JDL ~ Adm Hark, Adm Red, Cmdr Waterhouse, Cmdr Archer, LtJG Charlson, Ens Black, Ens Barnes, MCPO Caine, PO3 duPont & Kyym - "Look Inside Your Tiny Mind"
Posted on Mon Mar 16th, 2015 @ 7:28am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Fleet Admiral Blyx Red & Commander Logan Grant, PhD. & Commander James Archer & Lieutenant JG Teá Black & Ensign & Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine & Admiral Alexander Hark
1,861 words; about a 9 minute read
Mission: A Spot To Kill
Cecil had run as fast as his little legs could take him, and all Kyym had done was follow along with long, even walking strides. Her staff clanged against the rough floors as she went, marking the distance ticking away with each and every masterful step the Atlantean took. She knew where he was going, feeble minded as he was, he was headed straight into the lion's den to attempt to rally the troops.
The door was left open and Kyym used the butt of her walking stick to push it the rest of the way, smiling to herself when she caught sight of the entire group piled into the Queen's sitting area, listening as Cecil lost his proverbial mind. "Now now." She soothed, "Let's not panic. I'm sure you'll bring the Queen back safe and sound and this will all have been a sad misunderstanding." It wouldn't be. The firebrand was as good as dead, snuffed out and taken either by the cold or by her guards... Now that was something worth smiling about.
Rik had found himself a spot to lean against the wall as he listened to Cecil explain about the Commodore. He frowned; first glancing at the Yeoman bearing the bad news and then to Amelia. The lines on his face creased and darkened a little more as the woman entered. Narrowing his eyes he reached behind his back in case he needed a quick draw of his phaser and he waited. Observing. Watching for the next move.
After the debacle of setting up the dining room Teá was once again summoned to the Queen's sitting area where Cecil and the rest of the away team were gathered. There was something about the Atlantean women Kyym that was likable in Teá's eyes. Her confidence in her ability to get what needed to get done using whatever means. Sighing remembering reading about a prior mission where the then XO got kidnapped the CO went mad and died. "How hard is it to keep a command team in one place and safe." Teá muttered to herself.
Rocky blinked when she heard the news that the Commodore was missing, but being the newest and lowest ranked officer present, she waited to see what the other personnel were going to do. She looked over at the Atlantean woman and read her body language in a moment. Whatever the woman presented herself to be, Rocky was sure that she was something other and that all the trouble would stem from her.
Looking up from where she was sat beside Xander, Blyx could only lift her eyebrows in no small measure of shock, disturbed by the news the Commodore's yeoman had brought of the stalwart little Phoenix. Her eyes passed between Cecil and Xander, and she gently rested a hand over the graying Admiral's as a symbol of her assurance that his daughter would be found safe, sound, and plucky as ever. Leaving the girl alone had been a massive mistake, and she felt to blame knowing just how much had been poured on her shoulders and chest. Even someone as strong and fierce as the magnificent Commodore Ivanova had a breaking point. She was still so very human in spite of the feats of strength and legend she accomplished on a near daily basis. "Can it, Black." She snapped over her shoulder, not bothering to look at the intel officer and instead shot Archer a look of warning. She was his problem in the broad spectrum of things.
James' mind was already focused on the situation and didn't see the look of warning from Blyx, but he knew it was there. He had placed a tracking device on the Commodore days before, which had been removed while he was tending to Barnes and Black and their decision as to where to place the now present Flag Officers. But Blyx was right. Now was not the time to place blame or ridicule. Now was the time to gather thoughts and organize a search party. Time was of the essence. The temperature was dropping fast, and remembering the stories his father told of the winters on this horrid planet, he knew the temperature could drop to well below 0c with the windchill down to around -60c. There's no time for squabbling, he thought, as he motioned to Barnes, Black, Caine, and a couple security officers and proceeded to leave the Commodore's Quarters.
Next Blyx's attention fluttered from Waterhouse's face to that of the approaching, smiling Atlantean and her blood slowly began to chill. Her touch over Xander's hand tightened as she managed to hold herself back, biting her tongue. "This amuses you?" She asked of the Ambassador, "Is this a game? I don't think so. It's below freezing out there and you just allowed your ruler to waltz on out the doors without a second thought? I doubt this." Blyx's head shook, "I cry foul."
"It's been no secret that though you've been very vocal about how Rochelle needs to stay, that you are less than pleased with her presence, so it is a very funny convenience that she just so happens to have slipped out into an oncoming storm during a time you would not allow any of us to keep her company," Amelia directed at Kyym, a worried look directed at the two Admirals before narrowing her gaze on the Atlantean woman.
Getting the Commander's signal, Rocky fell in behind him with the other officers, wondering what manner of intrigue was about to be carried out. Still, she decided to keep her mouth shut and wait to see what her particular assignment was about to me.
Teá followed suit and followed the small group regretting slightly saying that in front of the father and cousin of the commodore knowing that she shouldn't have said it at all. But apparently the admiral had ears like a bat.
Lily followed Archer out of the building, thinking where the Commodore may have gone.
Rik paused for a second, acknowledged the Commander's non-verbal signal and heaved his weight away from the wall and headed to the door. He kept his eyes narrowed on the woman who had interrupted Cecil and his hand twitched as he avoided reaching for his concealed phaser. He sighed, he didn't like the idea of leaving but he knew his skills were better placed elsewhere.
An errant hand flipped through the air as Kyym found her respite, placing her free one on Cecil's turgid shoulder. "Oh come now. I'm no harder on the Queen than her own mother would be." She dismissed the notion easily, "She fooled us all. The last one of my guards saw of her was stolen war horse high tailing it over a fence. Why would I give you any information at all if I didn't want her brought back safe and sound?" The Atlantean forged a pout as she looked between the pretty raven Admiral and the ridge browed mutt of a Commander. "It's you who did this." She seethed, pointing a finger at Amelia and allowing it to move about the room from face to face, "None of you have allowed her any form of peace or given her a chance to accept her life and responsibilities here! You've taken her and now you will bring her back alive or you will pay in accordance to our laws." Kyym shrugged.
"Please explain to me just why I, someone who thinks of her as a sister, would send her out into that," Amelia returned, gesturing vaguely towards the storm outside. "We will find her, safe, but not because you dictate it. We will find her because she is family, even lacking a blood tie." She was glad that Archer had taken the initiative to mobilize the Intel and Security, but wished she was able to crawl off with them. Instead she was stuck in between brass and the manipulative snake that had been trying to bite Rochelle since they arrived.
"Why would someone who thinks of her like a sister allow their attention to be somewhere else at all if you were trying to protect her?" Kyym directed pointedly at the mutt-blood. "I don't think you properly know what family is, Commander. From day one you've interfered with her every move here. Why? Jealousy? Is that the same reason you murdered her and have tried to cover it up as if she's run away?" Sprang forth the now newly planted seeds of doubt. The Atlantean didn't care if some of them had already left to attempt to find the Queen, she knew she'd deal with them later if she had to. Amelia was now the weakest link as she sat with the two Admirals and that was how this game was to be played. "Admiral Hark, Admiral Blyx... Certainly you understand our position here and how critical it is."
"That's enough, Ambassador." Blyx replied, rising to her feet. "Commander Waterhouse, you're under orders not to address the allegations the Ambassador has thrown at you." She was quick to eye the Vindicator's Executive Officer, knowing the situation would need to be diffused. While knowing that the woman was capable of unsavory things, there was no way the sharp tongued Admiral would truly believe that Waterhouse would murder Ivanova. What she did believe, however, was the need to rectify the situation and move on. Fast. "Further more," her attention turned to Kyym, "Unless you're pressing formal charges, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself. There's n evidence to support any such claim, but there is enough to support that you yourself may have had a hand in the Commodore's disappearance if she didn't just run away to clear her mind."
It was all a blur to Xander, a short time ago he had broken the news to Rochelle that he was her father and that her mother had broken his heart to protect his career, now he'd found out that she was missing, fled from the city and in the wilderness somewhere, his hand had been thumbing the padd he had on the arm of the chair he sat in, monitoring the sensors he had available from the Illustrious who sat in orbit.
Looking to the silent Admiral and back to the little raven, Kyym rolled her eyes and sighed. "Think what you want, Admiral Red. I'll leave you and your officers to their own." She hissed, stepping away from Cecil and heading for the door.
=/\= End Log =/\=
Admiral Alexander 'Xander' Hark
Commander in Chief of Starfleet
United Federation of Planets
Admiral Blyx Red
Commanding Officer / Quadrant Commander
Cold Station Theta
Cheydinhall Sector
Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E
Commander James Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant JG Lily Charlson
Security Officer
Ensign Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213 E
Ensign Catalina "Rocky" Barnes
Encryption Specialist
USS Vindicator
Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine
Security Investigator/Chief of the Boat
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E
Petty Office 3rd Class Cecil duPont
Commodore's Yeoman
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E
APB Spaceman
Atlantean Ambassador