[Backlog] JDL | LtJg Black & Kyym |
Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2015 @ 12:36am by Commander Logan Grant, PhD. & Lieutenant JG Teá Black
966 words; about a 5 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Atlantis Prime
There was something that didn't sit right the Atlantean's weren't happy or thrilled that Starfleet came with their precious royalty but they were all the more willing to give into the officers needs especially when it came to protecting the commodore. Putting her bag over her shoulder she adjusted her jacket glad she brought her leather pants she always felt awkward not being in them. Stepping out into what she had to admit was a beautiful corridor looking down both ways deciding which way to go or even what she was looking for.
Pulling a coin out of her pocket and flicked it into the air, "head left tails right." She said catching the coin, "tails right it is." She said slipping the coin back into her pocket as she started heading down the corridor. Running her fingers along the wall allowing her mind to wander back to the conversation that she had with lieutenant commander Rotek. The things he said or didn't say didn't make any sense she knew about her mixed heritage question was why did the commander had to go through all that security to access her file.
As she walked she sensed someone near by that snapped her back to the present, "evenin'," Teá said smirking not exactly sure where the person was. Realizing that she was outside, "lovely evenin'."
"Most of them are when it isn't winter or monsoon season." Kyym blinked in response and lifted her head from where she'd been studying a memorandum that had been passed her way. The day had gone by relatively easily and without incident. So far the Starfleet officers had done nothing more than mass to the defense of the Queen, something that she'd expected, but not quite at the level that had come to pass. It was both intriguing and irritating at the same time. Now she stood nearly face to face with one of them that was wearing a ridiculous set of black bovine hide pants that glistened in the moonlight.
In studying the Federation, and Earth as a whole, she instantly recognized them from old 'music videos' from the 1980's period. Skin tight and uncomfortable in appearance, she'd never forget them or the nightmares they'd presented her with. Humans were a bizarre breed, and now it seemed that their customs had bled over into other species like the Trill that stood there looking like something out of one of those horrific KISS videos. "Are you planning to run away?" She asked, gesturing to the bag slung over her shoulder, "if you are, the craft your cohorts arrived in is parked in the main courtyard on the other side of the palace. I can send word to the Que- your commanding officer that you've decided to take leave?"
"No not leaving I just always have a bag with me." Teá said looking at the golden female finding it infuriating that she was struggling to read these people. "And I'm also kind of a night owl always enjoying a good stroll on such a nice evenin' like this."As she looked up at the night sky.
"Oh." Kyym nodded, letting her mouth hover on the word a for second, "I see. Well then... I recommend the garden path." She gestured towards the plantless row of cobble stone that wove out of sight beyond a grouping of flowering shrubbery. "It won't lead out of the palace walls, no chance of being lost, and I believe the entire length is two Terran miles when it's followed to completion." The bronze skinned Ambassador smiled politely at the bagged, leather clad Trill.
"Thank you I may check it out. May I ask a delicate question?" Teá asked looking the bronze skinned women finding the bronze very appeasing.
The Atlantean's eyebrow rose slightly and she nodded at the odd Federation girl. Maybe it wasn't a KISS video she was reminiscent of, maybe it was 'Meatloaf'. He appeared to be so uncomfortable that he convulsed while hammering on instruments and gyrating while attempting to sing ridiculous love ballads. Yes. The Trill reminded her of Meatloaf. "Ask away. The goal here is to be transparent." Kyym offered another award winning smile.
"How did Ivanova become queen?" Teá asked directly finding.
An easy answer, "The late Queen's eldest son chose her as a mate. Told the entire world that he'd fallen in love with a human woman. Some saw it as romantic. Some saw it as an abomination." Kyym responded candidly. "We are ruled by a female monarch only, you see, and Queen Annelise never produced a female heir, her son William wed first and as such his wife is now the Queen you know as Commodore Ivanova."
"So they can just choose a spouse anyone they want. Have they ever met?" Teá asked.
"More or less, yes. It isn't often a Queen fails to produce a proper heir. It's only happened twice in the last several thousand years." Kyym shrugged and motioned with her hands to emphasize her point, "He met her while serving on the USS Griffin." She added, eyeing Meatloaf with interest. For an Intelligence Officer, she was daft. "They were together for just over half a decade before she jilted him. According to our laws, once you're bound, you're married and divorce is a foreign word. We pair until the bond is broken."
That explains a lot Teá thought to herself that was right about the time she was being transferred off. "Thank you that helps explain why we're here." Teá said heading for the pathway.
Kyym simple watched the woman go, said nothing, but watched. The pants, she'd decided, were most definitely uncomfortable, impractical, and gaudy. How fitting of the Federation.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator
apb Spaceman
Atlantean Ambassador