JDL | Com. Ivanova, LtJG Black - "Heart is Where the Home Is"
Posted on Tue Jan 13th, 2015 @ 12:59am by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Lieutenant JG Teá Black
1,545 words; about a 8 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Various locations
The name on the PADD said it all and Rochelle simply sighed and rolled her eyes. It wasn't that she didn't like the girl, it was that she didn't trust the girl and, alone, made it worse. Rumors had been flying that she'd gone off and found herself a decent shrink, had changed, had learned the definition of words like responsibility and class. As a ship Captain, especially a ship set to deploy straight into Hell, Rochelle could only sincerely hope so.
"Cecil?" She implored, and the bouncy man came running, "Please fetch Lieutenant Black for me? It's time for a chit chat before we embark for Cheydinhall."
"Yes ma'am. Consider it done."
=/\= Year and Half Ago =/\=
Somewhere in the Alhambra system there is the MiLex complex a male Vorta was sitting at a console looking over some data from 804A21 experiment. Wouyallath's first and only one that was stolen as his violet eyes darted across the screen the computer chirped indicating a new message came in. "Tell me you have good news......?" Wouyallath asked with a sickly grin on his face knowing if he didn't things wouldn't end well for the security operative.
Quinton swallowed first before he spoke; he was a hardened ex-Starfleet Security officer, "we know she served on starbase 375 and was than shortly after that she was transferred to the USS Griffin after that we've lost her." Quinton looked around, "but we think we picked her back up about year ago in the Alhambra system working with a K’normian troupe on the Prima Vista. What she was doing I have no idea and no idea where she is now."
Wouyallath nodded not showing any shock about the potential that the specimen; what he called his child, "that is indeed interesting but still doesn't answer where is she now? And I doubt you want me to go to doctor Llewellyn with this." Quinton just glared at the Vorta as he cracked his knuckles.
"No. But like you said the scientist who took your precocious specimen is very very good had hiding his tracks. And seeing as we aren't 100% what your specimen does for Starfleet she's just as good at hiding her tracks." Quinton said, "but my contacts are still looking." Wouyallath just nodded tapping a button as he closed the link and went back looking over his data.
=/\= Present Day =/\=
Teá woke up in a cold sweat only remembering flashes of people and places but it feeling so real. After getting her breathing under control she felt a burning sensation where the æ tattoo was looking down at it a ash tree appeared. "What in the hell?" Teá muttered pulling a t-shirt on.
Cecil had always lived to serve, and now that he was serving a Commodore, his job was all that much more important. When Rochelle had requested Black's appearance, he'd given no thought to the fact it was only 0530. The call was made and patched through between the young Lieutenant and the Phoenician Commodore.
Jumping slightly as she heard the beep of her console she quickly slipped on some sweats and quickly made it to her desk. Activating the console and accepting the incoming call, "ma'am." Teá said recognizing the women as the CO of the Vindicator.
"I received your transfer orders, Lieutenant." Rochelle started, her hands folded neatly in front of her, "and I'd like to discuss them with you as soon as possible. Is that going to present a problem?" She asked, her head canting ever so slightly as she addressed the girl.
"No ma'am I just need time to get ready and I can beam up to the Vindicator." Teá said thinking that meeting the commodore in her attire wasn't gonna be the right move for her.
"Perfect. I'll see you in an hour." The redhead nodded, "Ivanova, out." And with that the screen went dark.
Standing up she quickly headed for her closet making sure she had a uniform luckily she did. Setting it on her bed she moved onto showering, hair and everything else. Ten minuets later she was lacing up her boots that weren't her officer regulation officer boots. Grabbing her bag that had everything she would need she tapped her badge and requested a one person beam up to the Vindi.
A tall Bajoran man waited and smiled politely when the spotted woman beamed onto the pad in front of him. "Lieutenant Black? My name is Lieutenant Hanyss, welcome aboard the Vindicator. I've been assigned to escort you to the Captain's ready room."
Teá wasn't shocked that she would be having an escort if she knew herself she would request one as well. Adjusting the uniform sleeve to cover-up the magically appearing tattoo Teá nodded to the lieutenant, "lead on." The walk to the ready room was uneventful and filled with the awkward silence that always came with these types of walks. The lieutenant hit the chime to the ready room.
"Enter." The Commodore called as she flipped off one PADD and turned another on. The Bajoran obliged, motioning for Teá to pass through the door as it hissed open and welcomed the pair of them into the depths of the Commodore's private playground.
"Lieutenant Teá Black, as you requested." He explained, standing beside the door and out of the way. With everything the Vindicator had been through lately, and the intriguing promise that they were headed into the black, he wasn't taking any chances.
Rochelle, however, lifted an eyebrow and got to her feet. "Welcome." She said to the spotted woman and motioned for her to take a seat in front of the unique petrified wood desk. "I won't keep you long, miss Black. I just have a few questions for you and then we'll proceed from there."
Taking a seat Teá, "sounds fair enough. I'll try to answer as honesty as I can as you're aware I've been part of several highly classified missions that I am not allowed to speak about."
"I'll be frank when I say I don't care about the missions you've been on, I'm more concerned about the future and the Vindicator. What you have and haven't done between the last time you were aboard and now?" Rochelle shook her head, "I couldn't care less." Her eyes flashed as she rounded the desk and made her way to the replicator. "Can I interest you in a beverage?" The Phoenix asked while placing her own order for a raktajino.
Teá just smirked at that little speech, it wasn't the first nor the last time she would get something like that. "Drava tea please. And fair enough again. That response is kinda built into intelligence officers."
"Makes sense." Rochelle nodded and watched as the two mugs materialized. "My primary concern is why you've shown interest in the Vindicator again. She's already teeming with Intel officers." She said, returning to her desk with the drinks. Setting Teá's in front of her, the Commodore was free to sip her coffee and leisurely sat back down in her seat.
"Truth be told it's the only place I've felt safe since serving on the Griffin. And Pond.....errrr I mean commander Waterhouse is the only person I truly trust out side of lieutenant junior grade Morgan." Teá said looking at the commodore having a feeling that she knows what that feels like. "Ever since the Griffin I've been out in the cold it's time for me to come in."
With a wary eye, Rochelle watched the woman carefully. It was true that her circle was small, consisting only of a few key members that worked more like knights than officers. It was tight, cozy, but even it was threatened by life and circumstance. "I believe in second chances, but not often third and fourth." She replied from around her mug, "This will be the last time you serve on the Vindicator. You'll report to Commander Archer directly. Muck up? You're gone. Simple as that and I'm sure you can agree that I'm being more than fair."
Teá knew this was more than fair, but the big thing she had trouble was with was that she was following orders like any officer and the higher ups who were responsible for giving her that assignment did not need to repent. "It's more than fair commodore. And like I said I'm looking for a place to build a home. Not burn one down."
"Then we'll get along swimmingly." Rochelle nodded and awarded the woman a smile as she sealed her orders with an approving thumb print.
"Thank you commodore. You really don't know how much this means to me." Teá said, her eyes showing the commodore how happy she was while everything else remained a professional stoic expression.
Rochelle handed the PADD to the other woman and motioned towards the young Bajoran Lieutenant, "Don't thank me just yet, Lieutenant. Welcome aboard. You're dismissed."
Teá stood up and gave the commodore a polite nod before following the lieutenant out of the ready room and back to the transporter room. She needed to get somethings in order and get her things collected.
Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator