it up. I did kinda get started already..."
Lifting up an arm, Landon stood straight for Noah to take his measurements. Being gussied up for some dance party wasn't so bad. At least he'd be able to be himself without anyone knowing it was really him. "Well then, what are we waiting for. Do what you gotta do little spaghetti man. What have you started?"
"Little?" Noah echoed with a head shake, and whistled softly. A holographic thing materialized in front of him, the concept sketch disappearing at the same time. He didn't need the thing, he could take the scans with the goggles alone, but the projected dinghus gave people something to watch. He didn't know Landon enough to judge if he could have got away without the dinghus, so Noah leaned to the cautious side.
"I've started tooling the leather pieces that will make up the scale style leather plate," he explained as he slowly waved the dingus on front of around the man. "For the most part, guesstimate based on your build and height would be sufficient, especially since this is more for show than combat, but it'll ultimately be more comfortable if I can custom fit it."
Neyes looked over the young man taking scans of him. He was so eager and willing to see him back into the fold of the ship, or at least comfortable to some extent. There was no fear, or restraint. Noah didn't express some hidden mistrust at what Landon may possibly represent. He was there to make a costume, and to have a friend be happy again.
"Thank you, Noah." Landon said, "I wonder, can you make the costume voice modulating?"
"I have some replicator patterns of devices my Dad made for me, easy enough to tuck into the snout of the mask. Just need to pick out what to modulate your voice to," Noah returned, scrunching his face in thought. "For a dragon, perhaps something powerful and booming?"
"Then let's do that." The Trill said, "Djadac, Mr. Waterhouse." Given his smattering of spots, Neyes wasn't sure if Noah knew any native Trill, but the thank you rang clear anyway.
"Think nothing of it," Noah insisted with a grin. The word rang familiar for Noah, though he couldn't put a finger on it -- his uncle had spoken so many languages to him growing up, they all seemed to blur together for Noah. The tone certainly range true though. "You just seize the second chance you've been gifted, and make everything of it you can, and that will truly be thanks enough."
Neyes simply half-smiled, and nodded, "I will."
=/\= End Log =/\=
Captain Landon Neyes
Commanding Officer
Noah Waterhouse
Pastafarian Minister and Artist
apb Pond