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Joint Duty Log || Lt Ebonheart, Lt R'heil, Lt Zheer, LtJg Charlson & SCPO Rose || "If You Go Down To The Holodeck Today" Pt I/II

Posted on Fri Jan 16th, 2015 @ 1:36am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil & Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart

2,069 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: A Spot To Kill

Striding into the holodeck, SCPO Rose smiled inwardly as he regarded the program that had lain in the archives, untouched for a number of years since their creator had left the Vindicator, the Master At Arms still had access to them for the specific purpose that they had been created for.

His reason for reactivating them was rather simple, he'd recieved a message from Lieutenant Zheer that had asked him to engage the security department, and more specifically Lieutenant Charlson, in a number of training scenarios meant to judge Lily's ability to direct the department as needed and also to act as a refresher against the unknown.

The program itself started off as a complete recreation of the security department of the former Vindicator D, it had only taken a few minutes to modify the code to represent the newer and updated Vindicator E, the Enlisted man also found himself rewriting some of the scenarios to better fit the more advanced ship.

Having finished, he slid one padd into his jacket and fished out another, checking over the training roster he reached for his comm badge and tapped it quickly, "Lieutenants Ebonheart, R'heil, and Charlson, this is Senior Chief Petty Officer Rose, can you report to Holodeck two for your scheduled training please."

Chloe was the first to arrive on the scene. She had been itching for time on the holodeck and now she was going to get it — but under orders, which is not the best time for her to give into her adrenaline rush that she does so enjoy. She kept thinking of the party and no longer trust her judgment in men. She was starting to think that she should give up on them all together. She could create a holodeck man that would be quite satisfactory. She wasn't sure what to think of Pond's brother, so for now put him from her mind. She looked to Rose wondering what he had in store for them.

Thalla approached the holodeck, expecting to arrive before those scheduled for training, only to find one of the Caitians in the department had managed to arrive before her — Chloe Ebonheart. If nothing else, the eagerness was possibly a good sign, that or just that she wanted to get it over with. Thalla made a note on her PADD to keep an extra sharp eye on the half-Caitian during the training; if it was the former, that would certainly bode well for figuring out the lay of the department in the wake of the departed Frenchman. He'd certainly put some measure of trust in her, so it was worth taking that into account.

Thalla nodded greeting to Chloe as she passed, before moving to stand in an observational position near the Master At Arms while awaiting the arrival of the rest of the team.

Chloe noted Thalla entering the holodeck after her. Giving a nod of greeting, she looked as if she were sizing the other woman up. The feline also took note of the PADD in hand and possibly making note of something in said PADD. Watching with keen catlike eyes she decided to reserve judgment for later and wait patiently for the rest of the group to join them, her tail barely moved so she obviously wasn't annoyed in any way.

Lily arrived only moments after Thalla, holding a PADD that had some information she had been reviewing. As she walked in she realized that Chloe was also there. "Chief, Lieutenants!" She said, nodding in turn to each member of the team. "I apologize for the delay, I lost track of time while looking through a few things!" She said, motioning towards the PADD.

Chloe managed to not jump out of her skin at being suddenly shouted at, not that she startled easily though. Chloe gave a nod of greeting to the other woman, eying her as if wondering if she was going to continue in that excited loud way.

Te'shara walked into the holodeck, with tail swinging a bit, and whiskers twitching, as she wonders what is going on. Te'shara joined the others, for anything is supposed to happen..

"Thank you all for attending, I know you usually are scheduled for separate training sessions on the range, however after a brief discussion with Lieutenant Zheer, we have decided that something a little different may help keep the department fresh." Rose stated as the last of the group filed in to the holodeck, "As you may have noticed, this is a recreation of our Armory, this is where we'll be starting the program and where we will return once complete."

Te'shara,was listening with the others, and that what was going on, and get ready for the Training Session...

"With that being said, today's exercise will be a counter boarding operation, I hope you all remember your training from the academy because this will not be your run of the mill opponents, the program is designed to be adaptive, it learns, it changes, it morphs in an attempt to counter your actions." the Master At Arms continued with a slight smile, "Any questions?"

"Yes, Chief, I have a question." Lily said.

"Go ahead Lieutenant?" Rose asked as he directed his attention towards the young woman.

"Who will be coordinating the whole exercise?" Lily asked.

"For this session, as it is the first of I hope many, you will be assisting me in running the simulation, Lieutenant, under the supervision of Lieutenant Zheer of course," the SCPO replied with a slight smile, "Consider this part of your training."

"Thank you Chief, I won't let you down!" Lily said, slightly excited by the prospect.

Chloe had to bite back a smile at the Lieutenant's excitement. It was refreshing really and Chloe was glad that the officer was looking forward to this exercise.

"Then we shall get started, remember Lieutenant, you're in command for this simulation." Rose replied with a nod as he turned and moved over to the desk, taking his usual seat, "Computer, activate training scenario Alpha Gamma Seven One," the grey-haired man stated as he picked up a PADD.

After a couple of seconds, the simulated ship rocked and the red alert klaxon filled the air, the lights dimming and a bright red hue accompanying the noise, "All hands, intruder alert, we are being boarded," came the voice of the Captain over the comms.

Lily moved to the nearest security console, getting an up to date tactical report as things developed. "Lieutenant Ebonheart, take a team to engineering! Chief, I need a security lock down on deck eight, Lieutenant R'heil, take a team and clear deck eight, try and keep a few alive, just in case we need any information. I'm sending a team to sickbay. Reports every 20 minutes, Lieutenant Ebonheart you will be escorting repair teams. Any questions?" Lily said.

Chloe didn't have any questions. "John, Caleb grab Kris and meet me in the turbolift." Chloe called out to two of the security officers she had met along the way and had become friends with.

Te'shara grabbed a team of Security officers to Deck eight, even though though it was locked down, to make sure no one was down there, and it meant them to leave their quarters, as well...

She took half of them to one direction,and the other half, the other way, making sure Deck eight, was clear...

Thalla watched the security officers follow the orders given to them, and patched her PADD into the holodeck to bring up the simulation's bridge controls for tactical and security. She could observe, and if anyone needed something from the bridge sensors, she could handle the role. She informed the holodeck to route all in simulation comcalls to the bridge through her.

Chloe and her team of miscreants made their way down to Deck twenty-four, where they would find Engineering so they could secure it and help the damage teams.

"Lieutenant Charlson to bridge, what's going on?" Lily said as she tapped her combadge.

"Charlson, they're boarding us through the fighter launch bays. They've managed to get a manual override in place; we can't get a sensor reading inside, nor can we override the lock from here. It's currently depressurized, which means they're probably in environmental suits," Thalla answered, reading the information from her PADD. She looked up from the PADD, and waited to see the young woman's reaction.

Lily had to think for a minute here. She needed to keep deck eight clear, but also keep anymore boarders off the ship. "Lieutenant Ebonheart, new orders, redirect to EVA locker two and gear up your team for a zero-g encounter. I'm sending a second team to assist, there's an unknown amount of hostiles. Lieutenant Zheer, see if you can seal off the surrounding areas!"

"Might I suggest emergency forcefields sir?" Rose stated as he closed up the unused weapons lockers and went to his own behind the desk, pulling out his type two and matching rifle, placing the pistol on his hip and the rifle around his back, "We can attempt to contain them in the corridors and the Lieutenant has the authority to drop them so her teams can move forward."

"Computer, activate emergency forcefields, deck eight, all sections, authorisation Charlson Gamma 2 Theta!"

Thalla watched the data stream across her PADD as the forcefields came online across deck eight. She sealed the deck off from those above and below it, in response to Charlson's request to seal off the surrounding areas. She set the seals up to let authorized security personnel onto the deck, and to require a security override from either security or medical to let anyone off the deck again.

"Delta Team to Security, Confirming new orders." Chloe said into the comms directing her team to the EVA Lockers to get suited up for zero-g. "Let's get this show on the road." She said once her team's suits were secure. "Delta Team to Security, We're ready for zero-g awaiting orders."

Te'shara was on Deck 8 making rounds there, looking around with a few other Security officers, While others were looking around in other decks..

"Lieutenant Zheer, have you got anything up your sleeve that might make Lieutenant Ebonhearts life any easier?" Lily asked, thinking about the wellbeing of her officers.

"I think I can get engineering to spare a couple of engineers that specialize in the sorts of locks on the fighter launch bays. I'll have them suit up and rendezvous with Delta team before they reach the launch bays," Thalla said, her blue fingers flitting over her PADD to tell the program to generate AIs for the engineers and send them to Ebonheart's location.

Ebonheart's team made their way to the launch bays waiting for the engineering specialists to meet them.

Petty Officer Bates and Ensign Branson approached Delta team cautiously, both in their environmental suits, and Bates had a tool kit slung over one shoulder. They stopped and waited for Ebonheart to indicate they could move forward.

"Let's move out." Chloe said motioning for them to get going. "Make sure you turn on your boots." She warned hitting the buttons that would activate the magnetic soles.

They wasted no time approaching the panel for the override. Bates opened it as Branson dug into the tool kit. They both whistled together as they looked at what they had to work with.

"This is going to take a few minutes, ma'am," Ensign Branson told Ebonheart over his shoulder. "We may not be able to warn you when it's about to pop, I would recommend preparing for them to open without warning." He turned his attention back to the system that Bates was already elbow deep in.

"Understood." Chloe said with a nod.

The two men passed tools back and forth, communicating with clipped sentences and half said words as they worked at the manual lock system on the door into the fighter launch bay. Suddenly both jumped back from the panel, and looked to the door.

"Someone's opening it from the other side," Branson said, looking to Lieutenant Ebonheart.

=/\= Continued in Part II =/\=

Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Security Officer
USS Vindicator

Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil
Security Officer
USS Vindicator NCC-78213-E

Lieutenant Thalla Zheer
acting Chief Security/Tactical
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E

Lieutenant JG Lily Charlson
Security Officer
USS Vindicator NCC-78213-E

Senior Chief Petty Officer Martyn Rose
Master At Arms
NPC apb Mike
USS Vindicator NCC-78213-E


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