JPL ~ Cmdr Waterhouse & MCPO Caine ~ "I Didn't Mean To Take Up All Your Sweet Time" Part III of III
Posted on Sun Jan 25th, 2015 @ 1:55pm by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine
2,030 words; about a 10 minute read
Mission: A Spot To Kill
=/\= Continued from Part II =/\=
Rik was stooped down, checking the bottles in the chiller until his outstretched finger landed on the correct one. Tapping it lightly he pulled the bottle out; chilled to the touch. Shutting the door he set it down on the counter and set to work inserting the corkscrew turning to face Amelia as he strained a little to pull out the cork with a satisfying pop. "Some holodeck time sounds grand doll - either or both is fine by me... so long as you're there" he said with a smile as she continued speaking about the mission. Rik's face turned immediately to one of worry as he brought the bottle over to the table and set it down. "I'll be honest doll, I know nothing about where we're headed or why... you've been out here before?" he said reaching his arm around her stroking her back gently.
"No, but we had an issue with an envoy from this planet," she admitted. "And I'm still regretting not introducing him to the airlock after the first incident." A small sigh, and Amelia pulled away to sit down.
Picking up the bottle as Amelia took her seat he poured the chilled off-white coloured liquid into the two purple-stemmed wine glasses before sitting down himself. "Sounds like you went through the ringer with this bo... I'm guessing he did something pretty bad to make you wanna bump him off?" Rik asked. While his language littered still with words of a bygone era his tone had dramatically changed. It was less jovial, quieter, refined and full of caring concern. "You... don't have to go into any details" he added with a small smile and reaching his hand out for hers. "But I'm here if you need to".
"I might as well tell you, since you'll probably learn at least some of it on duty anyways. I trust that I probably don't need to say it, but I'll say it anyways — if only to reassure myself. You don't already know any of this if/when it comes up on duty." Amelia sighed as she squeezed his hand in thanks, before she pulled back to cut him a piece of the lasagna and serve it.
"You have my word" he said softly as he thanked her for the plate of food that smelt and looked like a feast for the senses.
"Rochelle's the queen of this planet because their society doesn't recognize her divorce from her ex-husband, the son of the last queen, and the title passes down the female side of the line without consideration to blood. Their envoy was a little brutal about the coronation, and gave me a bad vibe." She served herself, indicating he should help himself to the salad.
"That's..." for the first time since meeting her he struggled with what to say as he watched her tell the story and saw the emotion on that perfect face. Almost immediately he wanted to jump back in time and charge up on his steed playing the Lone Ranger card as he so often had. "That's terrible for the Commodore... and for you; it's clear you care a lot about her" he finally managed to get out not quite able to believe that they had found themselves in such a situation and that the Commodore was also a Queen. Mulling over her words he remained silent; letting her spill her sorrow and served himself never once taking his eyes off her.
"That's not why he really deserved to be offed though. He wouldn't leave the ship after he'd coronated her, and eventually?" She collected her wine glass, and took a sip; her hand was shaking a little. "She fought him off in the end, but he tried to forcefully take her in a play for power. She left him in a state out of self defense, but-" Her eyes fell to her plate, and she set her wine glass down again. "He should be dead, but he's in the hands of JAG and the diplomatic core now."
Rik continued to listen, the actions of the no good hood making his blood bubble and boil like the lasagna in the dish between them. "Well I cannot begin to imagine what she went through... or you as her friend or anyone on this ship who are loyal to you both... but it sounds like the darker side of people came to light... I guess all we can be thankful for is that she got out and got out alive and stronger than ever". He paused, it was hard to know what to say, or even if what he was saying wasn't just unhelpful blinded nonsense and clichés.
Rik felt terrible, felt helpless that nothing he could do or say would turn back the clock and make the visible signs of pain lessen. "He should be dead - but at least if JAG does their job properly he will rot in a penal colony for a long time". He could sense her anguish in the words she used and couldn't help but rise from his chair and crouch by her side, hand resting on her thigh reassuringly squeezing. "You got out of whatever trouble came knocking - sure you're back for round two; but... he can't hurt you or anyone you care about now". He met his eyes with hers and smiled softly once again "it will be tough, like crossing hell itself... but it will be ok, Amelia".
Her hand settled on top of his, and she sighed softly. "Situations like these are so much easier to handle from behind the mask of Intel, where we're given such a longer leash. I try so very hard to at least appear to be playing by the rules," she admitted to him, "I mean, I don't have any reason to believe that all of them will be like Mikkal, but I've only ever met two of these people. Even if Will Taggart seemed a decent guy, two is hardly a sample set to base any conclusions on. So I worry. I worry that most are like that asshole: power hungry, vindictive, and conniving; I worry that I just don't know how to color between the lines and conduct myself as command staff should, that I'm just some scummy field agent that's pretending to be an XO; and I worry that everything is going to go to shit because the Atlanteans understandably want their queen to stay on their planet, even if Rochelle didn't ask to be their queen."
Rik smiled meekly with a splash of sorrow playing across his lips as he felt her hand slide across his; the soft touch reaching out. Turning his hand over, he lightly wrapped his fingers around hers and squeezed just a bit. "From the sound of what you went through; going back to a place with the same people now is always going to leave a bitter taste - always going to cause worry. Unnatural for anything else. But doll, you're possibly one of the strongest most sure-fire people I've ever had the pleasure to make their acquaintance. It's easier when you're not you and undercover - you can detach a little; hide. Scary now - more than I could ever know. But... I get the impression the Commodore sees more in you than your past role; she don’t strike me as one to suffer fools and she could have picked anyone… she trusts you and needs you by her side". As he spoke he reached his free hand up to her face and lightly rested it on her soft cheek. "They may try and get her to stay, they may all be daemons of hell like the ones you encountered… we won't know how the deck is stacked while we're playing… but you know this crew - I'm guessing it's a damn strong hand to play if need be".
Rik lightly caressed her face as the moment bonded them together before rising from his crouched position and kissing her sweet lips as he did so. As he returned to his seat he winced; a phantom pain in both kneecaps from his previous stay with the Syndicate and the torture that followed. He picked up his fork and tried the food that smelt so good; but left the taste of the sea in his mouth. Salt. Dry mouth. Taking a sip of the wine to take the edge off he smiled at the redheaded beauty opposite him. "You're ok?" He asked simply before adding "this is a masterpiece doll; family recipe?"
The wince she recognized, she'd seen the look cross friends and colleagues faces over the years; she wouldn't ask, not yet, but she could only guess the syndicate. Then the look on his face as he took his first bite — quickly followed by a drink — she knew that one too. She had just put a bite in her mouth to see what she'd gotten wrong as he asked his questions. A very unladylike curse in Orion slipped from her lips before she likewise washed her bite down with wine.
"I warned you that you'd be a guinea pig," she finally said. "You don't have to spare my feelings. I might as well have put a pile of salt on your plate. At least I'm pretty sure the salad is edible." She sighed, spearing a tomato with her fork. "I'll call Gram and find out what I did. I'll try it again, for sure."
Rik couldn't help but smile; in that moment she was the epitome of adorable. "You're forgetting I know what that word means" he said with a mocking scolding and a small wink before reaching out and stroking her arm. "It's perhaps saltier than I was expecting... But apart from that the other flavours, the tenderness of the meat - doll its good". He admitted reassuringly as he purposefully took another bite the salt attacking his throat like cheap hooch. He smiled at her, the dame who had tried so hard for him. That was new. "The fact you tried, for me, makes it all the more worthwhile to be a guinea pig - and I'll happily do so again and again" he concluded this time taking some of the salad onto his fork.
"Just because you're masochistic enough to enjoy my company, doesn't mean you need to finish eating the lasagna," she insisted with a head shake and grin. "Salad, then nightcap and, well, whatever else comes up would probably be our best bet at this point." She smirked as she looked across the table to meet his eyes again.
His eyes met hers and the paradox of ice blue and as warm as a fire on a cold day became clear. He smiled and chuckled slightly; appreciating her effort and that gravity defying beauty. "Well doll, the nightcap and whatever else comes up sounds real sweet and all kinds of fun... Thought you had to get up early though?" He said with a teasing wink.
"Just because I have to report to the bridge early doesn't mean I have to go to sleep early," she insisted, waving her fork at him before slipping the tomato into her mouth as she winked. "Now, put down that salt lick, so you can enjoy at least part of your dinner."
Defiantly he took another mouthful of the lasagne and salad and almost coughed. "Maybe just the salad" he reluctantly admitted appreciating that the dame wasn't into the facts being sugar coated. "I want you to know though doll; genuinely appreciate the effort... Can't say any dame; especially not one as trouble and as dizzying as you; has ever wanted round two... Let alone dinner". He said blowing a kiss to her across the table.
"Well, I'm glad dinner didn't scare you off. I think I could keep you for a while." She grinned wide, blowing a kiss back.
=/\= End Log =/\=
Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E
Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine
Security Investigator/Chief of the Boat
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E