Uss Vindicator

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Joint Duty Log - Lt R'heil, LtJG Zheer & Ens Jones - "Like Bright Bits of Paper in the Wind"

Posted on Mon Dec 8th, 2014 @ 8:03am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil & Ensign Jane Jones

511 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: All Hallows’

Thalla's antennae twitched again, the yellow paint she'd covered them with was itchy. However, she didn't regret it as she'd gotten many complements on her costume. The shimmery yellow dress came down to her ankles, up to her neck in a high collar, and out to her wrists. She wore tan boots, and matching kid leather gloves, and a yellow mask with two stubby feelers to either side of her mouth, and two holes at top for her paint covered antennae to poke through. She spotted Lieutenant R'heil, and made her way over to the Caitian.

"How are you enjoying the party, Lieutenant?" Thalla asked the feline with a smile.

Te'shara looked at Thalla's face,and smiled back,"I'm enjoying myself,quite well"Te'shara said..
She looked around, with the others who were enjoying the fun too...

Jane was wearing a pitch black dress, with gold highlights, along with a white and black mask that covered her face. She noticed Thalla as soon as she walked in. Who could miss such a bright costume, and all the paint she had on. With Thalla was another officer she didn't quite recognise. "Lieutenant Zheer, I am loving your costume!" Jane said. "And who's this with you? I don't believe we've been introduced; I'm Ensign Jane Jones, Head Nurse, and you are?" She said.

::Te'shara looked at the nurse,and extends her paw:: Hello Ensign Jones, I'm Lt Te'shara R'heil,
Security officer::she said with a smile on her face..

"Glad to meet you. How are you enjoying the party so far then both of you?" Jane asked, shaking the felines hand.

"It's a lovely party, such an odd earth custom though, these costume parties," Thalla observed, quirking her antennae in amusement.

Te'shara was looking around at the party,and agreed with what Thalla said. But she tried to enjoy herself..

"Lieutenant Zheer, are you having a problem with your antennae, it seems to be twitching quite a lot. Maybe a problem with the paint you're wearing?" Jane asked as she looked across at Thalla.

"It's just a little itchy, not to worry," Thalla insisted with a polite smile. "As I'm sure you're well aware, they are a sensory organ, so they're not used to being covered like this... even with just a thin layer of paint." She spotted the XO across the room, and she bowed her head to her companions. "If you'll excuse me, I've been meaning to catch up with Pond. Enjoy the rest of the party." And the Andorian playing at being a banana slug made her way across the room.

"Well i suppose I should make a move lieutenant. I have a duty shift early tomorrow. I'll see you soon!" Jane said as she started heading for the door.

Te'shara looked at Jane,"Night Ensign Jones."she purred. Te'shara herself left the party too,
For she had to get up early for Security Duty,the next day..

=/\= End Log =/\=

Lieutenant JG Thalla Zheer
Tactical Officer
USS Vindicator

Ensign Jane Jones
Head Nurse

Lt Te'shara R'heil
Security Officer


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